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[Caml-list] [ANN] OCaml Meeting 2010 in Paris

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Sylvain Le Gall

Jan 14, 2010, 7:01:56 AM1/14/10
For the third time, I am proud to invite all OCaml enthusiasts to join
us at OCaml Meeting 2010 in Paris.

This year event takes place in Paris and tries to avoid collision with
all other events. It will be on Friday 16th April 2010. Subscription is
opened today and will be closed on Friday 2nd April 2010.

As last year, participants are invited to give a talk on what they are
doing with OCaml, submit a description of your talk on the wiki or
contact me.

The meeting is sponsored by INRIA CAML Consortium and OCamlCore.
Participation for lunch is covered by the Consortium, you just need to
subscribe. The facility can only host 80 people, so we will have to
filter the list of participants if there are more people. We will give
priority to people giving a talk and coming from abroad.

Volunteers to help before/during the event can contact me directly. We
are particularly looking for a video team. You can also forward this
invitation to any groups that can be interested in (Haskell user group,
CUFP mailing list...)

Further information:

For people who need further information, you can contact me (see for contact details).

The day after OCaml Meeting, Mehdi Dogguy from PPS helps me to organize
an informal day where OCaml teams can meet to work. There will be
internet access and a blackboard in each room. We will have 2 classrooms
(each classroom can host 45 persons). Inscription will is free, stay

Hope to see a lot of you
Sylvain Le Gall on behalf of the OCaml Meeting organization team.

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