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How can I make facebox without refreshing page

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Arnold Lagbas

Jan 23, 2018, 6:45:59 AM1/23/18
to facebox
Please help me for my thesis on how can I make facebox without refreshing page. Every time I will edit my data on the table below it will back to top of the table and it is hassle for the user, that's why I want to make a better idea on how can I make without refreshing page. Please help me..

this my firstpage.php
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
'<td> </td>';
'<a rel="facebox" href="editfiq1.php?access_code='.$code.'&item='.$row['fiq1'].'">'.$row['fiq1'].'</a>';

this is my editfiq1.php
<form action="editfiq1exec.php" method="post">
<input name="access_code" type="hidden" class="ed" id="brnu" value="
<?php echo $_GET['access_code']; ?>" />

<br />
<input name="quizitem" onkeypress="return isNumberKey(event)" required="" autofocus type="text" class="ed" id="brnu" value="
<?php echo $_GET['item']; ?>" />
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="save" id="button1" />
thisi my editfiq1exec.php
("localhost","root") or die(mysql_error());
("dbthesis") or die(mysql_error());


("UPDATE tblitemquiz SET fiq1='$quizitem' WHERE access_code='$access_code' ");
('location: percentage.php');

Israel Carberry

Jan 23, 2018, 9:15:23 AM1/23/18
to facebox
Arnold, sounds like you want to learn how to make an AJAX request and update the page based on the returned result.  To make life easy, I would suggest using jQuery (see the $.ajax() example there on the home page).  Work your way through the tutorials, and you'll be able to engineer the solution you want here in no time.

Best of luck!
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