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Embedding Lisp in C++ - A Recipe

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Chris Kohlhepp

Sep 10, 2014, 5:04:29 AM9/10/14
Challenging Clojure's Integration with Java in Lisp with C++

Our recipe will present support for the following features:

1) The extreme expressiveness of Lisp embedded in C++, not just C

2) "Live programming" via a Python style REPL directly in a C++ process

3) Support for bidirectional calls from Lisp to C++ and C++ to Lisp

4) Inlining C++ directly in Lisp

5) Variable support for interpreted, byte-compiled and natively JIT compiled operation

6) The ability to re-use not only C++ libraries from Lisp but also re-use all of Lisp's libraries.

7) A means of configuration management via Lisp to replace INI files or XML.

All in about 50 lines of code...
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