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[Haskell-cafe] speed: ghc vs gcc

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Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 上午8:30:092009/2/20
Hello haskell-cafe,

since there are no objective tests comparing ghc to gcc, i made my own
one. these are 3 programs, calculating sum in c++ and haskell:

main = print $ sum[1..10^9::Int]

main = print $ sum0 (10^9) 0

sum0 :: Int -> Int -> Int
sum0 0 !acc = acc
sum0 !x !acc = sum0 (x-1) (acc+x)

int sum=0;
//for(int j=0; j<100;j++)
for(int i=0; i<1000*1000*1000;i++)
sum += i;
return sum;

execution times:
ghc 6.6.1 -O2 : 12.433 secs
ghc 6.10.1 -O2 : 12.792 secs
ghc 6.6.1 -O2 : 1.919 secs
ghc 6.10.1 -O2 : 1.856 secs
ghc 6.10.1 -O2 -fvia-C : 1.966 secs
gcc 3.4.5 -O3 -funroll-loops: 0.062 secs

Best regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Miguel Mitrofanov

2009年2月20日 上午8:48:452009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、
Ahem. Seems like you've included time spent on the runtime loading.

My results:

MigMit:~ MigMit$ gcc -o test -O3 -funroll-loops test.c && time ./test
real 0m0.066s
user 0m0.063s
sys 0m0.002s
MigMit:~ MigMit$ rm test; ghc -O2 --make test.hs && time ./test
Linking test ...

real 0m3.201s
user 0m3.165s
sys 0m0.017s

While 3.201 vs. 0.066 seem to be a huge difference, 0.017 vs. 0.002 is
not that bad.

Miguel Mitrofanov

2009年2月20日 上午9:00:322009/2/20
收件者:Miguel Mitrofanov、Bulat Ziganshin、
Forget it, my bad.

Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 上午9:05:432009/2/20
收件者:Miguel Mitrofanov、Bulat Ziganshin、
Hello Miguel,

Friday, February 20, 2009, 4:48:15 PM, you wrote:

> Ahem. Seems like you've included time spent on the runtime loading.

for C, i've used additional 100x loop

> sys 0m0.002s
> sys 0m0.017s

> While 3.201 vs. 0.066 seem to be a huge difference, 0.017 vs. 0.002 is
> not that bad.

are you know that "sys" time means? :)

Dan Doel

2009年2月20日 上午9:16:152009/2/20
---- Test.hs ----

import Prelude hiding (sum, enumFromTo)

import Data.List.Stream (sum, unfoldr)

enumFromTo m n = unfoldr f m
where f k | k <= n = Just (k,k+1)
| otherwise = Nothing

main = print . sum $ enumFromTo 1 (10^9 :: Int)

---- snip ----

dolio@zeke % time ./Test
/Test 3.12s user 0.03s system 80% cpu 3.922 total
dolio@zeke % time ./Test-sum0
/Test-sum0 3.47s user 0.02s system 80% cpu 4.348 total
dolio@zeke % time ./Test-sum0
/Test-sum0 3.60s user 0.02s system 90% cpu 4.009 total
dolio@zeke % time ./Test
/Test 3.11s user 0.02s system 81% cpu 3.846 total

---- snip ----

"Test-sum0" is with the sum0 function

"Test" is the code at the top of this mail.

-fvia-c -optc-O3 didn't seem to make a big difference with either Haskell
example, so they're both with the default backend.

Your C++ code runs slowly on my system (around 1 second), but that's because
it uses 32-bit ints, I guess (switching to long int sped it up).

-- Dan

Dan Doel

2009年2月20日 上午9:39:502009/2/20
Sorry for replying to myself, but I got suspicious about the 6ms runtime of
the 64-bit C++ code on my machine. So I looked at the assembly and found this:

movabsq $499999999500000000, %rsi
movl $_ZSt4cout, %edi
pushq %r12

I'm no assembly guru, but that makes me think that there's no actual
computation going on in the runtime for the 64-bit C++ program, whereas the
32-bit one is clearly doing work on my system, since it takes around 1 second.

Not that I'd be sad if GHC could reduce that whole constant at compile time,
but GCC isn't doing 1 billion adds in 6 (or even 60) milliseconds.

Achim Schneider

2009年2月20日 上午9:45:262009/2/20
Bulat Ziganshin <> wrote:

> execution times:
> sum:
> ghc 6.6.1 -O2 : 12.433 secs
> ghc 6.10.1 -O2 : 12.792 secs
> sum-fast:
> ghc 6.6.1 -O2 : 1.919 secs
> ghc 6.10.1 -O2 : 1.856 secs
> ghc 6.10.1 -O2 -fvia-C : 1.966 secs
> C++:
> gcc 3.4.5 -O3 -funroll-loops: 0.062 secs

Nice! Now we know that gcc can calculate faster than Haskell can
calculate and print. Next time, use exitWith, please.

(c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers
for copyright history. All rights reserved. Copying, hiring, renting,
performance and/or quoting of this signature prohibited.


2009年2月20日 上午10:12:312009/2/20
On a G4:

s.hs (which does not need bang patterns) is:

> main = seq (sum0 (10^9) 0) (return ())

> sum0 :: Int -> Int -> Int

> sum0 0 acc = acc
> sum0 x acc = sum0 (x-1) $! (acc+x)

And s.c is (actually including 10^9, which Bulat's did not):

> main()
> {
> int sum=0;
> for(int i=1000*1000*1000; i>0; i--)
> sum += i;
> }

I compiled them with

ghc --make -O2 s.hs -o shs
gcc -o sc -std=c99 -O3 -funroll-loops s.c

And timed them:

$ time ./shs

real 0m3.309s
user 0m3.008s
sys 0m0.026s

$ time ./sc

real 0m0.411s
user 0m0.316s
sys 0m0.006s

So C is 9.4 times faster.

And via-C did not help:

$ ghc -fvia-C -optc "-O3 -funroll-loops" --make -O2 s.hs -o shs-via-C
$ time ./shs-via-C

real 0m7.051s
user 0m3.010s
sys 0m0.050s


Peter Verswyvelen

2009年2月20日 上午10:19:192009/2/20
收件者:Achim Schneider、
When I change the C++ program into:
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);

for(i=0; i<n;i++)
sum += i;

GCC need 100 milliseconds on my 3.0GHz new Xeon with loop unrolling

Without loop unrolling GCC needs about 635ms

Visual C++ does it in 577 ms, generating the following code:

loop: add rbx,rax
inc rax
cmp rax,rcx
jl loop

GHC with -O2 -fvia-c (the fastest I could make it) needs

13075 for the naive sum
2100 ms with sum0
2018 ms using the stream-fusion

Interesting to see that the stream-fusion was slower when not doing -fvia-c
(more than twice as slow with -O)

So GHC is about 3 to 4 times slower as Visual C++ / GCC without loop
unrolling, which is not too bad since GHC does not perform register
optimization and loop unrolling yet no?

Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 上午10:23:062009/2/20
收件者:Achim Schneider、
Hello Achim,

Friday, February 20, 2009, 5:44:44 PM, you wrote:

> Nice! Now we know that gcc can calculate faster than Haskell can
> calculate and print. Next time, use exitWith, please.

it was done in order to simplify sources. are you really believe that
ghc needs more than 1 millisecond to print one number? :)

Best regards,


Colin Paul Adams

2009年2月20日 上午10:23:222009/2/20
收件者:Peter Verswyvelen、Achim Schneider、
>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Verswyvelen <> writes:

Peter> So GHC is about 3 to 4 times slower as Visual C++ / GCC
Peter> without loop unrolling, which is not too bad since GHC does
Peter> not perform register optimization and loop unrolling yet
Peter> no?

I would call it rather poor.

And I don't accept a since of that form as valid mitigation.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 上午10:26:372009/2/20
收件者:Peter Verswyvelen、Achim Schneider、
Hello Peter,

Friday, February 20, 2009, 6:18:50 PM, you wrote:

> So GHC is about 3 to 4 times slower as Visual C++ / GCC without
> loop unrolling

why stop on disabling loop unrolling? there are lot of options we can
use if we want to make gcc slower :D

Best regards,


Achim Schneider

2009年2月20日 上午10:30:282009/2/20
Bulat Ziganshin <> wrote:

> Hello Achim,
> Friday, February 20, 2009, 5:44:44 PM, you wrote:
> > Nice! Now we know that gcc can calculate faster than Haskell can
> > calculate and print. Next time, use exitWith, please.
> it was done in order to simplify sources. are you really believe that
> ghc needs more than 1 millisecond to print one number? :)

Well, I know that (Show a) is about as slow as you can get.

(c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers
for copyright history. All rights reserved. Copying, hiring, renting,
performance and/or quoting of this signature prohibited.

Peter Verswyvelen

2009年2月20日 上午10:34:272009/2/20
收件者:Colin Paul Adams、Achim Schneider、
Well C# does it with a for loop in 2300ms, and when using a IEnumerable
sequence it needs 19936ms. Very much like the Haskell code. But of course
the Haskell code could optimize the sum I guess, I assume it is using the
lazy version of sum by default.

Anyway it was more of a question. Does GHC perform register allocation (e.g.
using graph colouring) and loop unrolling?

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Colin Paul Adams

Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 上午10:45:152009/2/20
收件者:Peter Verswyvelen、Colin Paul Adams、Achim Schneider、
Hello Peter,

Friday, February 20, 2009, 6:34:04 PM, you wrote:

> Well C# does it with a for loop in 2300ms, and when using a
> IEnumerable sequence it needs 19936ms. Very much like the Haskell
> code. But of course the Haskell code could optimize the sum I guess,
> I assume it is using the lazy version of sum by default.

the question is what is the natural for every language

> Anyway it was more of a question. Does GHC perform register
> allocation (e.g. using graph colouring)  and loop unrolling?

afaik, ghc can be compared with 20-years old C compilers. it uses
registers for performing tight loops but has very simple register
allocation procedure. also it doesn't unroll loops

> On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Colin Paul Adams <> wrote:
>>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Verswyvelen <> writes:
>    Peter> So GHC is about 3 to 4 times slower as Visual C++ / GCC
>    Peter> without loop unrolling, which is not too bad since GHC does
>    Peter> not perform register optimization and loop unrolling yet
>    Peter> no?
> I would call it rather poor.
> And I don't accept a since of that form as valid mitigation.
> --
> Colin Adams
> Preston Lancashire


Best regards,


David Leimbach

2009年2月20日 上午10:52:402009/2/20
收件者:Dan Doel、
On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 6:39 AM, Dan Doel <> wrote:

> Sorry for replying to myself, but I got suspicious about the 6ms runtime of
> the 64-bit C++ code on my machine. So I looked at the assembly and found
> this:
> .LCFI1:
> movabsq $499999999500000000, %rsi
> movl $_ZSt4cout, %edi
> pushq %r12
> I'm no assembly guru, but that makes me think that there's no actual
> computation going on in the runtime for the 64-bit C++ program, whereas the
> 32-bit one is clearly doing work on my system, since it takes around 1
> second.
> Not that I'd be sad if GHC could reduce that whole constant at compile
> time,
> but GCC isn't doing 1 billion adds in 6 (or even 60) milliseconds.

The GCC optimizer must know that you can't return a value to user space of
that large as a return result.

In Haskell you're printing it... why not print it in C++?

Achim Schneider

2009年2月20日 上午10:57:212009/2/20
Bulat Ziganshin <> wrote:

> Hello Peter,
> Friday, February 20, 2009, 6:34:04 PM, you wrote:
> > Well C# does it with a for loop in 2300ms, and when using a

> > IEnumerable sequence it needs__19936ms. Very much like the Haskell

> > code. But of course the Haskell code could optimize the sum I guess,
> > I assume it is using the lazy version of sum by default.
> the question is what is the natural for every language

> > Anyway it was more of a question.__Does GHC perform register
> > allocation (e.g. using graph colouring) __and loop unrolling?

> afaik, ghc can be compared with 20-years old C compilers. it uses
> registers for performing tight loops but has very simple register
> allocation procedure. also it doesn't unroll loops

hmmm... do we have magic-hash vector types and folds and maps on them?
I'm only asking because gcc fails to use _anything_ but plain registers.

(c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers
for copyright history. All rights reserved. Copying, hiring, renting,
performance and/or quoting of this signature prohibited.

Dan Doel

2009年2月20日 上午11:01:232009/2/20
收件者:David Leimbach、
On Friday 20 February 2009 10:52:03 am David Leimbach wrote:
> The GCC optimizer must know that you can't return a value to user space of
> that large as a return result.
> In Haskell you're printing it... why not print it in C++?

I actually changed my local copy to print out the result (since I wanted to
make sure it was using 64 bit ints). It didn't make a difference in the timing
(of either the 32 or 64 bit version).

Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 上午11:18:112009/2/20
收件者:David Leimbach、
Hello David,

Friday, February 20, 2009, 6:52:03 PM, you wrote:

> In Haskell you're printing it... why not print it in C++?

in order to omit #include <stdio> line

Best regards,


Felipe Lessa

2009年2月20日 上午11:31:592009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、
Hey guys, what about the LLVM bindings? They seem nice for tight loops this one.


Don Stewart

2009年2月20日 上午11:42:542009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、Simon Marlow、

> Hello haskell-cafe,
> since there are no objective tests comparing ghc to gcc, i made my own
> one. these are 3 programs, calculating sum in c++ and haskell:

Wonderful. Thank you!

> main = print $ sum[1..10^9::Int]

This won't be comparable to your loop below, as 'sum' is a left fold
(which doesn't fuse under build/foldr).

You should use the list implementation from the stream-fusion package (or
uvector) if you're expecting it to fuse to the following loop:

> main = print $ sum0 (10^9) 0
> sum0 :: Int -> Int -> Int
> sum0 0 !acc = acc
> sum0 !x !acc = sum0 (x-1) (acc+x)

Note the bang patterns aren't required here. It compiles to the
following core:

$wsum0 :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#
$wsum0 =
\ (ww_sON :: Int#) (ww1_sOR :: Int#) ->
case ww_sON of ds_XD0 {
_ -> $wsum0 (-# ds_XD0 1) (+# ww1_sOR ds_XD0);
0 -> ww1_sOR

which is perfect.

testq %rsi, %rsi
movq %rsi, %rax
jne .L2
movq %rdi, %rbx
jmp *(%rbp)
leaq -1(%rsi), %rsi
addq %rax, %rdi
jmp Main_zdwsum0_info

Which seems ... OK.

$ ghc-core A.hs -fvia-C -optc-O3
$ time ./A
./A 1.12s user 0.00s system 99% cpu 1.127 total

Works for me. That's on linux x86_64, gcc 4.4

Trying -fasm:

movq %rsi,%rax
testq %rax,%rax
jne .LcQw
movq %rdi,%rbx
jmp *(%rbp)
movq %rdi,%rcx
addq %rax,%rcx
leaq -1(%rax),%rsi
movq %rcx,%rdi
jmp Main_zdwsum0_info

$ time ./A
./A 1.65s user 0.00s system 98% cpu 1.677 total

Is a bit slower.

> main()
> {
> int sum=0;
> //for(int j=0; j<100;j++)
> for(int i=0; i<1000*1000*1000;i++)
> sum += i;
> return sum;
> }

Well, that's a bit different. It doesn't print the result, and it returns a different
results on 64 bit....

$ gcc -O0 t.c
$ time ./a.out
./a.out 3.99s user 0.00s system 88% cpu 4.500 total

$ gcc -O1 t.c
$ time ./a.out
./a.out 0.88s user 0.00s system 99% cpu 0.892 total

$ gcc -O3 -funroll-loops t.c
$ time ./a.out
./a.out 0.31s user 0.00s system 97% cpu 0.318 total

I don't get anything near the 0.062s which is interesting.
The print statement slows things down, I guess...

So we have:

ghc -fvia-C -O2 1.127
ghc -fasm 1.677
gcc -O0 4.500
gcc -O3 -funroll-loops 0.318

So. some lessons. GHC is around 3-4x slower on this tight loop. (Which isn't as
bad as it used to be).

That's actually a worse margin than any current shootout program, where we are no
worse than 2.9 slower on larger things:

> execution times:
> sum:
> ghc 6.6.1 -O2 : 12.433 secs
> ghc 6.10.1 -O2 : 12.792 secs
> sum-fast:
> ghc 6.6.1 -O2 : 1.919 secs
> ghc 6.10.1 -O2 : 1.856 secs
> ghc 6.10.1 -O2 -fvia-C : 1.966 secs
> C++:
> gcc 3.4.5 -O3 -funroll-loops: 0.062 secs

I couldn't reproduce your final number.

Now, given GHC gets most of the way there -- I think this might make a good bug
report against GHC head, so we can see if the new register allocator helps any.

Thanks for the report, Bulat!

-- Don

Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 中午12:17:572009/2/20
收件者:Don Stewart、Bulat Ziganshin、
Hello Don,

Friday, February 20, 2009, 7:41:33 PM, you wrote:

>> main = print $ sum[1..10^9::Int]

> This won't be comparable to your loop below, as 'sum' is a left fold
> (which doesn't fuse under build/foldr).

> You should use the list implementation from the stream-fusion package (or
> uvector) if you're expecting it to fuse to the following loop:

it was comparison of native haskell, low-level haskell (which is
harder to write than native C) and native C. stream-fusion and any
other packages provides libraries for some tasks but they can't make faster
maps, for example. so i used plain list

> Which seems ... OK.

really? :D

> Well, that's a bit different. It doesn't print the result, and it returns a different
> results on 64 bit....

doesn't matter for testing speed

> I don't get anything near the 0.062s which is interesting.

it was beautiful gcc optimization - it added 8 values at once. with
xor results are:

xor.hs 12.605
xor-fast.hs 1.856
xor.cpp 0.339

> The print statement slows things down, I guess...

are you really believe that printing one number needs so much time? :)

> So we have:

> ghc -fvia-C -O2 1.127
> ghc -fasm 1.677
> gcc -O0 4.500
> gcc -O3 -funroll-loops 0.318

why not compare to ghc -O0? also you can disable loop unrolling in gcc
and unroll loops manually in haskell. or you can generate asm code on
the fly. there are plenty of tricks to "prove" that gcc generates bad
code :D

> So. some lessons. GHC is around 3-4x slower on this tight loop. (Which isn't as
> bad as it used to be).

really? what i see: low-level haskell code is usually 3 times harder
to write and 3 times slower than gcc code. native haskell code is tens
to thousands times slower than C code (just recall that real programs
use type classes and monads in addition to laziness)

> That's actually a worse margin than any current shootout program, where we are no
> worse than 2.9 slower on larger things:

1) most benchmarks there depend on libraries speed. in one test, for
example, php is winner
2) for the sum program ghc libs was modified to win in benchmark
3) the remaining 1 or 2 programs that measure speed of ghc-generated
code was hardly optimized using low-level code, so they don't have
anything common with real haskell code most of us write every day

> Now, given GHC gets most of the way there -- I think this might make a good bug
> report against GHC head, so we can see if the new register allocator helps any.

you mean that 6.11 includes new allocator? in that case you can
test it too

i believe that ghc developers are able to test sum performance without my
bugreports :D

Best regards,


Thomas Davie

2009年2月20日 下午1:02:542009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、

On 20 Feb 2009, at 18:37, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

> Hello Thomas,

> Friday, February 20, 2009, 8:22:33 PM, you wrote:
>>> doesn't matter for testing speed

>> okay then, I wrote a faster Haskell version:
>> main = print "Hello world"
> for you, any language will be fast enough :D

No C was very slow, I've been waiting for this implementation to
terminate for over an hour now:

int main (int argc, char ** argv)
while (1) { }
printf ("1234567890");

Don Stewart

2009年2月20日 下午1:40:542009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、

> Friday, February 20, 2009, 7:41:33 PM, you wrote:
> >> main = print $ sum[1..10^9::Int]
> > This won't be comparable to your loop below, as 'sum' is a left fold
> > (which doesn't fuse under build/foldr).
> > You should use the list implementation from the stream-fusion package (or
> > uvector) if you're expecting it to fuse to the following loop:
> it was comparison of native haskell, low-level haskell (which is
> harder to write than native C) and native C. stream-fusion and any
> other packages provides libraries for some tasks but they can't make faster
> maps, for example. so i used plain list

Hmm? Maybe you're not familiar with the state of the art?

$ cabal install uvector

Write a loop at a high level:

import Data.Array.Vector

main = print (sumU (enumFromToU 1 (10^9 :: Int)))

Compile it:

$ ghc-core A.hs -O2 -fvia-C -optc-O3


cmpq 6(%rbx), %rdi
jg .L2
addq %rdi, %rsi
leaq 1(%rdi), %rdi
jmp s16h_info


$ time ./A
./A 0.97s user 0.01s system 99% cpu 0.982 total

Now, (trying to avoid the baiting...) this is actually *very*
interesting. Why is this faster than the manual recursion we did earlier
why do we get better assembly? Again, if you stick to specifics, there's some
interesting things we can learn here.

> > Which seems ... OK.
> really? :D

No, see above.

> > I don't get anything near the 0.062s which is interesting.
> it was beautiful gcc optimization - it added 8 values at once. with
> xor results are:
> xor.hs 12.605
> xor-fast.hs 1.856
> xor.cpp 0.339

GCC is a good loop optimiser. But apparently not my GCC.

> > So we have:
> > ghc -fvia-C -O2 1.127
> > ghc -fasm 1.677
> > gcc -O0 4.500
> > gcc -O3 -funroll-loops 0.318
> why not compare to ghc -O0? also you can disable loop unrolling in gcc
> and unroll loops manually in haskell. or you can generate asm code on
> the fly. there are plenty of tricks to "prove" that gcc generates bad
> code :D

No, we want to show (I imagine) that GHC is within a factor or two of "C".
I usually set my benchmark to beat gcc -O0 fwiw, and then to hope to be within
2x of optimised C. I'm not sure what you're standards are.

> > So. some lessons. GHC is around 3-4x slower on this tight loop. (Which isn't as
> > bad as it used to be).
> really? what i see: low-level haskell code is usually 3 times harder
> to write and 3 times slower than gcc code. native haskell code is tens
> to thousands times slower than C code (just recall that real programs
> use type classes and monads in addition to laziness)

"thousands times", now you're just undermining your own credibility
here. Stick to what you can measure. If anything we'd expect GCC's magic loop
skillz to be less useful on large code bases.

> > That's actually a worse margin than any current shootout program, where we are no
> > worse than 2.9 slower on larger things:
> 1) most benchmarks there depend on libraries speed. in one test, for
> example, php is winner
> 2) for the sum program ghc libs was modified to win in benchmark

It is interesting that the < 2.9x slower in the shootout is pretty much what
we found in this benchmark too.

> 3) the remaining 1 or 2 programs that measure speed of ghc-generated
> code was hardly optimized using low-level code, so they don't have
> anything common with real haskell code most of us write every day

Depends on where you work.

> > Now, given GHC gets most of the way there -- I think this might make a good bug
> > report against GHC head, so we can see if the new register allocator helps any.
> you mean that 6.11 includes new allocator? in that case you can
> test it too


> i believe that ghc developers are able to test sum performance without my
> bugreports :D

No! This is not how open source works! You *should submit bug reports* and *analysis*.
It is so so much more useful than complaining and throwing stones.

-- Don

Achim Schneider

2009年2月20日 下午2:13:402009/2/20
Don Stewart <> wrote:

> No! This is not how open source works! You *should submit bug
> reports* and *analysis*. It is so so much more useful than
> complaining and throwing stones.

Exactly. I don't know where, but I read that the vast majorities of
Linux bugs are reported, nailed, and then fixed, by at least three
different persons: The first reports a misbehaviour, the second manages
to find it surfacing in a certain line of code, the third instantly
knows how to make it go away.

(c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers
for copyright history. All rights reserved. Copying, hiring, renting,
performance and/or quoting of this signature prohibited.

Don Stewart

2009年2月20日 下午3:06:492009/2/20
收件者:Achim Schneider、

> Don Stewart <> wrote:
> > No! This is not how open source works! You *should submit bug
> > reports* and *analysis*. It is so so much more useful than
> > complaining and throwing stones.
> >
> Exactly. I don't know where, but I read that the vast majorities of
> Linux bugs are reported, nailed, and then fixed, by at least three
> different persons: The first reports a misbehaviour, the second manages
> to find it surfacing in a certain line of code, the third instantly
> knows how to make it go away.

Elaboarting further:

Thinking more about Bulat's code gen observations, I think there's something
wrong here -- other than that GHC needs the new codegen to do any of the
fancier loop optimisations.

If we take what I usually see as the best loops GHC can do for this kind of thing:

import Data.Array.Vector

main = print (sumU (enumFromToU 1 (10^9 :: Int)))

And compile it:

$ ghc-core A.hs -O2 -fvia-C -optc-O3

We get ideal core, all data structures fused away, and no heap allocation:

$wfold_s15t :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#
$wfold_s15t =
\ (ww1_s150 :: Int#) (ww2_s154 :: Int#) ->
case ># ww2_s154 ww_s14U of wild_aWm {
False ->
(+# ww1_s150 ww2_s154) (+# ww2_s154 1);
True -> ww1_s150
}; } in
case $wfold_s15t 0 1

Which produces nice assembly:


cmpq 6(%rbx), %rdi
jg .L2
addq %rdi, %rsi
leaq 1(%rdi), %rdi

jmp s16e_info

This is the best GHC will do here, in my experience, and I'm satisifed with it.

