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Error: Bad value facebox for attribute rel on element a: The string facebox is not a registered keyword.

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James Wrest

Jun 7, 2016, 1:45:27 PM6/7/16
to facebox


I get this error when i run 

Any ideas how to fix? as you need it for the facebox to work?

From line 665, column 1; to line 665, column 44

v></div><a href="#info" rel="facebox" id="backface"> <di

Syntax of list of link-type keywords:
A whitespace-separated list of link types, with no duplicate keywords in the list. Each link type must be listed as allowed on <a> and <area> in the HTML specification, or must be listed as allowed on <a> and <area> on the Microformats wikiYou can register link types on the Microformats wiki yourself.
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