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[Caml-list] Troublesome nodes

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Dario Teixeira

Jul 11, 2008, 4:39:20 PM7/11/08

This problem was originally raised in a thread in the ocaml-beginners
list [1], but since polymorphic variants, covariant constraints, and
recursive knots were brought into the discussion, I reckon it deserves
the attention of some heavy weights. Moreover, the problem is trickier
than first appearances suggest.

So, what's the situation? I want to create a data structure holding
document nodes. There are four different kinds of nodes, two of which
are terminals (Text and See), and two of which are defined recursively
(Bold and Mref). Moreover, both See and Mref produce links, and there
is an additional constraint that a link node may *not* be the immediate
ancestor of another link node. Using conventional union types, a node
could be modelled like this:

module Old_node =
type seq_t = super_node_t list
and super_node_t =
| Nonlink_node of nonlink_node_t
| Link_node of link_node_t
and nonlink_node_t =
| Text of string
| Bold of seq_t
and link_node_t =
| Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list
| See of string

The problem with this representation is that it introduces an unwanted
scaffolding for nodes. Moreover, it prevents the use of constructor
functions for nodes, since non-link nodes may be represented in the
tree in a context-dependent fashion: either directly such as Bold [...],
or as Nonlink_node (Bold [...]). Note that preserving the link/nonlink
distinction in the structure is helpful for pattern matching purposes,
but the extra scaffolding is just a pain.

One alternative is to use polymorphic variants, and to take advantage
of the fact that new types can be built as the union of existing ones.
Ideally, one could do something like this:

type seq_t = super_node_t list
and nonlink_node_t =
[ `Text of string
| `Bold of seq_t ]
and link_node_t =
[ Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list
| See of string ]
and super_node_t = [nonlink_node_t | link_node_t]

However, this fails with an error "The type constructor nonlink_node_t is
not yet completely defined". Jon Harrop suggested untying the recursive
knot, but the solution has a few drawbacks of its own [2].

Another alternative is to flatten the structure altogether and to annotate
the constructor functions with phantom types to prevent the violation of
the no-parent constraint:

module Node:
type seq_t = node_t list
and node_t =
| Text of string
| Bold of seq_t
| Mref of string * seq_t
| See of string

type +'a t

val text: string -> [> `Nonlink] t
val bold: 'a t list -> [> `Nonlink] t
val mref: string -> [< `Nonlink] t list -> [> `Link] t
val see: string -> [> `Link] t
end =
type seq_t = node_t list
and node_t =
| Text of string
| Bold of seq_t
| Mref of string * seq_t
| See of string

type +'a t = node_t

let text txt = Text txt
let bold inl = Bold inl
let mref ref inl = Mref (ref, inl)
let see ref = See ref

This works fine, but because the link/nonlink distinction is lost, making
even a simple Node_to_Node translator becomes a mess:

module Node_to_Node =
let rec convert_nonlink_node = function
| Node.Text txt -> Node.text txt
| Node.Bold inl -> Node.bold ( convert_super_node inl)
| _ -> failwith "oops"

and convert_link_node = function
| Node.Mref (ref, inl) -> Node.mref ref ( convert_nonlink_node inl)
| Node.See ref -> Node.see ref
| _ -> failwith "oops"

and convert_super_node node = match node with
| Node.Text _
| Node.Bold _ -> (convert_nonlink_node node :> [`Link | `Nonlink] Node.t)
| Node.See _
| Node.Mref _ -> convert_link_node node

So, I am looking for a solution that meets the following conditions:

- It satisfies the "no link node shall be parent of another" constraint;
- the structure should be pattern-matchable;
- but nodes should be created via constructor functions.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post!
Dario Teixeira


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Jeremy Yallop

Jul 11, 2008, 5:20:33 PM7/11/08
to Dario Teixeira,
Dario Teixeira wrote:
> Ideally, one could do something like this:
> type seq_t = super_node_t list
> and nonlink_node_t =
> [ `Text of string
> | `Bold of seq_t ]
> and link_node_t =
> [ Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list
> | See of string ]
> and super_node_t = [nonlink_node_t | link_node_t]
> However, this fails with an error "The type constructor nonlink_node_t is
> not yet completely defined".

Here's a slight variation of this scheme that might suit your needs.
The idea is to move the recursion from the type level to the module
level, sidestepping the restriction that you can't extend types in the
same recursive group.

module rec M :
type seq_t = M.super_node_t list
type nonlink_node_t =
[ `Text of string
| `Bold of seq_t ]
type link_node_t =

[ `Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list

| `See of string ]
type super_node_t =
[ nonlink_node_t | link_node_t ]
end = M


Zheng Li

Jul 11, 2008, 7:15:31 PM7/11/08

Dario Teixeira wrote:
> Ideally, one could do something like this:
> type seq_t = super_node_t list
> and nonlink_node_t =
> [ `Text of string
> | `Bold of seq_t ]
> and link_node_t =
> [ Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list
> | See of string ]
> and super_node_t = [nonlink_node_t | link_node_t]
> However, this fails with an error "The type constructor nonlink_node_t is
> not yet completely defined". Jon Harrop suggested untying the recursive
> knot, but the solution has a few drawbacks of its own [2].