Short of new backend tweaks, and realising that GHC is not the loop magic compiler GCC is.

We can be happy with this. The compiler is doing exactly what we expect.

$ time ./B
./B 0.96s user 0.00s system 99% cpu 0.967 total

Now, going back to the low level version, Bulat's loop:

int sum=0;
//for(int j=0; j<100;j++)
for(int i=0; i<1000*1000*1000;i++)
sum += i;
return sum;

What was first confusing for me was that he wrote the loop "backwards" when translating to Haskell,
like this:

main = print $ sum0 (10^9) 0

sum0 :: Int -> Int -> Int
sum0 0 !acc = acc
sum0 !x !acc = sum0 (x-1) (acc+x)

(The bang patterns aren't needed). Note how he counts backwards from 10^9. Was there a reason for that, Bulat?

I wondered if we just got worse code on backwards counting loops. So
translating into the "obvious" translation, counting up:

main = print (sum0 0 1)

sum0 :: Int -> Int -> Int

sum0 acc n | n > 10^9 = acc
| otherwise = sum0 (acc + n) (n + 1)

Which I actually consider to be the same difficulty as writing the C version, fwiw...
We start to notice something interesting:

$wsum0 :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#
$wsum0 =

\ (ww_sOH :: Int#) (ww1_sOL :: Int#) ->
case lvl2 of wild1_aHn { I# y_aHp ->
case ># ww1_sOL y_aHp of wild_B1 {
False ->
letrec {

$wsum01_XPd :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#
$wsum01_XPd =
\ (ww2_XP4 :: Int#) (ww3_XP9 :: Int#) ->
case ># ww3_XP9 y_aHp of wild11_Xs {
False ->
$wsum01_XPd (+# ww2_XP4 ww3_XP9) (+# ww3_XP9 1);
True -> ww2_XP4
}; } in
$wsum01_XPd (+# ww_sOH ww1_sOL) (+# ww1_sOL 1);

True -> ww_sOH

Why is there an extra test? What is GHC doing?
Checking the asm:

$ ghc -O2 -fasm

cmpq 8(%rbp),%rsi
jg .LcRw
leaq 1(%rsi),%rax
addq %rsi,%rbx
movq %rax,%rsi
jmp sQ3_info

$ time ./B
./B 1.30s user 0.01s system 98% cpu 1.328 total

So its a fair bit slower. Now, we should, as a principle, be able to write sum directly as I did , and get the
same code from the manual, and automatically , fused version. But we didn't.

Checking via C:

$ ghc -O2 -optc-O3 -fvia-C

Better code, but still a bit slower:

cmpq 8(%rbp), %rsi
jg .L8
addq %rsi, %rbx
leaq 1(%rsi), %rsi
jmp sQ3_info


$ time ./B
./B 1.01s user 0.01s system 97% cpu 1.035 total

So I think we have a bug report! Why did GHC put that extra test in place?

Now, none of this addresses (I think) Bulat's point that GCC can unroll loops and do other loop magic.
That's handled under a different workflow - the new code generator.

I'll create the ticket.

-- Don

Claus Reinke

2009年2月20日 下午3:16:502009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、
Concrete examples always help, thanks.

Turning this into a ticket with associated test will:

- enable others to find and repeat the test when this thread is long gone,
to see whether any other ghc changes have helped in any way
- enable documentation of what exactly the issue is (why is it slow?)
- enable others to vote for having this issue addressed
- help to keep the various performance issues separate (I seem to
recall that you and others had found some other infelicities in
ghc-generated code, and lots of other useful bits a pieces over
the years, not all of which have been resolved or made into tickets?)

Without ticket, such examples will be snowed under here in no
time. With ticket, it will take a little longer!-)

> afaik, ghc can be compared with 20-years old C compilers. it uses
> registers for performing tight loops but has very simple register
> allocation procedure. also it doesn't unroll loops

I've occasionally run into situations where it would have been nice
to have loop unrolling, or more generally, partial unfolding of recursive
functions. But I've got the feeling that this isn't the whole story here,
or is it?

In simple enough situations, one can roll one's own loop unrolling;),
somewhat like shown below (worker/wrapper split to bring the function
parameter representing the loop body into scope, then template haskell
to unroll its applications syntactically, then optimization by transformation
to get rid of the extra code). It is all rather more complicated than one
would like it to be, what with TH scoping restrictions and all, but perhaps
a library of self-unrolling loop combinators along these lines might help, as
a workaround until ghc does its own unrolling.


{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Apply where
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
apply i bound | i<bound = [| \f x -> $(apply (i+1) bound) f (f i x) |]
| otherwise = [| \f x -> x |]

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -DN=8 -ddump-splices #-}
module Main(main) where
import Apply
main = print $ loopW 1 (10^9) body 0

{-# INLINE loopW #-}
loopW :: Int -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int
loopW i max body acc = loop i acc
loop :: Int -> Int -> Int
loop !i !acc | i+N<=max = loop (i+N) ($(apply (0::Int) N) (\j acc->body (i+j) acc) acc)
loop !i !acc | i+8<=max = loop (i+8) ( body (i+7)
$ body (i+6)
$ body (i+5)
$ body (i+4)
$ body (i+3)
$ body (i+2)
$ body (i+1)
$ body i acc)
loop !i !acc | i<=max = loop (i+1) (body i acc)
| otherwise = acc

body :: Int -> Int -> Int
body !i !acc = i+acc

Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 下午3:36:282009/2/20
收件者:Claus Reinke、Bulat Ziganshin、
Hello Claus,

Friday, February 20, 2009, 11:15:59 PM, you wrote:

> Turning this into a ticket with associated test will:

but why you think that this is untypical and needs a ticket? ;)

Best regards,


Achim Schneider

2009年2月20日 下午3:37:402009/2/20
Don Stewart <> wrote:

> (The bang patterns aren't needed). Note how he counts backwards from
> 10^9. Was there a reason for that, Bulat?

Tests against zero are faster, as you don't need a second operand... by
now, some platforms might be smart enough, but down-counting in loops
is still in my hard-wired optimisation generator, alongside with
xor op, op to set op to zero, shifts instead of divides and similar
no-brainers. Testing an Integer against 0 is certainly faster than
testing it against 2^128^128.

(c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers
for copyright history. All rights reserved. Copying, hiring, renting,
performance and/or quoting of this signature prohibited.

Achim Schneider

2009年2月20日 下午3:45:382009/2/20
Bulat Ziganshin <> wrote:

> Hello Claus,
> Friday, February 20, 2009, 11:15:59 PM, you wrote:
> > Turning this into a ticket with associated test will:
> but why you think that this is untypical and needs a ticket? ;)

Bulat, you are right in every aspect. You never did anything wrong.
Back when you debugged your code all night long, you were only
dreaming. It ran perfectly from the very beginning. Your every
utterance is Truth as well as every line of your code breathes the Tao.
Therefore, we are thankful and never tell you about things that you
didn't mess up, overlooked, or ignored and later on plainly forgot, as
you just don't do such things.

Notice something strange?

(c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers
for copyright history. All rights reserved. Copying, hiring, renting,
performance and/or quoting of this signature prohibited.

Daniel Fischer

2009年2月20日 下午3:54:312009/2/20
Am Freitag, 20. Februar 2009 18:10 schrieb Bulat Ziganshin:
> Hello Don,
> Friday, February 20, 2009, 7:41:33 PM, you wrote:
> >> main = print $ sum[1..10^9::Int]
> >
> > This won't be comparable to your loop below, as 'sum' is a left fold
> > (which doesn't fuse under build/foldr).
> >
> > You should use the list implementation from the stream-fusion package (or
> > uvector) if you're expecting it to fuse to the following loop:
> it was comparison of native haskell, low-level haskell (which is
> harder to write than native C)

Um, not always, and certainly not in cases like this, at least if you call the
simple worker loop "low-level Haskell".

> and native C. stream-fusion and any
> other packages provides libraries for some tasks but they can't make faster
> maps, for example. so i used plain list

Which is of course comparable with a tight loop in C, isn't it?
Really, you hurt your cause by including that.
You said you wanted to compare ghc to gcc, then compare what they do to
comparable code.

> > Which seems ... OK.
> really? :D
> > Well, that's a bit different. It doesn't print the result, and it returns
> > a different results on 64 bit....
> doesn't matter for testing speed
> > I don't get anything near the 0.062s which is interesting.
> it was beautiful gcc optimization - it added 8 values at once. with
> xor results are:
> xor.hs 12.605
> xor-fast.hs 1.856
> xor.cpp 0.339
> > The print statement slows things down, I guess...
> are you really believe that printing one number needs so much time? :)
> > So we have:
> >
> > ghc -fvia-C -O2 1.127
> > ghc -fasm 1.677
> > gcc -O0 4.500
> > gcc -O3 -funroll-loops 0.318
> why not compare to ghc -O0? also you can disable loop unrolling in gcc
> and unroll loops manually in haskell. or you can generate asm code on
> the fly. there are plenty of tricks to "prove" that gcc generates bad
> code :D

That's not what he's doing at all. Sure, he's not comparing Haskell code
compiled without optimisations, but he also includes gcc with highest
optimisation level. Read the gcc -O0 figure as an indication of what
optimisations can achieve.

> > So. some lessons. GHC is around 3-4x slower on this tight loop. (Which
> > isn't as bad as it used to be).
> really? what i see: low-level haskell code is usually 3 times harder
> to write and 3 times slower than gcc code.

I deny that low-level Haskell code is three times harder to write than
ordinary C code, at least if we consider the worker/wrapper idiom low-level
It is also my experience that gcc usually creates faster executables from good
C code than ghc does from corresponding ordinary Haskell code (not using
#-magic), but the margin does vary wildly.

> native haskell code is tens
> to thousands times slower than C code (just recall that real programs
> use type classes and monads in addition to laziness)

Okay, tens is realistic, but thousands?
Of course if you compare a tight loop that doesn't allocate to creating
thousands of millions of cons-cells...
Just because lists are easier to use in Haskell than in any other language I
know doesn't mean it's necessary to use lists when writing Haskell if other
ways are more fitting for the goal.

Just for the record, timings on my machine, gcc-3.3 vs. ghc-6.8.3:
$ ./runtests
Sums in C, first counting up, then down
with -O0

real 0m6.751s
user 0m6.660s
sys 0m0.020s

real 0m6.318s
user 0m6.190s
sys 0m0.000s
with -O1

real 0m2.533s
user 0m2.530s
sys 0m0.010s

real 0m1.744s
user 0m1.700s
sys 0m0.000s
with -O2

real 0m1.744s
user 0m1.710s
sys 0m0.000s

real 0m1.687s
user 0m1.680s
sys 0m0.000s
with -O3

real 0m1.753s
user 0m1.720s
sys 0m0.000s

real 0m1.701s
user 0m1.700s
sys 0m0.000s
Sums in Haskell
First compiled with -O2, then with -O2 -fvia-C -optc-O3
Using uvector

real 0m7.412s
user 0m7.290s
sys 0m0.000s

real 0m5.726s
user 0m5.650s
sys 0m0.000s
Loop down with BangPatterns

real 0m4.789s
user 0m4.750s
sys 0m0.010s

real 0m4.561s
user 0m4.470s
sys 0m0.000s
Loop down without BangPatterns

real 0m5.092s
user 0m4.890s
sys 0m0.000s

real 0m4.747s
user 0m4.540s
sys 0m0.010s
Loop up (with BangPatterns)

real 0m5.511s
user 0m5.320s
sys 0m0.000s

real 0m4.449s
user 0m4.410s
sys 0m0.000s
Using strict left fold

real 2m45.625s
user 2m41.930s
sys 0m0.260s

real 2m43.890s
user 2m41.550s
sys 0m0.280s
Fully naive

real 2m45.657s
user 2m42.980s
sys 0m0.250s

real 2m42.403s
user 2m40.160s
sys 0m0.370s

Don Stewart

2009年2月20日 下午4:21:002009/2/20
收件者:Claus Reinke、Bulat Ziganshin、

> Concrete examples always help, thanks.

Great thinking! This is EXTREMELY COOL!

