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[Caml-list] OSP 2008

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Yaron Minsky

Jan 30, 2008, 4:15:40 PM1/30/08
to Caml List
I am pleased to announce the second OCaml Summer Project! The OSP is
aimed at encouraging growth in the OCaml community by funding students
over the summer to work on open-source projects in OCaml. We'll fund up
to three months of work, and at the end of the summer, we will fly the
participants out for a meeting in New York, where people will present
their projects and get a chance to meet with other members of the OCaml

The project is being funded and run by Jane Street Capital. Jane
Street makes extensive use of OCaml, and we are excited about the idea
of encouraging and growing the OCaml community.

Our goal this year is to get both faculty and students involved. To
that end, we will require joint applications from the student or
students who will be working on the project, and from a faculty member
who both recommends the students and will mentor them throughout the
project. Each student will receive a grant of $5k/month for over the
course of the project, and each faculty member will receive $2k/month.
We expect students to treat this as a full-time commitment, and for
professors to spend the equivalent of one day a week on the project.

We will also award a prize for what we deem to be the most successful
project. Special consideration will be given to projects that display
real polish in the form of good documentation, robust build systems, and
effective test suites. We'll announce more details about the prize
farther down the line.

If you'd like to learn more about the OSP and how to apply, you can
look at our website here:

Please direct any questions or suggestions you have to


Yaron Minsky <>

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