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[Caml-list] ANN: Batteries Included Release 0

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David Teller

Aug 30, 2008, 5:37:25 AM8/30/08
to OCaml
Dear list,

I'm happy to announce the availability of a preview release of
Batteries Included. Batteries Included is a candidate standard
development platform for OCaml.

For this release 0, Batteries only gives access to the OCaml base
library and to ExtLib. Future versions will add access to other
libraries. Our final objective is to obtain a platform containing all
the tools necessary for most common tasks, from data structures to XML
to user interfaces to network access.

More details on the blog [1]. The code may be found on OCamlForge [2]. A
GODI package is being prepared. Suggestions and discussions on this
mailing-list are heartily welcome.



David Teller-Rajchenbach
Security of Distributed Systems
Angry researcher: French Universities need reforms, but the LRU act brings liquidations.

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David Teller

Aug 30, 2008, 7:00:41 AM8/30/08
to OCaml
Auto-generated documentation has just been uploaded [3]. As you may see,
the default presentation of OCamlDoc is possibly not quite what we need.
If you wish to help us develop a nice OCamlDoc plug-in to obtain
something more readable, please contact us.



Matt Gushee

Sep 1, 2008, 2:02:37 PM9/1/08
David Teller wrote:
> Auto-generated documentation has just been uploaded [3]. As you may see,
> the default presentation of OCamlDoc is possibly not quite what we need.
> If you wish to help us develop a nice OCamlDoc plug-in to obtain
> something more readable, please contact us.

I see that the headings and function signatures are not formatted as one
would expect, but that is apparently because the doc is being accessed
by FTP (why?), so the CSS stylesheet is not included. Is that what you
mean, or is it something else?

Matt Gushee
: Bantam - lightweight file manager : :
: RASCL's A Simple Configuration Language : :

blue storm

Sep 1, 2008, 2:13:11 PM9/1/08
to Matt Gushee,
On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 8:02 PM, Matt Gushee <> wrote:
> I see that the headings and function signatures are not formatted as one
> would expect, but that is apparently because the doc is being accessed by
> FTP (why?), so the CSS stylesheet is not included. Is that what you mean, or
> is it something else?

I have to apologize : i'm responsible for the problem here. I
originally uploaded the documentation on my website, wich is fine,
then preferred a "forge" location.
Seems ftp was not a choice that clever after all. I just modified the
link to put the external http link back.

(It is actually the plain ocamldoc-generated documentation, that you
can generate from the project sources using 'make doc')

Sorry for the disturbance.

Sylvain Le Gall

Sep 1, 2008, 3:38:25 PM9/1/08

On 01-09-2008, blue storm <> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 8:02 PM, Matt Gushee <> wrote:
>> I see that the headings and function signatures are not formatted as one
>> would expect, but that is apparently because the doc is being accessed by
>> FTP (why?), so the CSS stylesheet is not included. Is that what you mean, or
>> is it something else?
> I have to apologize : i'm responsible for the problem here. I
> originally uploaded the documentation on my website, wich is fine,
> then preferred a "forge" location.
> Seems ftp was not a choice that clever after all. I just modified the
> link to put the external http link back.
> (It is actually the plain ocamldoc-generated documentation, that you
> can generate from the project sources using 'make doc')
> Sorry for the disturbance.

The problem comes from the forge. I finish the configuration for the
homepage of projects. Now each projects has its own DNS name and

Take a look at

You can do the same for batteries

You just have to upload the documentation file into


and fix the homepage redirection (ask a batteries project

You should use "scp" to upload file into /home/groups/batteries/htdocs.
You could also build a whole website ;-)

This way you will have a real website (no more ftp around).

Sylvain Le Gall

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