Main.hs:15:42-57: Splicing expression
apply = apply
$dOrd = GHC.Base.$f1
$dNum = GHC.Num.$f6
$dLift = Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax.$f18
in apply (0 :: Int) 8
\ f[a1KU] x[a1KV]
-> \ f[a1KW] x[a1KX]
-> \ f[a1KY] x[a1KZ]
-> \ f[a1L0] x[a1L1]
-> \ f[a1L2] x[a1L3]
-> \ f[a1L4] x[a1L5]
-> \ f[a1L6] x[a1L7]
-> \ f[a1L8] x[a1L9]
-> \ f[a1La] x[a1Lb] -> x[a1Lb]
f[a1L8] (f[a1L8] 7 x[a1L9])
f[a1L6] (f[a1L6] 6 x[a1L7])
f[a1L4] (f[a1L4] 5 x[a1L5])
f[a1L2] (f[a1L2] 4 x[a1L3])
f[a1L0] (f[a1L0] 3 x[a1L1])
f[a1KY] (f[a1KY] 2 x[a1KZ])
f[a1KW] (f[a1KW] 1 x[a1KX])
f[a1KU] (f[a1KU] 0 x[a1KV])
In the second argument of `loop', namely
`($(apply (0 :: Int) 8) (\ j acc -> body (i + j) acc) acc)'
In the expression:
(i + 8) ($(apply (0 :: Int) 8) (\ j acc -> body (i + j) acc) acc)
In the definition of `loop':
loop !i !acc
| i + 8 <= max
= loop
(i + 8) ($(apply (0 :: Int) 8) (\ j acc -> body (i + j) acc) acc)

So, that's the fastest yet:

$ time ./Main
./Main 0.61s user 0.00s system 98% cpu 0.623 total

And within 2x the best GCC was doing,

gcc -O3 -funroll-loops 0.318

If we unroll even further...

$ ghc -O2 -fvia-C -optc-O3 -D64 Main.hs

$ time ./Main
./Main 0.08s user 0.00s system 94% cpu 0.088 total

Very very nice, Claus!

Now I'm wondering if we can do this via rewrite rules....

-- Don

Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 下午4:26:412009/2/20
收件者:Achim Schneider、
Hello Achim,

Friday, February 20, 2009, 11:44:49 PM, you wrote:

>> > Turning this into a ticket with associated test will:
>> but why you think that this is untypical and needs a ticket? ;)
> Bulat, you are right in every aspect. You never did anything wrong.

Achim, this is simplest code one can imagine. so when Simon will go to
check ghc optimizations, he will try it without any reports. but
Simon, unlike Don, never said that ghc may be compared to gcc. Don, on
the other hand, say this everyday. when he is asked for code that
shows this, he declined to answer. so - why YOU think that ghc
generates fast code and this example is something unusual? can you
provide any *technical* arguments or will continue to make personal
attacks together with Don?

Best regards,


Don Stewart

2009年2月20日 下午4:35:372009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、Achim Schneider、

> Hello Achim,
> Friday, February 20, 2009, 11:44:49 PM, you wrote:
> >> > Turning this into a ticket with associated test will:
> >>
> >> but why you think that this is untypical and needs a ticket? ;)
> >>
> > Bulat, you are right in every aspect. You never did anything wrong.
> Achim, this is simplest code one can imagine. so when Simon will go to
> check ghc optimizations, he will try it without any reports. but
> Simon, unlike Don, never said that ghc may be compared to gcc. Don, on
> the other hand, say this everyday. when he is asked for code that
> shows this, he declined to answer. so - why YOU think that ghc
> generates fast code and this example is something unusual? can you
> provide any *technical* arguments or will continue to make personal
> attacks together with Don?

Bulat, you misunderstand, it is not personal! We just want something to
work on. Something specific.

For example, you've identified loop unrolling as something that could
very profitably be improved in GHC, and Claus even wrote a prototype to
see what kind of speedups to guess.

This is a great contribution! Now we know where to hunt.

-- Don

Don Stewart

2009年2月20日 下午4:44:492009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、Achim Schneider、

> bulat.ziganshin:
> > Hello Achim,
> >
> > Friday, February 20, 2009, 11:44:49 PM, you wrote:
> >
> > >> > Turning this into a ticket with associated test will:
> > >>
> > >> but why you think that this is untypical and needs a ticket? ;)
> > >>
> > > Bulat, you are right in every aspect. You never did anything wrong.
> >
> > Achim, this is simplest code one can imagine. so when Simon will go to
> > check ghc optimizations, he will try it without any reports. but
> > Simon, unlike Don, never said that ghc may be compared to gcc. Don, on
> > the other hand, say this everyday. when he is asked for code that
> > shows this, he declined to answer. so - why YOU think that ghc
> > generates fast code and this example is something unusual? can you
> > provide any *technical* arguments or will continue to make personal
> > attacks together with Don?
> Bulat, you misunderstand, it is not personal! We just want something to
> work on. Something specific.
> For example, you've identified loop unrolling as something that could
> very profitably be improved in GHC, and Claus even wrote a prototype to
> see what kind of speedups to guess.
> This is a great contribution! Now we know where to hunt.

And just to summarise what we have seen:

ghc -O2 naive left fold 15.680
gcc -O0 4.500
ghc manual recursion -fasm 1.328
ghc manual recursion 1.035
ghc naive left fold "stream fusion" 0.967
gcc -O1 0.892
ghc "-funroll-loops" -D8 0.623
gcc -O3 -funroll-loops 0.318
ghc "-funroll-loops" -D64 0.088

So what did we learn here?

Bryan O'Sullivan

2009年2月20日 下午4:49:122009/2/20
收件者:Achim Schneider、
On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 12:44 PM, Achim Schneider <> wrote:

> Bulat, you are right in every aspect. You never did anything wrong.
> Back when you debugged your code all night long, you were only
> dreaming.

Achim, this doesn't seem like a constructive way to respond. Bulat's already
been taken to task repeatedly for the manner in which he carries on, but
being sarcastic in response doesn't help anyone, and serves only to lower
the tone of the mailing list.

Please keep things polite.


Manlio Perillo

2009年2月20日 下午4:54:392009/2/20
收件者:Don Stewart、Bulat Ziganshin、、Achim Schneider
Don Stewart ha scritto:

As a full comparison I would like to see time for
ghc -O0 naive left fold

Manlio Perillo

Achim Schneider

2009年2月20日 下午4:55:072009/2/20
Bulat Ziganshin <> wrote:

> so - why YOU think that ghc
> generates fast code and this example is something unusual?

I think ghc has decent performance, and that there's room for
improvement. I don't care whether you compare it to gcc,
malbolge, or hand-written assembly, what matters isn't whether
something is unusual, it is that

look below

if there's any way to have faster code than you get with ghc, right
now, it's worth a bug report, even if it's going to be tagged as
Milestone: ghc 120.10. Non-tracked issues are non-issues.

look above

Disk space is cheap, nowadays, and we can't have Simon's backlog run
empty. Anything could happen.

BTW: If you think I was being sarcastic in my last post, you are
mistaken. The message is much simpler.

(c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers
for copyright history. All rights reserved. Copying, hiring, renting,
performance and/or quoting of this signature prohibited.

Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 下午5:06:362009/2/20
收件者:Don Stewart、Bulat Ziganshin、、Achim Schneider
Hello Don,

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 12:43:46 AM, you wrote:

> gcc -O3 -funroll-loops 0.318
> ghc "-funroll-loops" -D64 0.088

> So what did we learn here?

nothing new: what you are not interested in real compilers comparison,
preferring to demonstrate artificial results

Best regards,


Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 下午5:06:582009/2/20
收件者:Manlio Perillo、、Bulat Ziganshin、Achim Schneider
Hello Manlio,

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 12:54:00 AM, you wrote:

>> ghc -O2 naive left fold 15.680

> As a full comparison I would like to see time for

> ghc -O0 naive left fold

he is still waiting :))) but that's really has only theoretical
interest, comparing ghc -O2 on low-level haskell code to gcc -O0 has
more meaning since ghc has no serious low-level optimizer so these
results should be close

Best regards,


Achim Schneider

2009年2月20日 下午5:14:122009/2/20

I don't do sarcasm, and I don't attack persons. I was merely pointing
out the impressions his bug-reports give to the devs (there isn't
anything wrong), and asked him whether there's something strange with
that notion.

Thomas Davie

2009年2月20日 下午5:20:162009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、Achim Schneider、

On 20 Feb 2009, at 22:57, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

> Hello Don,
> Saturday, February 21, 2009, 12:43:46 AM, you wrote:
>> gcc -O3 -funroll-loops 0.318
>> ghc "-funroll-loops" -D64 0.088
>> So what did we learn here?
> nothing new: what you are not interested in real compilers comparison,
> preferring to demonstrate artificial results

I'm not sure what you're getting at Bulat – it's been demonstrated
that ghc is slower than gcc for most cases at the moment (many
benchmarks will back this up), *however*, it's also easily verified
that ghc has had significantly less effort directed at it than gcc and
other imperative compilers, thus, there are many places it can improve

In this case, you've pointed out a really great source of heavy
optimisation. Thanks a lot :) Now perhaps it might be an idea to be
constructive, rather than trying to stand like nelson going "HA HA" at
the people with the inferior compiler.



Achim Schneider

2009年2月20日 下午5:20:372009/2/20
Bulat Ziganshin <> wrote:

> Hello Don,
> Saturday, February 21, 2009, 12:43:46 AM, you wrote:
> > gcc -O3 -funroll-loops 0.318
> > ghc "-funroll-loops" -D64 0.088
> > So what did we learn here?
> nothing new: what you are not interested in real compilers comparison,
> preferring to demonstrate artificial results

..that we have a path to get better results than gcc -O3
-funroll-loops, and it's within reach... we even can get there now,
albeit not in the most hack-free way imaginable?

(c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers
for copyright history. All rights reserved. Copying, hiring, renting,
performance and/or quoting of this signature prohibited.

John Meacham

2009年2月20日 下午5:33:342009/2/20
Don't forget jhc:

on my machine (with 'print' equivalent added to C one to be fair, and
10^9 changed to 1000*1000*1000 just like the C one)

ghc: (-O2)
time ./foo
/foo 2.26s user 0.00s system 99% cpu 2.273 total

time ./a.out
/a.out 0.34s user 0.00s system 99% cpu 0.341 total

time ./hs.out
/hs.out 0.33s user 0.00s system 96% cpu 0.347 total

Yay! it is good to see my goal of C-equivalent performance starting to
come true :)


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈

Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 下午5:36:592009/2/20
收件者:Achim Schneider、
Hello Achim,

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 12:54:33 AM, you wrote:

>> so - why YOU think that ghc
>> generates fast code and this example is something unusual?
> I think ghc has decent performance, and that there's room for
> improvement. I don't care whether you compare it to gcc,

i'm asking specifically about ghc vs gcc performance. what i'm said
is that ghc generates slow code compared to gcc, if you don't agree
with me - why you think opposite? are these reasons technical, i.e.
some numbers or not?

> if there's any way to have faster code than you get with ghc, right
> now, it's worth a bug report, even if it's going to be tagged as
> Milestone: ghc 120.10. Non-tracked issues are non-issues.

again, this looks strange. does you mean that every program you
analyzed on assembler level has perfect code? or that you just don't
need any more speed?

i personally checked ghc performance 3 years ago and wrote decent s/w
those days. i think that library i wrote was the first with hard
low-level optimization and may be becomes an inspiration for
ByteString optimizations

nevertheless, ghc cannot generate really fast code and when i need
speed, i use C++. my archiver is known as world fastest one and it's
written in C++ and Haskell combination - C++ where we need speed,
Haskell for the rest: i'm sure that it's the best combination until
ghc 120.1

next, imagine that you live 20 years ago. you wrote in C and finds that
gcc generates slower code than hand-written assembler. you report it -
are you think that next day gcc will become as fast as assembler? gcc,
like other best C++ compilers, spend many man-years before it got the
current speed. ghc back-end developed by just Simon Marlow, and he
cannot write gcc-like backend in less than 120 years, with reports or

next, the program i wrote is very primitive. are you really think that
Simon can't build a lot of such examples without my help? it's why i
consider your idea meaningless and more like an personal attack than
real concern about ghc

actually, me, like probably you, are not interested so much in better
ghc optimizing backend. it's enough fast for my tasks, i use C++ for
speed-critical code. i prefer that Simon will improve other sides of

but problem - not mine, but for haskellers, is that some people said
that ghc can generate code that is as fast as gcc one. it will be
stupid if someone will start to write say mpeg4 codec and after year
of work will find that it need 100 Ghz cpu to work. it's why i made
this test, which you are trying to fool now. people that will believe
your "arguments" instead of checking numbers may spend a lot of time
meaningless. but it's doesn't matter for you, fanatics

Best regards,


Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 下午5:37:162009/2/20
收件者:Achim Schneider、
Hello Achim,

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 1:17:08 AM, you wrote:

>> nothing new: what you are not interested in real compilers comparison,
>> preferring to demonstrate artificial results

> ...that we have a path to get better results than gcc -O3

> -funroll-loops, and it's within reach... we even can get there now,
> albeit not in the most hack-free way imaginable?

well, can this be made for C++? yes. moreover, gcc does this trick
*automatically*, while with ghc we need to write 50-line program using
Template Haskell and then run it through gcc - and finally get exactly
the same optimization we got automatic for C code

so, again: this confirms that Don is always build artificial
comparisons, optimizing Haskell code by hand and ignoring obvious ways
to optimize Haskell code. unfortunately, this doesn't work in real
live. and even worse - Don reports this as fair Haskell vs C++

Best regards,


Thomas Davie

2009年2月20日 下午5:41:522009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、Achim Schneider、

On 20 Feb 2009, at 23:33, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

> Hello Achim,
> Saturday, February 21, 2009, 1:17:08 AM, you wrote:
>>> nothing new: what you are not interested in real compilers
>>> comparison,
>>> preferring to demonstrate artificial results
>> ...that we have a path to get better results than gcc -O3
>> -funroll-loops, and it's within reach... we even can get there now,
>> albeit not in the most hack-free way imaginable?
> well, can this be made for C++? yes. moreover, gcc does this trick
> *automatically*, while with ghc we need to write 50-line program using
> Template Haskell and then run it through gcc - and finally get exactly
> the same optimization we got automatic for C code
> so, again: this confirms that Don is always build artificial
> comparisons, optimizing Haskell code by hand and ignoring obvious ways
> to optimize Haskell code. unfortunately, this doesn't work in real
> live. and even worse - Don reports this as fair Haskell vs C++
> comparison

You need look no further than the debian language shootout that things
really aren't as bad as you're making out – Haskell comes in in
general less than 3x slower than gcc compiled C.