How about just define

type seq_t = super_node_t list
and nonlink_node_t =
[ `Text of string
| `Bold of seq_t ]
and link_node_t =
[ `Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list
| `See of string ]
and super_node_t =

[`Test of string |`Bold of seq_t | `Mref of string *
nonlink_node_t list | `See of string]

or similar ... not sure whether this satisfies your requirements though.


Dario Teixeira

Jul 12, 2008, 8:37:29 AM7/12/08
to Jeremy Yallop,

Thanks Jeremy, that's quite ingenious. However, I've hit a problem in the
definition of the constructor functions (the full code + compiler error
is below). Now, I know that nonlink_node_t is a subset of super_node_t,
and therefore any variant valid for nonlink_node_t is also acceptable for
super_node_t. But how do I tell this to the compiler? (Note that having
users of the module manually casting types with :> is something I would
rather avoid).

Thanks again,

module rec Node:
type nonlink_node_t = [ `Text of string | `Bold of Node.super_node_t list ]
type link_node_t = [ `See of string | `Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list ]

type super_node_t = [ nonlink_node_t | link_node_t ]

val text: string -> nonlink_node_t
val bold: super_node_t list -> nonlink_node_t
val see: string -> link_node_t
val mref: string -> nonlink_node_t list -> link_node_t
end =
type nonlink_node_t = [ `Text of string | `Bold of Node.super_node_t list ]
type link_node_t = [ `See of string | `Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list ]

type super_node_t = [ nonlink_node_t | link_node_t ]

let text txt = `Text txt
let bold seq = `Bold seq

let see ref = `See ref

let mref ref seq = `Mref (ref, seq)

open Node
let foo = text "foo"
let bar = bold [text "bar"]

Error: This expression has type Node.nonlink_node_t
but is here used with type Node.super_node_t
The first variant type does not allow tag(s) `Mref, `See

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Jacques Carette

Jul 12, 2008, 9:25:54 AM7/12/08
to Dario Teixeira,
The ingenious use of a recursive module signature seems to be the source
of the problem here. If one defines 'bar' inside the module Node, it
works fine [but is clearly useless].

What surprises me is that the code (below) also gives the exact same
error. In other contexts, I have managed to get such annotations (see
the definition of the bold function) to 'work', but not here. I am
quite puzzled by this, so if you do get an answer to your question
offl-ist, I would appreciate if you could forward it on.


PS: because I am actually using metaocaml for other projects, I am using
ocaml 3.09 for my tests, so it is possible that something is different
in 3.10.

module Node :
type nonlink_node_t
type link_node_t
type super_node_t

val text: string -> nonlink_node_t
val bold: super_node_t list -> nonlink_node_t
val see: string -> link_node_t
val mref: string -> nonlink_node_t list -> link_node_t
end =

type 'a p1 = [ `Text of string | `Bold of 'a list ]
type 'a p2 = [ `See of string | `Mref of string * 'a p1 list ]
type 'a p3 = [ 'a p1 | 'a p2 ]

type super_node_t = super_node_t p3
type nonlink_node_t = super_node_t p1
type link_node_t = super_node_t p2

let text txt = `Text txt

let bold seq = `Bold (seq :> super_node_t list)

let see ref = `See ref
let mref ref seq = `Mref (ref, seq)


Wolfgang Lux

Jul 12, 2008, 12:44:59 PM7/12/08
to Dario Teixeira,, Jeremy Yallop
Dario Teixeira wrote:

This problem is apparently easy to solve. Just don't expect an exact
super_node_t list argument for the bold function. Instead use

val bold : [< super_node_t] list -> nonlink_node_t

in the signature and
let bold seq = `Bold (seq :> super_node_t list)
in the body of the Node module's definition.


Jeremy Yallop

Jul 13, 2008, 8:58:11 AM7/13/08
to Dario Teixeira, Wolfgang Lux,
Dario Teixeira wrote:
> and convert_super_node node = match node with
> | #nonlink_node_t -> (convert_nonlink_node node :> super_node_t)
> | #link_node_t -> (convert_link_node node :> super_node_t)

You need to rebind the matched value within the pattern in order to
refine the type on the rhs:

and convert_super_node node = match node with

| #nonlink_node_t as node -> (convert_nonlink_node node :> super_node_t)
| #link_node_t as node -> (convert_link_node node :> super_node_t)


