Hi there!
I was wondering how i could make a POST via an html form that preferably stays inside the facebox.
What i am trying to do is post some data via an html form into a mysql DB.
The problem is that once i try to post the data to target action PHP_SELF the page containing the facebox link reloads alltogether but does not post anything.
I do not mind the facebox not opening itself again on the page reload (maybe this is the problem?) but the only way i can make the facebox post the data is to link the action value to the php file directly instead of the frontend page where the facebox is on.
To get an idea what i mean.. ;
When i post a form inside the facebox with this:
<form method = "post" action = "
<?php $_PHP_SELF ?>">
It does nothing but refresh the whole parent page (parent page of the facebox dialog))
When i post a form inside the facebox with this:
<form method = "post" action = "
It submits everything correctly, but as you can imagine, i dont want people to get linked to the php datafile in any way.
Any ideas?
Thank in advance!