Of note, of all the managed languages, this is about the fastest –
none of the other languages that offer safety and garbage collection
etc get as close as Haskell does.


Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 下午5:45:272009/2/20
收件者:Thomas Davie、Achim Schneider、Bulat Ziganshin、
Hello Thomas,

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 1:19:47 AM, you wrote:

> I'm not sure what you're getting at Bulat √ it's been demonstrated
> that ghc is slower than gcc for most cases at the moment (many
> benchmarks will back this up), *however*, it's also easily verified
> that ghc has had significantly less effort directed at it than gcc and
> other imperative compilers, thus, there are many places it can improve
> greatly.

of course. what fool will say that ghc cannot be optimized the same
way as gcc? if we spent the same amount of time for improving ghc
back-end as was spent for gcc (tens or hundreds man-years?), then
*low-level* Haskell code will become as fast as C one, while remaining
several times slower to write

> In this case, you've pointed out a really great source of heavy
> optimisation. Thanks a lot :) Now perhaps it might be an idea to be
> constructive, rather than trying to stand like nelson going "HA HA" at
> the people with the inferior compiler.

ghc is superior compiler and it's my main instrument. but it can't
make coffee and doesn't contain sophisticated code generator. it's why
i dissuade from writing video codes in haskell and i don't like
situation when someone too lazy to test speed yourself tell us tales
and attack me when i say about real situation

Best regards,


Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 下午5:45:482009/2/20
收件者:John Meacham、
Hello John,

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 1:33:12 AM, you wrote:

> Don't forget jhc:

i was pretty sure that jhc will be as fast as gcc :) unfortunately,
jhc isn't our production compiler

Best regards,


Thomas Davie

2009年2月20日 下午5:52:172009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、Achim Schneider、

On 20 Feb 2009, at 23:41, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

> Hello Thomas,
> Saturday, February 21, 2009, 1:19:47 AM, you wrote:
>> I'm not sure what you're getting at Bulat √ it's been demonstrated
>> that ghc is slower than gcc for most cases at the moment (many
>> benchmarks will back this up), *however*, it's also easily verified
>> that ghc has had significantly less effort directed at it than gcc
>> and
>> other imperative compilers, thus, there are many places it can
>> improve
>> greatly.
> of course. what fool will say that ghc cannot be optimized the same
> way as gcc? if we spent the same amount of time for improving ghc
> back-end as was spent for gcc (tens or hundreds man-years?), then
> *low-level* Haskell code will become as fast as C one, while remaining
> several times slower to write

Considering Haskell compilers have lots more guarenteed conditions to
go on (like referential transparency etc), I'd imagine actually that
given the same amount of effort, they could compile Haskell code to
*much* faster code than C.

>> In this case, you've pointed out a really great source of heavy
>> optimisation. Thanks a lot :) Now perhaps it might be an idea to be
>> constructive, rather than trying to stand like nelson going "HA HA"
>> at
>> the people with the inferior compiler.
> ghc is superior compiler and it's my main instrument. but it can't
> make coffee and doesn't contain sophisticated code generator. it's why
> i dissuade from writing video codes in haskell and i don't like
> situation when someone too lazy to test speed yourself tell us tales
> and attack me when i say about real situation

I'd hardly say that dons is too lazy – he has after all contributed
rather large chunks of code to coming up with good examples, and
optimising ghc. Secondly, I don't see him telling tales either –
he's being very honest about the performance of Haskell here, and how
it might be improved. Finally, I'd hardly call computing a constant
in an arbitrarily complex way a "real situation".

I think someone needs to get off their high horse and reflect a little.


Thomas Davie

2009年2月20日 下午5:53:302009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、

On 20 Feb 2009, at 23:44, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

> Hello John,
> Saturday, February 21, 2009, 1:33:12 AM, you wrote:
>> Don't forget jhc:
> i was pretty sure that jhc will be as fast as gcc :) unfortunately,
> jhc isn't our production compiler

Why not? There's nothing stopping you from choosing any Haskell
compiler you like. If jhc gives you the performance you need – use it.


Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 下午5:53:452009/2/20
收件者:Thomas Davie、Bulat Ziganshin、、Achim Schneider
Hello Thomas,

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 1:41:24 AM, you wrote:

> You need look no further than the debian language shootout that things
> really aren't as bad as you're making out √ Haskell comes in in
> general less than 3x slower than gcc compiled C.

you should look inside these tests, as i done :)

most of these tests depends on libraries speed. in one test, PHP is
1st. from 2 or 3 tests that depends on compiler speed, one was fooled
by adding special function readInt to ghc libs and the rest are
written in low-level haskell code - look the sources

> Of note, of all the managed languages, this is about the fastest √
> none of the other languages that offer safety and garbage collection
> etc get as close as Haskell does.

i'm sorry, but this test only shows amount of work spent to optimize
these programs. results of some tests was made 10-100 times better,
while improving real programs performance needs much more work :)

Best regards,


minh thu

2009年2月20日 下午5:55:222009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、、Achim Schneider
2009/2/20 Bulat Ziganshin <>:

> Hello Thomas,
> Saturday, February 21, 2009, 1:19:47 AM, you wrote:
>> I'm not sure what you're getting at Bulat √ it's been demonstrated
>> that ghc is slower than gcc for most cases at the moment (many
>> benchmarks will back this up), *however*, it's also easily verified
>> that ghc has had significantly less effort directed at it than gcc and
>> other imperative compilers, thus, there are many places it can improve
>> greatly.
> of course. what fool will say that ghc cannot be optimized the same
> way as gcc? if we spent the same amount of time for improving ghc
> back-end as was spent for gcc (tens or hundreds man-years?), then
> *low-level* Haskell code will become as fast as C one, while remaining
> several times slower to write
>> In this case, you've pointed out a really great source of heavy
>> optimisation. Thanks a lot :) Now perhaps it might be an idea to be
>> constructive, rather than trying to stand like nelson going "HA HA" at
>> the people with the inferior compiler.
> ghc is superior compiler and it's my main instrument. but it can't
> make coffee and doesn't contain sophisticated code generator. it's why
> i dissuade from writing video codes in haskell and i don't like
> situation when someone too lazy to test speed yourself tell us tales
> and attack me when i say about real situation

Please people, I found the ghc/ghc+D64/jhc/gcc/ comparison awesome to read;
but find quite distracting to have all those 'other' comments.

I guess everyone knows quite clearly what others have in mind and
where they stand.
Maybe it is not necessary to repeat those things every time ? And more
is it necessary to get some inflamatory tone ?

Thanks to share knowledge and haskell love !

Thomas Davie

2009年2月20日 下午5:56:162009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、Achim Schneider、

On 20 Feb 2009, at 23:52, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

> Hello Thomas,
> Saturday, February 21, 2009, 1:41:24 AM, you wrote:
>> You need look no further than the debian language shootout that
>> things
>> really aren't as bad as you're making out √ Haskell comes in in
>> general less than 3x slower than gcc compiled C.
> you should look inside these tests, as i done :)
> most of these tests depends on libraries speed. in one test, PHP is
> 1st. from 2 or 3 tests that depends on compiler speed, one was fooled
> by adding special function readInt to ghc libs and the rest are
> written in low-level haskell code - look the sources

Shock news – benchmarks lead to compiler and library optimisations.

News at 11!

>> Of note, of all the managed languages, this is about the fastest √
>> none of the other languages that offer safety and garbage collection
>> etc get as close as Haskell does.
> i'm sorry, but this test only shows amount of work spent to optimize
> these programs. results of some tests was made 10-100 times better,
> while improving real programs performance needs much more work :)

I don't get your point at all. Are you implying that none of the code
for any of the other languages up there is optimized in any way?


Don Stewart

2009年2月20日 下午5:57:072009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、Achim Schneider、

> Hello Achim,
> Saturday, February 21, 2009, 1:17:08 AM, you wrote:
> >> nothing new: what you are not interested in real compilers comparison,
> >> preferring to demonstrate artificial results
> >>
> > ...that we have a path to get better results than gcc -O3
> > -funroll-loops, and it's within reach... we even can get there now,
> > albeit not in the most hack-free way imaginable?
> well, can this be made for C++? yes. moreover, gcc does this trick
> *automatically*, while with ghc we need to write 50-line program using
> Template Haskell and then run it through gcc - and finally get exactly
> the same optimization we got automatic for C code
> so, again: this confirms that Don is always build artificial
> comparisons, optimizing Haskell code by hand and ignoring obvious ways
> to optimize Haskell code. unfortunately, this doesn't work in real
> live. and even worse - Don reports this as fair Haskell vs C++
> comparison

This is extremely depressing to read after the good results and lessons of this thread.

-- Don

Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 下午6:06:322009/2/20
收件者:Thomas Davie、Bulat Ziganshin、
Hello Thomas,

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 1:52:27 AM, you wrote:

>> i was pretty sure that jhc will be as fast as gcc :) unfortunately,
>> jhc isn't our production compiler

> Why not? There's nothing stopping you from choosing any Haskell
> compiler you like. If jhc gives you the performance you need √ use it.

i don't need jhc speed, i just warn people that believes Don tales. to
the best of my knowledge, jhc is not very practical at the moment, but
it's better to ask John about current state-of-the-art

Best regards,


Thomas Davie

2009年2月20日 下午6:07:172009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、

On 21 Feb 2009, at 00:01, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

> Hello Thomas,
> Saturday, February 21, 2009, 1:52:27 AM, you wrote:
>>> i was pretty sure that jhc will be as fast as gcc :) unfortunately,
>>> jhc isn't our production compiler
>> Why not? There's nothing stopping you from choosing any Haskell
>> compiler you like. If jhc gives you the performance you need √ use
>> it.
> i don't need jhc speed, i just warn people that believes Don tales.

Oh, okay then... if you don't need the speed, stop complaining.



Ketil Malde

2009年2月20日 下午6:09:252009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、
Bulat Ziganshin <> writes:

>> Don't forget jhc:

> i was pretty sure that jhc will be as fast as gcc :) unfortunately,
> jhc isn't our production compiler

Neither is GCC :-)

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Ahn, Ki Yung

2009年2月20日 下午6:10:452009/2/20
Thomas Davie wrote:
> You need look no further than the debian language shootout that things
> really aren't as bad as you're making out – Haskell comes in in general
> less than 3x slower than gcc compiled C.
> Of note, of all the managed languages, this is about the fastest – none
> of the other languages that offer safety and garbage collection etc get
> as close as Haskell does.
> Bob

OCaml and Clean seems to be pretty fast too.

Khudyakov Alexey

2009年2月20日 下午6:14:502009/2/20
On Friday 20 February 2009 16:29:29 Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
> Hello haskell-cafe,
> since there are no objective tests comparing ghc to gcc, i made my own
> one. these are 3 programs, calculating sum in c++ and haskell:
> main = print $ sum[1..10^9::Int]
> ... skipped ...

The discussion is mostly about low level optimizations such as loop unrolling

I have another question. Why shouldn't compiler realize that `sum [1..10^9]'
is constant and thus evaluate it at compile time?

Khudakov Alexey

John Meacham

2009年2月20日 下午6:15:282009/2/20
On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 11:52:27PM +0100, Thomas Davie wrote:
> On 20 Feb 2009, at 23:44, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
>> Hello John,
>> Saturday, February 21, 2009, 1:33:12 AM, you wrote:
>>> Don't forget jhc:
>> i was pretty sure that jhc will be as fast as gcc :) unfortunately,
>> jhc isn't our production compiler
> Why not? There's nothing stopping you from choosing any Haskell
> compiler you like. If jhc gives you the performance you need – use it.