Dario Teixeira

Jul 13, 2008, 8:58:10 AM7/13/08
to Wolfgang Lux,, Jeremy Yallop

Thank you all for your help! I think we're almost there: with Wolfgang's
suggestion, the Node module complies with the original constraints, as the
code below shows: (the compiler complains -- as it should! -- when on the
last line I try to nest two link nodes directly)

module rec Node:
type nonlink_node_t = [ `Text of string | `Bold of Node.super_node_t list ]
type link_node_t = [ `See of string | `Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list ]
type super_node_t = [ nonlink_node_t | link_node_t ]

val text: string -> nonlink_node_t
val bold: [< super_node_t] list -> nonlink_node_t
val see: string -> link_node_t
val mref: string -> nonlink_node_t list -> link_node_t
end =
type nonlink_node_t = [ `Text of string | `Bold of Node.super_node_t list ]
type link_node_t = [ `See of string | `Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list ]
type super_node_t = [ nonlink_node_t | link_node_t ]

let text txt = `Text txt

let bold seq = `Bold (seq :> super_node_t list)

let see ref = `See ref
let mref ref seq = `Mref (ref, seq)

open Node

let foo1 = text "foo" (* valid *)
let foo2 = bold [text "foo"] (* valid *)
let foo3 = mref "ref" [text "foo"] (* valid *)
let foo4 = mref "ref" [see "ref"] (* invalid *)

Now, the icing on the cake would be the possibility to build a Node_to_Node
set of functions without code duplication. Ideally, I would like to do
something as follows:

module Node_to_Node =
open Node

let rec convert_nonlink_node = function

| `Text txt -> Node.text txt
| `Bold seq -> Node.bold ( convert_super_node seq)

and convert_link_node = function
| `See ref -> Node.see ref
| `Mref (ref, seq) -> Node.mref ref ( convert_nonlink_node seq)

and convert_super_node node = match node with
| #nonlink_node_t -> (convert_nonlink_node node :> super_node_t)
| #link_node_t -> (convert_link_node node :> super_node_t)


But this fails on the last line:

Error: This expression has type

[< `Bold of 'a list & Node.super_node_t list | `Text of string ]
as 'a

but is here used with type

[< `Mref of string * 'a list | `See of string ]
These two variant types have no intersection

Do you see any way around it?

Thanks again for all your time and attention!

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Jacques Carette

Jul 13, 2008, 8:58:24 AM7/13/08
to Wolfgang Lux,
Wolfgang Lux wrote:
> This problem is apparently easy to solve. Just don't expect an exact
> super_node_t list argument for the bold function. Instead use
> val bold : [< super_node_t] list -> nonlink_node_t
> in the signature and
> let bold seq = `Bold (seq :> super_node_t list)
> in the body of the Node module's definition.
Indeed, works like a charm. You don't even need the coercion in the
body of 'bold' for it to work.

This will hopefully allow me to remove some coercions from my own code,
and use subtype annotations in the types.


Dario Teixeira

Jul 13, 2008, 10:32:34 AM7/13/08

For the sake of future reference, I'm going to summarise the solution to
the original problem, arrived at thanks to the contribution of various
people in this list (your help was very much appreciated!). This might
came in handy in the future if you run into a similar problem.

So, we have a document composed of a sequence of nodes. There are four

different kinds of nodes, two of which are terminals (Text and See)

and two of which are defined recursively (Bold and Mref). Both See and
Mref produce links, and we want to impose a constraint that no link node
shall be the immediate ancestor of another link node. An additional
constraint is that nodes must be created via constructor functions.
Finally, the structure should be pattern-matchable, and the distinction
between link/nonlink nodes should be preserved so that Node-to-Node
functions do not require code duplication and/or ugly hacks.

Using conventional variants, the structure can be represented as follows.
Alas, this solution is not compatible with constructor functions and
requires unwanted scaffolding:

module Ast =
type super_node_t =

| Nonlink_node of nonlink_node_t
| Link_node of link_node_t
and nonlink_node_t =
| Text of string

| Bold of super_node_t list

and link_node_t =
| Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list
| See of string

Below is the solution that was finally obtained. Nodes are represented
using polymorphic variants, and the module itself is recursive to get
around the "type not fully defined" problem:

module rec Node:
type nonlink_node_t = [ `Text of string | `Bold of Node.super_node_t list ]
type link_node_t = [ `See of string | `Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list ]
type super_node_t = [ nonlink_node_t | link_node_t ]

val text: string -> nonlink_node_t

val bold: [< super_node_t] list -> nonlink_node_t

val see: string -> link_node_t
val mref: string -> nonlink_node_t list -> link_node_t
end =

type nonlink_node_t = [ `Text of string | `Bold of Node.super_node_t list ]
type link_node_t = [ `See of string | `Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list ]
type super_node_t = [ nonlink_node_t | link_node_t ]

let text txt = `Text txt

let bold seq = `Bold (seq :> super_node_t list)

let see ref = `See ref

let mref ref seq = `Mref (ref, seq)

If you try it out, you will see that this solution enforces the basic
node constraints. The values foo1-foo4 are valid, whereas the compiler
won't accept foo5, because a link node is the parent of another:

open Node
let foo1 = text "foo"

let foo2 = bold [text "foo"]

let foo3 = mref "ref" [foo1; foo2]
let foo4 = mref "ref" [bold [see "ref"]]
let foo5 = mref "ref" [see "ref"]

