Search user via Facebook Api - VS - Search user via Facebook Website

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Patrice Pistone

Jun 23, 2014, 8:26:28 AM6/23/14
I m trying to use FB api into a website to get a list of facebook's members that could match a name entered bt the user browsing my site. It's pretty simple actually :

After login and initializing using FB api, I run this line of code (it's javascript) :

FB.api('/search', {q: 'John Doe', type: 'user',fields:'id,name,first_name,last_name,gender,picture,relationship_status,location'}, function(response)

I always recieve matching results but often the member I am looking for, exactly named "John Doe",  doesn' t appear (but I get 'John Does' or 'Jon Doe').

What is strange (and make me wonder if the API has been crippled by FB) is that, when I search on the officiel FB website, all the John Doe (and particulary the one I am looking for) are correctly found. 

Am I missing something ? An option of the search's request ? (I am pretty sure that the John Doe account I am looking for, has all the laziest privacy rights set (unless I ignore something very very deeply hidden).

Thanks for your help
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