Heh. He probably meant something more like "jhc is not a production
compiler" which is true for a lot of projects. For projects of
substantial size or that require many extensions, jhc falls somewhat
short. It is getting better though. Of course, help is always
appreciated. :)


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈

Thomas Davie

2009年2月20日 下午6:15:582009/2/20
收件者:Ahn, Ki Yung、

On 21 Feb 2009, at 00:10, Ahn, Ki Yung wrote:

> Thomas Davie wrote:
>> You need look no further than the debian language shootout that
>> things really aren't as bad as you're making out – Haskell comes in
>> in general less than 3x slower than gcc compiled C.
>> Of note, of all the managed languages, this is about the fastest –
>> none of the other languages that offer safety and garbage
>> collection etc get as close as Haskell does.
>> Bob
> OCaml and Clean seems to be pretty fast too.

Very true :). As does C#, but using MS's compiler not mono. I think
my conclusion from this thread is "stop arguing, someone being wrong
on the internet is not worth it", oh and "cool, new possibly major
optimisation for ghc".

And finally, something I'd known all along – Haskell is plenty fast
enough for writing real world programs, it's not as fast as C, but I
don't care – I write so much better code so much faster in it that the
tradeoff becomes worth it.

Sorry for getting into the slagging match so much, and count me out of
this one from now on.


Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 下午6:16:412009/2/20
收件者:Thomas Davie、Bulat Ziganshin、、Achim Schneider
Hello Thomas,

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 1:55:33 AM, you wrote:

>> most of these tests depends on libraries speed. in one test, PHP is
>> 1st. from 2 or 3 tests that depends on compiler speed, one was fooled
>> by adding special function readInt to ghc libs and the rest are
>> written in low-level haskell code - look the sources

> Shock news – benchmarks lead to compiler and library optimisations.

read carefully - it was not general-purpose optimization, Don just
added function readInt since Haskell read is very slow. if he was
optimized general read so many applications will benefit from this -
it would be great

but if you want to believe that ghc was optimised in the way that
avery program becomes 50x faster - i can't stop you :D

>> i'm sorry, but this test only shows amount of work spent to optimize
>> these programs. results of some tests was made 10-100 times better,
>> while improving real programs performance needs much more work :)

> I don't get your point at all. Are you implying that none of the code
> for any of the other languages up there is optimized in any way?

code for other languages usually written in idiomatic way. it was
local Haskell epidemy. you may compare mandelbrot sources in C and

Best regards,


Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 下午6:17:152009/2/20
收件者:Don Stewart、Bulat Ziganshin、、Achim Schneider
Hello Don,

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 1:55:19 AM, you wrote:

> This is extremely depressing to read after the good results and lessons of this thread.

you misunderstand, it is not personal! We just want something to
sarcasm on. Something specific.

Best regards,


Achim Schneider

2009年2月20日 下午6:18:562009/2/20
Bulat Ziganshin <> wrote:

> but problem - not mine, but for haskellers, is that some people said
> that ghc can generate code that is as fast as gcc one. it will be
> stupid if someone will start to write say mpeg4 codec and after year
> of work will find that it need 100 Ghz cpu to work. it's why i made
> this test, which you are trying to fool now. people that will believe
> your "arguments" instead of checking numbers may spend a lot of time
> meaningless. but it's doesn't matter for you, fanatics

/me takes a breath

Well, _if_ I was going to write a mpeg4 codec, I'd be starting of in
Haskell, anyway, to get to terms with the algorithm. After being
satisfied, in terms of quality and big-O, I'd start investigating how
to do it as fast as possible. Most likely, that would include serious
amounts of C. In any case, I could point out non-perfect optimisation
to the ghc devs. Out of those devs, someone will know why the current
optimisations don't work for that case. As soon as the devs know why it
doesn't work, chances are that someone else does, or, at least, is
curious enough.

I certainly don't know jack about the latter topics, I only know that
_my_ code doesn't work as it would, were the world perfect. From that,
I can infer with certainty that I don't know jack about how long it
would take the ghc devs to enable me to replace C with the original
Haskell. I only know that, most likely, I couldn't do it faster.

Therefore, I just take the chance, open a ticket, and see what happens.
After all, if I _don't_ open a ticket, chances that it gets fixed are
lower, if not non-existent.

Doing all this, I couldn't care less about what you or Don say. One
says that you can't have fast Haskell, the other one says that you can,
the first one says that yes, in that case, but not in that, the second
continues saying well but if you do that, then the first one goes
but that doesn't count... I don't care: Both are right, from their own
perspectives. If you make predictions on how people are going to
interpret something someone says, you're bound to be mistaken. You
won't make me believe that ghc can't produce fast code, and Don won't
convince me that I will be able to, in every case.

What'll make me happy, right now, isn't random test cases, but a test
framework that lets us all reproduce each other's experiments in a
controlled -- and thus numerically comparable without discussion --
environment. The current state of things leaks information, and isn't
able to catch possible regressions, at all.

Still, I could not care less about ghc's performance, right now: I'm
much more concerned with high-level stuff, right now. What I _do_ know,
is that all the results, collected in this thread, won't mean a thing
the instant we get another ghc release, and that noone will be able to
update the results without wading through flames, again.

So, here's my advice: If you care about performance and best-possible
communication of its state to the community, set up a page, in the
spirit of the language shootout, that compares haskell compilers vs.
chosen c and fortran compilers, in a variety of cases.

Did I mention that we need automated benchmark comparisons?

(c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers
for copyright history. All rights reserved. Copying, hiring, renting,
performance and/or quoting of this signature prohibited.

Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 下午6:27:362009/2/20
收件者:Khudyakov Alexey、
Hello Khudyakov,

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 2:07:39 AM, you wrote:

> I have another question. Why shouldn't compiler realize that `sum [1..10^9]'
> is constant and thus evaluate it at compile time?

since we expect that compilation will be done in reasonable amount of
time. you cannot guarantee this for list-involving computation

Best regards,


Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 下午6:28:022009/2/20
收件者:John Meacham、
Hello John,

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 2:14:25 AM, you wrote:

> Heh. He probably meant something more like "jhc is not a production
> compiler" which is true for a lot of projects. For projects of
> substantial size or that require many extensions, jhc falls somewhat
> short. It is getting better though. Of course, help is always
> appreciated. :)

what is "substantial size"? can jhc be used for video codec, i.e.
probably no extensions - just raw computations, and thousands or tens
of thousands LOCs?

Best regards,


Peter Verswyvelen

2009年2月20日 下午6:36:402009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、、Achim Schneider
nothing should stop you from writing video games in Haskell since the
control logic of many video games is written in e.g. a scripting language
like LUA :-)
sure if you want to write a physics engine in Haskell, that's something

but I've worked with people that wrote physics engines in C/C++, and they
also had to hand optimize specifically for a certain compiler to get things

so some manual tweaking to Haskell could be acceptable if you want to get
high performance. and I hope that in the future the Haskell compilers will
optimize more and more and more...

2009/2/20 Bulat Ziganshin <>

Achim Schneider

2009年2月20日 下午6:38:332009/2/20
Khudyakov Alexey <> wrote:

> On Friday 20 February 2009 16:29:29 Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
> > Hello haskell-cafe,
> >
> > since there are no objective tests comparing ghc to gcc, i made my
> > own one. these are 3 programs, calculating sum in c++ and haskell:
> >
> > main = print $ sum[1..10^9::Int]
> >
> > ... skipped ...
> The discussion is mostly about low level optimizations such as loop
> unrolling etc.
> I have another question. Why shouldn't compiler realize that `sum
> [1..10^9]' is constant and thus evaluate it at compile time?


There's a lot that can be done in this area, even without complete
information (though I wouldn't mind Haskell being total and dependently
typed...), if you hack around unsafePerformIO. There's a good reason
the language shootout passes such things as arguments to the program,
but not getting faster there doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense to
aggressively compile-time evaluate... or automagically memoise, or do
any of those other optimisations gcc can only dream of.

On the "why"-question... lacking manpower, and, possibly, line count
not having enough weight in the shootout. For now, you can just use TH
to force things getting evaluated. (Try to do that in C)

(c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers
for copyright history. All rights reserved. Copying, hiring, renting,
performance and/or quoting of this signature prohibited.

Peter Verswyvelen

2009年2月20日 下午6:42:392009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、
On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 12:22 AM, Bulat Ziganshin <
> wrote:

> Hello Khudyakov,
> Saturday, February 21, 2009, 2:07:39 AM, you wrote:
> > I have another question. Why shouldn't compiler realize that `sum
> [1..10^9]'
> > is constant and thus evaluate it at compile time?
> since we expect that compilation will be done in reasonable amount of
> time. you cannot guarantee this for list-involving computation

it would be nice to have a compiler that can run forever, incrementally
generating faster and faster versions of the same program, until you press a
key or a timeout is reached.

then you just let it run before you get to bed ;-)

you could even pass it in a test data set to which it must be optimized;
after the program is compiled, the compiler runs and profiles it, measures
the results, and does another pass to make it faster.

some C++ compilers can already do this (profile based optimization).

Sebastian Sylvan

2009年2月20日 下午6:43:112009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、Achim Schneider、
On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 10:33 PM, Bulat Ziganshin <
> wrote:

> Hello Achim,
> Saturday, February 21, 2009, 1:17:08 AM, you wrote:
> >> nothing new: what you are not interested in real compilers comparison,
> >> preferring to demonstrate artificial results
> >>
> > ...that we have a path to get better results than gcc -O3
> > -funroll-loops, and it's within reach... we even can get there now,
> > albeit not in the most hack-free way imaginable?
> well, can this be made for C++? yes. moreover, gcc does this trick
> *automatically*, while with ghc we need to write 50-line program using
> Template Haskell and then run it through gcc - and finally get exactly
> the same optimization we got automatic for C code

> so, again: this confirms that Don is always build artificial
> comparisons, optimizing Haskell code by hand and ignoring obvious ways
> to optimize Haskell code. unfortunately, this doesn't work in real
> live. and even worse - Don reports this as fair Haskell vs C++
> comparison

Bulat, please, you're missing the point. Nobody is saying that the
template-haskell trick was somehow a viable general strategy right now that
everyone should use by default. It was used as a proof-of-concept that a
simple technique can lead to massive performance improvements - and we get
numbers for how massive it would be (beating gcc for this benchmark).
This isn't about "faking" a benchmark, it's about investigating the reasons
for why the benchmark looks they way it does, doing testing to verify the
assumptions (in this case using TH), and making constructive suggestions
(add loop-unrolling to the compiler). This investigation tells us that in
this case a compiler could beat gcc, if only it were to do loop unrolling in
the way the TH code does. That's a result!

I would ask you to note the simple fact that every single constructive
message in this thread has come from people other than you. I hope this
leads you reconsider your tone and general approach in the future. Haskell
people in general are always pretty good at accepting criticism IME (they
tend to want to fix the problem), don't you think it's odd that it's only
*your* criticism that gets so much flak? Maybe some part of the reason
almost every discussion you're in here usually ends up hostile is *your*

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862

John Meacham

2009年2月20日 下午6:49:542009/2/20
On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 02:24:59AM +0300, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
> Hello John,
> Saturday, February 21, 2009, 2:14:25 AM, you wrote:
> > Heh. He probably meant something more like "jhc is not a production
> > compiler" which is true for a lot of projects. For projects of
> > substantial size or that require many extensions, jhc falls somewhat
> > short. It is getting better though. Of course, help is always
> > appreciated. :)
> what is "substantial size"? can jhc be used for video codec, i.e.
> probably no extensions - just raw computations, and thousands or tens
> of thousands LOCs?

Perhaps. A bigger issue in practice is that the larger a program is, the
more likely it is to depend on some library that depends on a ghc
extension. However, base is almost 10000 lines and jhc can compile that
into a library without too much effort nowadays, so it might scale.
If you try and find it fails, then please submit a bug report to Too many bugs go unreported I find.

If the haskell code has an interface that is strict and unboxable (i.e.
only unboxable values passed, such as a video codec passing floats might
be) then compiling it with jhc and foreign exporting the functions then
foreign importing them into ghc for the bulk of the program would
probably work. Probably not worth the effort, but could be an
interesting experiment.


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈

Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 下午6:56:162009/2/20
收件者:Peter Verswyvelen、、Bulat Ziganshin、Achim Schneider
Hello Peter,

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 2:36:15 AM, you wrote:

> nothing should stop you from writing video games in Haskell since

video codec isn't video game :)))

> but I've worked with people that wrote physics engines in C/C++,
> and they also had to hand optimize specifically for a certain compiler to get things fast. 

that's important signal. if you need to hand-optimize your code even
if you use icl to compile it, using haskell will be like hunting with
a hand instead of gun

Claus Reinke

2009年2月20日 晚上7:04:122009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、
>> Turning this into a ticket with associated test will:
> but why you think that this is untypical and needs a ticket? ;)

Because generally ghc is doing a good-enough job. And it is doing
that because long ago, ghc hq's war cry was "if ghc generates code
that is slower than any other haskell implementation, it is a bug, and
you should file a ticket".