Now, suppose you need to create an Ast-to-Node sets of functions (a likely
scenario if you are building a parser for documents). The solution is
fairly straightforward, but note the need to use the cast operator :>
to promote link/nonlink nodes to supernodes:

module Ast_to_Node =

let rec convert_nonlink_node = function

| Ast.Text txt -> Node.text txt
| Ast.Bold seq -> Node.bold ( convert_super_node seq)

and convert_link_node = function
| Ast.Mref (ref, seq) -> Node.mref ref ( convert_nonlink_node seq)
| Ast.See ref -> Node.see ref

and convert_super_node = function
| Ast.Nonlink_node node -> (convert_nonlink_node node :> Node.super_node_t)
| Ast.Link_node node -> (convert_link_node node :> Node.super_node_t)

Finally, another common situation is to build functions to process nodes.
The example below is that of a node-to-node "identity" module. Again, it
is fairly straightforward, but note the use of the operator # and the need
to cast link/nonlink nodes to supernodes:

module Node_to_Node =
open Node

let rec convert_nonlink_node = function
| `Text txt -> text txt
| `Bold seq -> bold ( convert_super_node seq)

and convert_link_node = function
| `See ref -> see ref
| `Mref (ref, seq) -> mref ref ( convert_nonlink_node seq)

and convert_super_node = function
| #nonlink_node_t as node -> (convert_nonlink_node node :> super_node_t)
| #link_node_t as node -> (convert_link_node node :> super_node_t)

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

Dario Teixeira

Jul 13, 2008, 1:39:22 PM7/13/08
Hi again,

Sorry, but in the meantime I came across two problems with the supposedly
ultimate solution I just posted. I have a correction for one, but not
for the other.

The following statements trigger the first problem:

let foo1 = text "foo"

let foo2 = see "ref"
let foo3 = bold [foo1; foo2]

Error: This expression has type Node.link_node_t but is here used with type

These two variant types have no intersection

The solution that immediately comes to mind is to make the return types
for the constructor functions open: (I can see no disadvantage with
this solution; please tell me if you find any)

module rec Node:
type nonlink_node_t = [ `Text of string | `Bold of Node.super_node_t list ]
type link_node_t = [ `See of string | `Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list ]
type super_node_t = [ nonlink_node_t | link_node_t ]

val text: string -> [> nonlink_node_t]
val bold: [< super_node_t] list -> [> nonlink_node_t]
val see: string -> [> link_node_t]
val mref: string -> nonlink_node_t list -> [> link_node_t]
end =
type nonlink_node_t = [ `Text of string | `Bold of Node.super_node_t list ]
type link_node_t = [ `See of string | `Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list ]
type super_node_t = [ nonlink_node_t | link_node_t ]

let text txt = `Text txt
let bold seq = `Bold (seq :> super_node_t list)
let see ref = `See ref
let mref ref seq = `Mref (ref, seq)

The second problem, while not a show-stopper, may open a hole for misuse of
the module, so I would rather get it fixed. Basically, while the module
provides constructor functions to build nodes, nothing prevents the user
from bypassing them and constructing nodes manually. The obvious solution
of declaring the types "private" results in an "This fixed type has no row
variable" error. Any way around it?

Thanks once more for your time,

Jon Harrop

Jul 13, 2008, 5:12:16 PM7/13/08
On Sunday 13 July 2008 18:39:07 Dario Teixeira wrote:
> Hi again,
> Sorry, but in the meantime I came across two problems with the supposedly
> ultimate solution I just posted. I have a correction for one, but not
> for the other.
> The following statements trigger the first problem:
> let foo1 = text "foo"
> let foo2 = see "ref"
> let foo3 = bold [foo1; foo2]
> Error: This expression has type Node.link_node_t but is here used with type
> Node.nonlink_node_t
> These two variant types have no intersection
> The solution that immediately comes to mind is to make the return types
> for the constructor functions open: (I can see no disadvantage with
> this solution; please tell me if you find any)

I believe that is the correct solution. Sorry I didn't reach it sooner myself!

I was going to suggest boxing every node in an ordinary variant type with a
single private constructor:

type 'a t = private Node of 'a constraint 'a = [< Node.super_node_t ]

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.

Dario Teixeira

Jul 14, 2008, 11:11:53 AM7/14/08
to, Jon Harrop

> I was going to suggest boxing every node in an ordinary variant type with a
> single private constructor:
> type 'a t = private Node of 'a constraint 'a = [< Node.super_node_t ]

Thanks for the suggestion, Jon. Boxing every node is actually very
welcome anyway, because later I would like to classify nodes into two
different classes, "Basic" and "Complex" (these are orthogonal to the
existing link/nonlink distinction), and the only way I see of doing this
is via some phantom type trickery (more on that in a later message).

Anyway, going back to your boxing suggestion, how can it actually be
applied to the signature of the Node module? As you can see below, I
have define type 'a t (without the "Node" constructor -- is it really
necessary?), but what is the syntax for saying that the constructors
text, bold, see, and mref, return a kind of 'a t without breaking the
existing restrictions?

module rec Node:
type nonlink_node_t = [ `Text of string | `Bold of Node.super_node_t list ]
type link_node_t = [ `See of string | `Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list ]
type super_node_t = [ nonlink_node_t | link_node_t ]

type 'a t = private 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]

val text: string -> [> nonlink_node_t]
val bold: [< super_node_t] list -> [> nonlink_node_t]
val see: string -> [> link_node_t]
val mref: string -> nonlink_node_t list -> [> link_node_t]
end =

Sorry for the stream of questions. As you may have noticed, this
thread has gone deep into uncharted territory as far as the Ocaml
documentation goes. In fact, I have the feeling the only existing
documentation for these subjects lies within the collective wisdom of
the people on this list...

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Dario Teixeira

Jul 14, 2008, 2:53:04 PM7/14/08

After some trial and error in the top-level, I think I got the hang of the
'constraint' declaration (is there other documentation for it besides the
couple of lines in the Reference Manual?). Note that besides the already
discussed link/nonlink distinction between nodes, there is now also an
orthogonal distinction between basic/complex nodes (all nodes except for
Mref are basic; any document that uses Mref thus becomes "contaminated"
and cannot use basic-only functions; the inverse, however, is not true).
I took advantage of Jon's suggestion of boxing all return types into a
single Node.t to implement this latter distinction using phantom types
(is there even an alternative technique?).

Now, the code below seems correct, and running "ocamlc -i" produces
the type signatures you would expect, and without error messages. However,
running "ocamlc -c" fails with a "The type of this expression contains
type variables that cannot be generalized" error on the declaration of foo3.
Moreover, if you comment out the top-level declarations and try to compile
only the module declaration, you will also get different results whether you
run "ocamlc -i" or "ocamlc -c". The former displays the module's signature
as expected, but the latter produces this error message:

Type declarations do not match:
type ('a, 'b) t = ('a, 'b) Node.t constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]
is not included in
type ('a, 'b) t = private 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]

I find this behaviour a bit odd. What is going on?

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

module rec Node:
type nonlink_node_t = [ `Text of string | `Bold of Node.super_node_t list ]
type link_node_t = [ `See of string | `Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list ]
type super_node_t = [ nonlink_node_t | link_node_t ]

type ('a, 'b) t = private 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]

val text: string -> ([> nonlink_node_t], [> `Basic]) t
val bold: ([< super_node_t], 'a) t list -> ([> nonlink_node_t], 'a) t
val see: string -> ([> link_node_t], [> `Basic]) t
val mref: string -> (nonlink_node_t, 'a) t list -> ([> link_node_t], [> `Complex]) t

val make_basic: ([< super_node_t], [< `Basic]) t -> (super_node_t, [`Basic]) t
val make_complex: ([< super_node_t], [< `Basic | `Complex]) t -> (super_node_t, [`Complex]) t
end =

type nonlink_node_t = [ `Text of string | `Bold of Node.super_node_t list ]
type link_node_t = [ `See of string | `Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list ]
type super_node_t = [ nonlink_node_t | link_node_t ]

type ('a, 'b) t = 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]

let text txt = `Text txt
let bold seq = `Bold (seq :> super_node_t list)
let see ref = `See ref
let mref ref seq = `Mref (ref, seq)

let make_basic n = (n :> (super_node_t, [`Basic]) t)
let make_complex n = (n :> (super_node_t, [`Complex]) t)

open Node

let foo1 = text "ola"
let foo2 = bold [text "ola"]

let foo3 = mref "ref" [foo1; foo2]

let basic1 = make_basic foo1
let basic2 = make_basic foo2

let complex1 = make_complex foo1
let complex2 = make_complex foo2
let complex3 = make_complex foo3

Jeremy Yallop

Jul 14, 2008, 3:38:08 PM7/14/08
to Dario Teixeira,
Dario Teixeira wrote:
> type ('a, 'b) t = private 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]

I don't think this is quite what you want yet, although it's getting

The first problem is that phantom types must be implemented in terms
of abstract (or at least generative) types. A simple example to
illustrate the problem: the types

int t


float t

denote the same type given the alias declaration

type 'a t = unit

but different types given the abstract type declaration

type 'a t

The clause "= private 'a" in your declaration above indicates that `t'
denotes an alias, not an abstract type.

The second problem is indicated by the error message you reported:

"The type of this expression contains type variables that cannot be

Weak (ungeneralised) type variables are not allowed at module-level
bindings. You'll see a similar error message if you try to compile a
module containing the following binding, for example

let x = ref None

The solution to this problem is usually to change the form of the
offending expression, for example by eta-expanding a term denoting a
function. In your case, though, the solution is to change the
declaration of the abstract type `t' to indicate that the type
parameters do not occur negatively in the right-hand side. This takes
advantage of a novel feature of OCaml -- the "relaxed value
restriction" -- which uses a subtype-based analysis rather than a
simple syntactic check to determine whether bindings can be made

The final type declaration, then, is

type (+'a, +'b) t
constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]

in the signature and

type (+'a, +'b) t = 'a
constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]

in the implementation.