The failure of "avoid success at all cost" has meant shifting priorities,
and those priorities tend to imply that alternative implementations
can't keep up (not over the full range of ghc's offerings). So there is
less "internal" competition, more "other stuff" on todo lists, and good
enough just has to be good enough most of the time.

But when it isn't, then not just people at ghc hq are still listening. And
among all the other good stuff they keep adding, they also keep
tweaking ghc's basics, in such a way that what would be hard to
do now, may be easier to implement in future ghc versions. And for
that, they need input about what they should focus on. And the
advertised way of providing that input is the ticket tracker.

For tickets, small examples are great - they often highlight aspects
that are still present in real code, but are hard to see there (let alone
reducing complex code to small test cases that help to fix those
cases). In the particular example of unrolling, iirc, the issue was
that ghc's internal representation does not easily lend itself to adding
some counter that would keep the very modular optimizer from
applying recursive unfoldings uselessly. Once that fundamental
problem is fixed, I am optimistic that this useful optimization will
be looked at again - if there is a ticket to remind everyone.

And if -as I suspect- lots of ghc users find themselves doing
loop unrolling/partial recursion unfoldings by hand (worker/wrapper
for recursive functions is just such an example), they will up
the priority on that ticket. You're right that ghc hq can't be
everywhere, but they aren't the only ones who are invited to
look at those tickets. And everytime someone starts on ghc
hacking for some unrelated purpose, they need a small project
to start on - well-defined tickets have a chance there.

I'm not at all happy with Haskell optimists turning evangelists,
but neither is it productive for Haskell pessimists to spread
their frustration. There are useful ways for both sides to
contribute to the Haskell world, can we focus on those ways?


Ross Mellgren

2009年2月20日 晚上7:06:212009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、、Achim Schneider
Now perhaps I'll be stepping into some lines of fire as it seems like
this thread is full of them. If I get in anyone's way please kindly
hold your shot ;-)

That said, video codecs are the kinds of things that usually benefit
greatly from vectorization and parallelization right? These are two
areas that have been getting concentration recently.

I'm not really familiar with all the codecs involved, but it would
probably be a great test case if someone could write a video codec
(perhaps not H.264 since I recall someone saying it was ridiculously
complicated) in C/C++ and in Haskell using all the DPH/parallelization
tricks, as a comparison benchmark to improve the performance of the
compiled code coming out of GHC.

Having two pieces of code that are decently optimized and should do
the same thing seems like it would make finding snags in the GHC
performance and fixing them that much easier.

Also, hunting with your bare hands rather than with a gun is provably
more bad-ass ;-)


John Meacham

2009年2月20日 晚上7:07:302009/2/20
On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 11:51:43PM +0100, Thomas Davie wrote:
>> of course. what fool will say that ghc cannot be optimized the same
>> way as gcc? if we spent the same amount of time for improving ghc
>> back-end as was spent for gcc (tens or hundreds man-years?), then
>> *low-level* Haskell code will become as fast as C one, while remaining
>> several times slower to write
> Considering Haskell compilers have lots more guarenteed conditions to go
> on (like referential transparency etc), I'd imagine actually that given
> the same amount of effort, they could compile Haskell code to *much*
> faster code than C.

Indeed. This is my thesis and jhc is my constructive proof (in progress)
of said thesis. :)


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈

Achim Schneider

2009年2月20日 晚上7:11:342009/2/20
Peter Verswyvelen <> wrote:

> nothing should stop you from writing video games in Haskell

Show me a studio that uses Haskell and I'd even accept dollars or pounds
as payment.

(c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers
for copyright history. All rights reserved. Copying, hiring, renting,
performance and/or quoting of this signature prohibited.

Xiao-Yong Jin

2009年2月20日 晚上7:17:082009/2/20
Peter Verswyvelen <> writes:

> you could even pass it in a test data set to which it must be optimized; after the program is compiled,
> the compiler runs and profiles it, measures the results, and does another pass to make it faster.
> some C++ compilers can already do this (profile based optimization).

Rumor says firefox needs profile based optimization to run
faster. Or it is not a rumor at all.

I guess for all those goodness of haskell, a heavy profile
based optimization should be done and could probably result
in a much faster binary than C++.

c/* __o/*
<\ * (__
*/\ <

Alberto G. Corona

2009年2月20日 晚上7:18:492009/2/20
I think that a higuer level language has better opportunities to optimize,
specially if the compiler is coded in its own language. for example I guess
that a good type dependent implementation would evaluate
the sum[1..10^9::Int] at compilation time.
I reality haskell is much much faster than c in some cases that now are not
considered, but it is fair to remember that haskell outperfromed all the
rest in those old benchmarks with did´t care to print the results. This may
seem trivial now, but at the time surprised the benchmark people.

2009/2/21 Khudyakov Alexey <>

Alberto G. Corona

2009年2月20日 晚上7:20:362009/2/20
please update the section "All is not well in jhc-land" because now
things are better isn´t?

2009/2/21 John Meacham <>

Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 晚上7:26:262009/2/20
收件者:Sebastian Sylvan、Bulat Ziganshin、、Achim Schneider
Hello Sebastian,

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 2:42:33 AM, you wrote:

> Bulat, please, you're missing the point.

actually you are missing the point. i mirror Don's
"non-attacking" style of comments on my person. are you mentioned
those Don letter? sure - no

> Nobody is saying that the
> template-haskell trick was somehow a viable general strategy right
> now that everyone should use by default. It was used as a
> proof-of-concept that a simple technique can lead to massive
> performance improvements - and we get numbers for how massive it
> would be (beating gcc for this benchmark).

sorry, but you was fooled too. the situation was the following: i
wrote non-optimal code for 64-bit platforms (using 32-bit int) and Don
don't corrected it. then he compiled TH-generated code via *gcc* that
used "fusion" technique - the same that was used by 32-bit C++ code

are you wondered why -D64 version is 8 times faster than -D8 one? it's
exactly because *gcc* reduced 64 additions to just one operation. so
this "fair" comparison used TH+gcc to generate faster code than gcc
with improper data type definitions. if Don will fix C++ program, he
will find that it's speed reduced in the same proportion - without TH

> This isn't about "faking" a benchmark, it's about investigating the
> reasons for why the benchmark looks they way it does, doing testing
> to verify the assumptions (in this case using TH), and making
> constructive suggestions (add loop-unrolling to the compiler). This
> investigation tells us that in this case a compiler could beat gcc,
> if only it were to do loop unrolling in the way the TH code does. That's a result!

yes, in the cases when *gcc* "fuse" loops and you don't allow it do it
for C++ code but allows for Haskell - you will win

> I would ask you to note the simple fact that every single
> constructive message in this thread has come from people other than
> you.

you are ignore, though, the fact that every destructive message in
this thread comes against me. it seems that it's a crime here to write
about ghc speed anything but praise. in best case people will said
that these tests are destructive :lol:

> I hope this leads you reconsider your tone and general approach
> in the future. Haskell people in general are always pretty good at
> accepting criticism IME (they tend to want to fix the problem),

that criticism??? cows can't fly, and ghc cannot beat gcc in 2
months. that bothers me is people that attack me just for comparing
compilers head-to-head

Best regards,


Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 晚上7:26:522009/2/20
收件者:Achim Schneider、
Hello Achim,

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 2:37:55 AM, you wrote:

> not having enough weight in the shootout. For now, you can just use TH
> to force things getting evaluated. (Try to do that in C)

they have Templates axe too :)

Best regards,


Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 晚上7:27:082009/2/20
收件者:John Meacham、
Hello John,

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 2:49:25 AM, you wrote:

>> what is "substantial size"? can jhc be used for video codec, i.e.
>> probably no extensions - just raw computations, and thousands or tens
>> of thousands LOCs?

> Perhaps. A bigger issue in practice is that the larger a program is, the
> more likely it is to depend on some library that depends on a ghc
> extension.

this is true for *application* code, but for codec you may have lots of
code that just compute, compute, compute

Best regards,


Isaac Gouy

2009年2月20日 晚上7:29:042009/2/20

--- On Fri, 2/20/09, Bulat Ziganshin <> wrote:


> > You need look no further than the debian language
> shootout that things
> > really aren't as bad as you're making out √
> Haskell comes in in
> > general less than 3x slower than gcc compiled C.
> you should look inside these tests, as i done :)

When did you look - six months ago? a year ago? 3 years ago?

> most of these tests depends on libraries speed


2 of 12 strongly depend on libraries because PCRE and GMP are explicitly allowed.

> in one test, PHP is 1st

I don't believe that has ever been true - which test?

> from 2 or 3 tests that depends on compiler speed, one
> was fooled by adding special function readInt to ghc libs and the rest
> are written in low-level haskell code - look the sources

Please note that "sum-file" is not included in the current tests.

Please note that "sum-file" has not been included since autumn 2008.

Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 晚上7:36:172009/2/20
收件者:Xiao-Yong Jin、
Hello Xiao-Yong,

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 3:16:28 AM, you wrote:

>> some C++ compilers can already do this (profile based optimization).
> Rumor says firefox needs profile based optimization to run
> faster. Or it is not a rumor at all.

why it's rumor? PGO is natural optimization technique, just like
loop unrolling or register allocation

Best regards,


John Meacham

2009年2月20日 晚上7:42:502009/2/20
On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 03:21:03AM +0300, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
> >> what is "substantial size"? can jhc be used for video codec, i.e.
> >> probably no extensions - just raw computations, and thousands or tens
> >> of thousands LOCs?
> > Perhaps. A bigger issue in practice is that the larger a program is, the
> > more likely it is to depend on some library that depends on a ghc
> > extension.
> this is true for *application* code, but for codec you may have lots of
> code that just compute, compute, compute

Yes indeed. If there is code like this out there for haskell, I would
love to add it as a test case for jhc. I don't see a reason it wouldn't
compile to be as fast as C, with the caveat that the strictness analyzer
needs to be able to find all the unboxables. It sometimes needs some
help with well placed 'seq' statements, but that is true of ghc as well.
jhc does suffer a lot more than ghc though when it can't make things strict.


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈

Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 晚上7:45:082009/2/20
收件者:Isaac Gouy、
Hello Isaac,

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 3:28:31 AM, you wrote:

> When did you look - six months ago? a year ago? 3 years ago?

ah, again this argument. two weeks ago Don said that ghc changed a lot
in 2 years, now when we see that there is no difference, he says that
those loop optimizer is somewhere noone know where. now i should look
into new set of tests just because everyone else believe that ghc is
shiny. please look yourself, i will continue to say about testset i
have seen when 6.6 arrived

>> most of these tests depends on libraries speed
> Most?
> 2 of 12 strongly depend on libraries because PCRE and GMP are explicitly allowed.

*were* depending on libs speed. in particular, haskell's triumph -
multithreading tests, chameneos or so

>> in one test, PHP is 1st
> I don't believe that has ever been true - which test?

large regexps one

> Please note that "sum-file" has not been included since autumn 2008.


Best regards,


John Meacham

2009年2月20日 晚上7:45:452009/2/20
On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 01:20:14AM +0100, Alberto G. Corona wrote:
> John,
> please update the section "All is not well in jhc-land" because now
> things are better isn´t?

Ah, are you refering to this page?
That is just there for historical reasons as my initial announcement.

more up to date info is

in the manual:
the becoming a developer page:
and the how do i just try it out page:

I guess it isn't clear that that original document is no longer up to date. I
will put a big warning on it.


Sebastian Sylvan

2009年2月20日 晚上7:48:402009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、Achim Schneider、

I'm not going to debate all these points with you because I don't think you
actually responded to mine, but let me just say that MY impression of this
thread is that people attack you not because you compare compilers
head-to-head, but because you do it in an incredibly abrasive and hostile
manner (your messages read much more like "Haha! I told you so, look how
stupid/dishonest you are!", than "Here's a case where GHC produces bad code,
here's some analysis, and here's a ticket/patch for it").
Just because you put a smiley at the end of a thinly veiled ad hominem
doesn't mean you get to pretend that you're just a victim when people get
understandably ticked off at your tone and respond in kind.

Search the archives, performance discussions come up all the time, often
with quite vigorous criticism of GHC's current results, but somehow those
threads manage to stay civil and on point. Please, do a little introspection
and see if you can stick to a more constructive and friendly tone in the
future - I would be willing to bet that if you did, you wouldn't get

Sebastian Sylvan

2009年2月20日 晚上7:49:112009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、Achim Schneider、
I was intending to send this privately but clicked the wrong button.
Apologies for adding even more noise to this discussion.