Dario Teixeira

Jul 16, 2008, 5:22:32 PM7/16/08
to Jeremy Yallop,

> The first problem is that phantom types must be implemented in terms
> of abstract (or at least generative) types. A simple example to
> illustrate the problem: the types
> int t
> and
> float t
> denote the same type given the alias declaration
> type 'a t = unit
> but different types given the abstract type declaration
> type 'a t
> The clause "= private 'a" in your declaration above indicates that `t'
> denotes an alias, not an abstract type.

What mislead me was a simple experiment I made where declaring 't' private
had the same effect as making it abstract for purposes of creating
module values (thus forcing you to constructor functions), while at
the same time keeping the 't' open for purposes of pattern-matching.
Suppose you have a simple module that prevents the user from mixing the
proverbial apples and oranges:

module Fruit:
type 'a t

val apples: int -> [`Apples] t
val oranges: int -> [`Oranges] t
val (+): 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
end =
type 'a t = int

let apples n = n
let oranges n = n
let (+) = (+)

open Fruit
let foo = apples 10
let bar = oranges 20
let sum = foo + bar (* oops! *)

Now, if you un-abstract 't' by declaring "type 'a t = int" in the sig,
then the rogue unification makes the compiler accept the erroneous
top-level statements. However, if instead you declare it as "type
'a t = private int", then rogue unification is prevented, but the type
is not completely hidden. You can thus have your cake and eat it too.
(Please correct me if my interpretation of 'private' is off).

> Weak (ungeneralised) type variables are not allowed at module-level
> bindings. You'll see a similar error message if you try to compile a
> module containing the following binding, for example
> let x = ref None
> The solution to this problem is usually to change the form of the
> offending expression, for example by eta-expanding a term denoting a
> function. In your case, though, the solution is to change the
> declaration of the abstract type `t' to indicate that the type
> parameters do not occur negatively in the right-hand side. This takes
> advantage of a novel feature of OCaml -- the "relaxed value
> restriction" -- which uses a subtype-based analysis rather than a
> simple syntactic check to determine whether bindings can be made
> polymorphic.

Thanks for the explanation. The solution I adopted was to use the
'+' covariance modifier (is that its name?) *only* for parameter 'a,
because parameter 'b should always be "terminated" via a make_basic or
make_complex function: (there is no equivalent "termination" function
for parameter 'a because I want to allow documents to be composed from
other documents adlib).

type (+'a, 'b) t constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]
val make_basic: ('a, [< `Basic]) t -> ('a, [`Basic]) t
val make_complex: ('a, [< `Basic | `Complex]) t -> ('a, [`Complex]) t

Also, I found it is alright to use ungeneralised type variables in
intermediate expressions, as long as the final expression generalises it:
(this is actually analogous to what happens when you declare "let x = ref
None"; it is fine as long as sooner or later you make the type concrete)

let doc =
let n1 = bold [text "hello"] in (* 'b is weak *)
let n2 = mref "ref" [n1] in (* 'b is still weak *)
make_complex n2 (* 'b is now concrete *)

Dario Teixeira

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Jacques Garrigue

Jul 16, 2008, 8:44:02 PM7/16/08
From: Jeremy Yallop <>

> Dario Teixeira wrote:
> > type ('a, 'b) t = private 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]
> I don't think this is quite what you want yet, although it's getting
> close!
> The first problem is that phantom types must be implemented in terms
> of abstract (or at least generative) types.

This is actually the other way round: abstract and private types allow
phantom types, but abbreviations and normal datatypes (generative
ones) don't.
So the above code really defines a phantom type.

Jacques Garrigue

Jeremy Yallop

Jul 17, 2008, 6:59:34 AM7/17/08
to Jacques Garrigue,
Jacques Garrigue wrote:
> From: Jeremy Yallop <>
>> Dario Teixeira wrote:
>>> type ('a, 'b) t = private 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]
>> I don't think this is quite what you want yet, although it's getting
>> close!
>> The first problem is that phantom types must be implemented in terms
>> of abstract (or at least generative) types.
> This is actually the other way round: abstract and private types allow
> phantom types, but abbreviations and normal datatypes (generative
> ones) don't.

Thanks for the correction! I haven't yet properly internalized private
rows. It seems that private rows allow phantom types because there is
abstraction (and hence generativity) involved.

However, it seems to me that normal (generative) datatypes also allow
phantom types. If `t' is a unary generative datatype constructor then
`int t' and `unit t' are not unifiable, even if the type parameter does
not occur on the rhs of the definition of `t'. For example:

type 'a t = T
let f ((_ : int t) : unit t) = () (* Wrong. *)

> So the above code really defines a phantom type.


On a related note, does Dario's declaration above become ambiguous with
the introduction of private type abbreviations? The following program
passes typechecking in 3.10.2, but not in 3.11+dev12, perhaps because
`t' is interpreted as a private type abbreviation rather than as a
private row type.

type super_node_t = [`S]

module M :

type ('a, 'b) t = private 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]

end =
type super_node_t = [`S]
type ('a, 'b) t = 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]

let f x = (x : [<super_node_t] :> ([< super_node_t], _) M.t)


Dario Teixeira

Jul 17, 2008, 12:12:30 PM7/17/08
to, Jacques Garrigue,

Thanks for the clarification, Jacques. So I guess my initial interpretation
of 'private' was correct. But is 'private' also applicable when a type
is declared using a constraint? In my Node module, for example, type 't'
is declared abstract in the signature:

type (+'a, 'b) t constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]

In the implementation, the type is declared as follows:

type (+'a, 'b) t = 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]

Is it possible in this case to make signature equal to the implementation
except for a 'private' declaration? (Being able to pattern-match on values
of type 't' would be very handy, that is why I would prefer to use 'private'
instead of making the type fully abstract).

Note: I am running Ocaml 3.11+dev12. Jeremy just sent a message where
he reports that the compiler behaviour in this matter changed between
3.10 and 3.11.

Thank you for your time,
Dario Teixeira

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Jacques Garrigue

Jul 17, 2008, 10:28:02 PM7/17/08
From: Dario Teixeira <>

> Thanks for the clarification, Jacques. So I guess my initial interpretation
> of 'private' was correct. But is 'private' also applicable when a type
> is declared using a constraint? In my Node module, for example, type 't'
> is declared abstract in the signature:
> type (+'a, 'b) t constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]
> In the implementation, the type is declared as follows:
> type (+'a, 'b) t = 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]
> Is it possible in this case to make signature equal to the implementation
> except for a 'private' declaration? (Being able to pattern-match on values
> of type 't' would be very handy, that is why I would prefer to use 'private'
> instead of making the type fully abstract).
> Note: I am running Ocaml 3.11+dev12. Jeremy just sent a message where
> he reports that the compiler behaviour in this matter changed between
> 3.10 and 3.11.

This is indeed possible in 3.11, due to the addition of private
abbreviations. Note however that the behaviour of private
abbreviations is not as transparent as private types or rows: the only
practical difference between an abstract type and a private
abbreviation is that you can explicitely coerce from the private
abbreviation to its definition. You cannot use pattern matching
directly without coercion.

So if you write

type (+'a, 'b) t = private 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]

then you must write (x : (_,_) t :> [> ]) if you want to use pattern
matching on x.

Another side-effect of the addition of private abbreviations is that
now the distinction between private rows and private abbreviations is
syntactic. In particular

type (+'a, 'b) t = private 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]

defined a private row in 3.10, but it is a private abbreviation in 3.11
(with of course a different semantics).
If you need the private row semantics, you should now write it as

type (+a, 'b) t = private [< super_node_t] as 'a

which is more intuitive anyway.

Jacques Garrigue

Jacques Garrigue

Jul 17, 2008, 10:35:03 PM7/17/08
From: Jeremy Yallop <>

> Jacques Garrigue wrote:
> > From: Jeremy Yallop <>
> >> Dario Teixeira wrote:
> >>> type ('a, 'b) t = private 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]
> >> I don't think this is quite what you want yet, although it's getting
> >> close!
> >>
> >> The first problem is that phantom types must be implemented in terms
> >> of abstract (or at least generative) types.
> >
> > This is actually the other way round: abstract and private types allow
> > phantom types, but abbreviations and normal datatypes (generative
> > ones) don't.
> Thanks for the correction! I haven't yet properly internalized private
> rows. It seems that private rows allow phantom types because there is
> abstraction (and hence generativity) involved.
> However, it seems to me that normal (generative) datatypes also allow
> phantom types. If `t' is a unary generative datatype constructor then
> `int t' and `unit t' are not unifiable, even if the type parameter does
> not occur on the rhs of the definition of `t'. For example:
> type 'a t = T
> let f ((_ : int t) : unit t) = () (* Wrong. *)


let f x = (x : int t :> unit t) (* Ok *)

For datatypes, variance is inferred automatically, and if a variable
does not occur in the type you are allowed to change it arbitrarily
through subtyping.

> On a related note, does Dario's declaration above become ambiguous with
> the introduction of private type abbreviations? The following program
> passes typechecking in 3.10.2, but not in 3.11+dev12, perhaps because
> `t' is interpreted as a private type abbreviation rather than as a
> private row type.

I detailed the change in my answer to his mail. In 3.11 the
distinction is syntactic: only explicit variant or object types give
rise to private rows.
By the way, I forgot to mention that aliases (as keyword) of those
were not allowed until now, so I have to fix it to make the syntax for
private rows work. (There are useful examples using this syntax.)

type ('a, 'b) t = private [< super_node_t ] as 'a


Jacques Garrigue

Jeremy Yallop

Jul 18, 2008, 5:48:14 AM7/18/08
to Jacques Garrigue,
Jacques Garrigue wrote:
> From: Jeremy Yallop <>
>> However, it seems to me that normal (generative) datatypes also allow
>> phantom types. If `t' is a unary generative datatype constructor then
>> `int t' and `unit t' are not unifiable, even if the type parameter does
>> not occur on the rhs of the definition of `t'. For example:
>> type 'a t = T
>> let f ((_ : int t) : unit t) = () (* Wrong. *)
> However
> let f x = (x : int t :> unit t) (* Ok *)
> For datatypes, variance is inferred automatically, and if a variable
> does not occur in the type you are allowed to change it arbitrarily
> through subtyping.