Alberto G. Corona

2009年2月20日 晚上7:53:282009/2/20
But it is very misleading. It would be nice to have a log or
something similar to inform about the current state

Bulat Ziganshin

2009年2月20日 晚上7:55:082009/2/20
收件者:John Meacham、
Hello John,

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 3:42:24 AM, you wrote:

>> this is true for *application* code, but for codec you may have lots of
>> code that just compute, compute, compute

> Yes indeed. If there is code like this out there for haskell, I would
> love to add it as a test case for jhc.

Crypto library has a lot of native haskell code computing hashes and
encrypting data

hopefully people will show other examples

btw, Galois Cryptol has haskell backend, are you know? with jhс
compilation it can probably generate as fast code as C backend does.
it will be very interesting for us and even look as something close to
production usage. i have crossposted message to Don

> I don't see a reason it wouldn't
> compile to be as fast as C, with the caveat that the strictness analyzer
> needs to be able to find all the unboxables.

there is one problem with haskell - it doesn't support variables and
complex control structures. this means that sometimes you need to
wrote more complex code to handle situation and as a result, it may be
slower than native C

Best regards,


Don Stewart

2009年2月20日 晚上8:13:482009/2/20
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、

> Hello John,
> Saturday, February 21, 2009, 3:42:24 AM, you wrote:
> >> this is true for *application* code, but for codec you may have lots of
> >> code that just compute, compute, compute
> > Yes indeed. If there is code like this out there for haskell, I would
> > love to add it as a test case for jhc.
> Crypto library has a lot of native haskell code computing hashes and
> encrypting data
> hopefully people will show other examples
> btw, Galois Cryptol has haskell backend, are you know? with jhс
> compilation it can probably generate as fast code as C backend does.
> it will be very interesting for us and even look as something close to
> production usage. i have crossposted message to Don

That's a very interesting idea. The output from Cryptol is self
contained enough, and simple, numerical code, that JHC probably could
handle it -- it doesn't require extensive libraries or runtime support,
for example. This warrents investigation.

Thanks for the suggestion!

-- Don

Louis Wasserman

2009年2月20日 晚上8:16:352009/2/20
I am no longer sure that this conversation is producing useful information
or a learning experience for any involved party, and suggest it ends.

In the meantime, a brief summary:

- Straightforward and simple Haskell code, written by an individual aware
of issues with tail recursion and stream fusion, is frequently within 3x the
speed of GCC code when compiled with appropriate optimizations in GHC.
- When performance is an absolute necessity, Haskell code can sometimes
be manually modified (e.g. with manual loop unrolls) to equal GCC in
- The amount of effort required for manually unrolling loops is greater
than simply using standard GCC optimizations, and in practice few
programmers will want to make this extra effort. For your everyday
programmer, achieving that sort of performance is typically easier when
writing in C.
- If anybody wants a Haskell compiler to achieve GCC-level speeds while
writing short and concise Haskell, it is preferable to add a ticket with
examples already written out and exhaustively examined to minimize the
effort Simon needs to make in working on the problem. GHC has had
considerably fewer person-hours devoted to it than GCC, and only additional
person-hours can improve it.
- Even though it might not match with the amount of effort an average
Haskell programmer would put into their code, it is *still* constructive to
attempt to optimize Haskell code exhaustively and at a low level, if only to
help us learn what sorts of transformations it would be useful for GHC to do
automatically. This sort of information, I imagine, would be of significant
use to Simon when attempting to improve GHC.

Nobody is opining that everyday Haskell code will compile to code as speedy
as GCC output. People *are* attempting to find out how Haskell code can be
hacked at a low level to run as fast as GCC code, but not because they're
claiming GHC output is as fast as GCC output. Rather, they're attempting to
find out
a) what sorts of approaches a really determined Haskell programmer can use
to improve speed
b) the sorts of optimizations a later version of GHC might be able to make,
c) what sort of code its optimizer might produce.

This is not being reported as "fair Haskell vs C++ comparison" -- this is a
collaborative effort to *improve* Haskell that was motivated by Bulat's
original comparison.

Can we move on?

Louis Wasserman

Isaac Gouy

2009年2月20日 晚上8:44:292009/2/20

--- On Fri, 2/20/09, Bulat Ziganshin <> wrote:

> From: Bulat Ziganshin <>
> Subject: Re[4]: [Haskell-cafe] Re: speed: ghc vs gcc
> To: "Isaac Gouy" <>
> Cc:
> Date: Friday, February 20, 2009, 4:43 PM
> Hello Isaac,
> Saturday, February 21, 2009, 3:28:31 AM, you wrote:
> > When did you look - six months ago? a year ago? 3
> years ago?
> ah, again this argument. two weeks ago Don said that ghc
> changed a lot
> in 2 years, now when we see that there is no difference, he
> says that
> those loop optimizer is somewhere noone know where. now i
> should look
> into new set of tests just because everyone else believe
> that ghc is
> shiny. please look yourself, i will continue to say about
> testset i
> have seen when 6.6 arrived

If you're going to continue talking about a testset you saw in 2006 then tell people you are talking about 2006.

> >> most of these tests depends on libraries speed
> > Most?
> > 2 of 12 strongly depend on libraries because PCRE and
> GMP are explicitly allowed.
> *were* depending on libs speed. in particular,
> haskell's triumph -
> multithreading tests, chameneos or so

Most? If you add those 2, that makes 4 out of 12 (4 out of 17 in the old data).

> >> in one test, PHP is 1st
> > I don't believe that has ever been true - which
> test?
> large regexps one

PHP is not 1st in regex-dna.

PHP is not even 1st in regex-dna in the old data.

PHP is not even in the first 15 in regex-dna in the old data.

Bertram Felgenhauer

2009年2月20日 晚上11:55:532009/2/20
Don Stewart wrote:
> If we take what I usually see as the best loops GHC can do for this kind
> of thing:
> import Data.Array.Vector
> main = print (sumU (enumFromToU 1 (10^9 :: Int)))
> And compile it:
> $ ghc-core A.hs -O2 -fvia-C -optc-O3
> We get ideal core, all data structures fused away, and no heap allocation:
> $wfold_s15t :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#
> $wfold_s15t =
> \ (ww1_s150 :: Int#) (ww2_s154 :: Int#) ->
> case ># ww2_s154 ww_s14U of wild_aWm {
> False ->
> $wfold_s15t
> (+# ww1_s150 ww2_s154) (+# ww2_s154 1);
> True -> ww1_s150
> }; } in
> case $wfold_s15t 0 1
> Which produces nice assembly:
> s16e_info:
> cmpq 6(%rbx), %rdi
> jg .L2
> addq %rdi, %rsi
> leaq 1(%rdi), %rdi
> jmp s16e_info

Note that this does the addition to the accumulator first, and then
increments the counter.

> I wondered if we just got worse code on backwards counting loops. So
> translating into the "obvious" translation, counting up:
> main = print (sum0 0 1)
> sum0 :: Int -> Int -> Int
> sum0 acc n | n > 10^9 = acc
> | otherwise = sum0 (acc + n) (n + 1)
> We start to notice something interesting:
> $wsum0 :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#
> $wsum0 =
> \ (ww_sOH :: Int#) (ww1_sOL :: Int#) ->
> case lvl2 of wild1_aHn { I# y_aHp ->
> case ># ww1_sOL y_aHp of wild_B1 {
> False ->
> letrec {
> $wsum01_XPd :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#
> $wsum01_XPd =
> \ (ww2_XP4 :: Int#) (ww3_XP9 :: Int#) ->
> case ># ww3_XP9 y_aHp of wild11_Xs {
> False ->
> $wsum01_XPd (+# ww2_XP4 ww3_XP9) (+# ww3_XP9 1);
> True -> ww2_XP4
> }; } in
> $wsum01_XPd (+# ww_sOH ww1_sOL) (+# ww1_sOL 1);
> True -> ww_sOH
> }

This is odd, but it doesn't hurt the inner loop, which only involves
$wsum01_XPd, and is identical to $wfold_s15t above.

> Checking the asm:
> $ ghc -O2 -fasm
> sQ3_info:
> .LcRt:
> cmpq 8(%rbp),%rsi
> jg .LcRw
> leaq 1(%rsi),%rax
> addq %rsi,%rbx
> movq %rax,%rsi
> jmp sQ3_info

So for some reason ghc ends up doing the (n + 1) addition before the
(acc + n) addition in this case - this accounts for the extra
instruction, because both n+1 and n need to be kept around for the
duration of the addq (which does the acc + n addition).

> Checking via C:
> $ ghc -O2 -optc-O3 -fvia-C
> Better code, but still a bit slower:
> sQ3_info:
> cmpq 8(%rbp), %rsi
> jg .L8
> addq %rsi, %rbx
> leaq 1(%rsi), %rsi
> jmp sQ3_info

This code is identical (up to renaming registers and one offset that
I can't fully explain, but is probably related to a slight difference
in handling pointer tags between the two versions of the code) to the
"nice assembly" above.

> Running:
> $ time ./B
> 500000000500000000
> ./B 1.01s user 0.01s system 97% cpu 1.035 total

Hmm, about 5% slower, are you sure this isn't just noise?

If not noise, it may be some alignment effect. Hard to say.


Don Stewart

2009年2月21日 凌晨12:00:482009/2/21
收件者:Bertram Felgenhauer、

> This is odd, but it doesn't hurt the inner loop, which only involves
> $wsum01_XPd, and is identical to $wfold_s15t above.
> > Checking the asm:
> > $ ghc -O2 -fasm
> >
> > sQ3_info:
> > .LcRt:
> > cmpq 8(%rbp),%rsi
> > jg .LcRw
> > leaq 1(%rsi),%rax
> > addq %rsi,%rbx
> > movq %rax,%rsi
> > jmp sQ3_info
> So for some reason ghc ends up doing the (n + 1) addition before the
> (acc + n) addition in this case - this accounts for the extra
> instruction, because both n+1 and n need to be kept around for the
> duration of the addq (which does the acc + n addition).

Yep, well spotted.

> > Checking via C:
> >
> > $ ghc -O2 -optc-O3 -fvia-C
> >
> > Better code, but still a bit slower:
> >
> > sQ3_info:
> > cmpq 8(%rbp), %rsi
> > jg .L8
> > addq %rsi, %rbx
> > leaq 1(%rsi), %rsi
> > jmp sQ3_info
> This code is identical (up to renaming registers and one offset that
> I can't fully explain, but is probably related to a slight difference
> in handling pointer tags between the two versions of the code) to the
> "nice assembly" above.

Indeed, which is gratifying.

> > Running:
> >
> > $ time ./B
> > 500000000500000000
> > ./B 1.01s user 0.01s system 97% cpu 1.035 total
> Hmm, about 5% slower, are you sure this isn't just noise?
> If not noise, it may be some alignment effect. Hard to say.

I couldn't get it under 1s from a dozen runs, so assuming some small
effect with alignment.

Why we get the extra test in the outer loop though, not sure. That's new
too I think -- at least I've not seen that pattern before.

-- Don

Manlio Perillo

2009年2月21日 清晨7:53:262009/2/21
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、Achim Schneider、
Bulat Ziganshin ha scritto:
> [...]
> but problem - not mine, but for haskellers, is that some people said
> that ghc can generate code that is as fast as gcc one. it will be
> stupid if someone will start to write say mpeg4 codec and after year
> of work will find that it need 100 Ghz cpu to work.

IMHO, a more viable solution is to write the *parser* in GHC, but use
the raw code written in C.

As an example, I get some problems from mplayer, not caused by the
codec, but by the demuxer and stream parsing.

Manlio Perillo

Peter Verswyvelen

2009年2月21日 上午9:17:402009/2/21
收件者:Achim Schneider、
Most people in the games industry that I knew don't even know haskell. they
are trained imperative hackers.
However tim sweeney studies haskell, so it cetainly has influenced at least
one well known game developer.

But I wasn't saying that Haskell *is* used, I said one could use it for
programming the logic of a game.

And I'm not saying a AAA nexgen title :-)

Peter Verswyvelen

2009年2月21日 上午9:27:202009/2/21
收件者:Bulat Ziganshin、、Achim Schneider
> > nothing should stop you from writing video games in Haskell since
> video codec isn't video game :)))

ouch, mea culpa, I misread your message.

> > but I've worked with people that wrote physics engines in C/C++,
> > and they also had to hand optimize specifically for a certain compiler to
> get things fast.
> that's important signal. if you need to hand-optimize your code even
> if you use icl to compile it, using haskell will be like hunting with
> a hand instead of gun

well in the past I wrote a couple of video codecs (one was a multi core
motion JPEG decoder), and I had to write parts of it in assembler to get
fast enough frame rates. but that is already more than 10 years ago, today I
don't think I could beat a C/C++ compiler like ICL anymore, at least not in
a reasonable time frame

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