Thanks for the explanation. I agree that this means that datatypes are
not useful for phantom types.

I don't yet understand exactly how private abbreviations are supposed to
work. The currently implemented behaviour doesn't accomplish what I
understand to be the intention. For example, given

module Nat :
type t = private int
val z : t
val s : t -> t
end =
type t = int
let z = 0
let s = (+) 1

we can write

# (((Nat.z : Nat.t :> int) - 1) :> Nat.t);;
- : Nat.t = -1

Similarly, I'm surprised by the behaviour of coercions at parameterised
types. Given a private type

type 'a t = private 'a

should we be able to coerce a value of type 'a t to type 'a?


Jacques Garrigue

Jul 18, 2008, 9:03:07 AM7/18/08
From: Jeremy Yallop <>

> I don't yet understand exactly how private abbreviations are supposed to
> work. The currently implemented behaviour doesn't accomplish what I
> understand to be the intention. For example, given
> module Nat :
> sig
> type t = private int
> val z : t
> val s : t -> t
> end =
> struct
> type t = int
> let z = 0
> let s = (+) 1
> end
> we can write
> # (((Nat.z : Nat.t :> int) - 1) :> Nat.t);;
> - : Nat.t = -1

It looks like you've found a serious bug in the current
implementation. Actually you don't even need a coercion:

# (((Nat.z : Nat.t :> int) - 1) : Nat.t);;
- : Nat.t = -1

This should certainly not be accepted, as you can see by writing

# (((Nat.z : Nat.t :> int) - 1) : int :> Nat.t);; (* fails *)

I think I know the reason, which is probably related to the way
abbreviation expansions are cached, but this needs more investigating.

Jacques Garrigue

Dario Teixeira

Jul 18, 2008, 9:09:19 AM7/18/08
to Jacques Garrigue,

Thanks once more for your help, Jacques. I had no idea this problem would
prove to be such a challenge!

> So if you write
> type (+'a, 'b) t = private 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]
> then you must write (x : (_,_) t :> [> ]) if you want to use pattern
> matching on x.

The 'private' declaration you suggested does work on some simpler examples,
but the 3.11 compiler won't accept it for the Node module. This is the code:

module rec Node:
type nonlink_node_t = [ `Text of string | `Bold of Node.super_node_t list ]
type link_node_t = [ `See of string | `Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list ]
type super_node_t = [ nonlink_node_t | link_node_t ]

type (+'a, 'b) t = private 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]

val text: string -> ([> nonlink_node_t], [> `Basic]) t

val bold: ([< super_node_t], 'a) t list -> ([> nonlink_node_t], 'a) t
val see: string -> ([> link_node_t], [> `Basic]) t
val mref: string -> (nonlink_node_t, 'a) t list -> ([> link_node_t], [> `Complex]) t

val make_basic: ('a, [< `Basic]) t -> ('a, [`Basic]) t
val make_complex: ('a, [< `Basic | `Complex]) t -> ('a, [`Complex]) t
end =

type nonlink_node_t = [ `Text of string | `Bold of Node.super_node_t list ]
type link_node_t = [ `See of string | `Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list ]
type super_node_t = [ nonlink_node_t | link_node_t ]

type (+'a, 'b) t = 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]

let text txt = `Text txt

let bold seq = `Bold (seq :> super_node_t list)
let see ref = `See ref
let mref ref seq = `Mref (ref, seq)

let make_basic n = n
let make_complex n = n

And this is the error:

Type declarations do not match:

type (+'a, 'b) t = ('a, 'b) Node.t constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]
is not included in

type (+'a, 'b) t = private 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]

> By the way, I forgot to mention that aliases (as keyword) of those
> were not allowed until now, so I have to fix it to make the syntax for
> private rows work. (There are useful examples using this syntax.)

> type ('a, 'b) t = private [< super_node_t ] as 'a

With 3.11+dev12, the above declaration produces a "Unbound type parameter .."
error. When you say you have to fix it, do you mean this will actually be
a valid declaration in 3.11 final? And will this solution allow for easier
pattern-matching of Node values, without the need for coercion?

Speaking of coercion, the exact syntax for it in combination with '#'
patterns elludes me. Take for example a simple, "identity", Node-to-Node
module listed below. How can coercion be applied?

module Node_to_Node =
open Node

let rec convert_nonlink_node = function
| `Text txt -> text txt

| `Bold inl -> bold ( convert_super_node inl)

and convert_link_node = function
| `Mref (ref, inl) -> mref ref ( convert_nonlink_node inl)

| `See ref -> see ref

and convert_super_node = function
| #nonlink_node_t as node -> (convert_nonlink_node node : ('a, 'b) t :> (super_node_t, 'b) t)
| #link_node_t as node -> convert_link_node node

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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Jacques Garrigue

Jul 18, 2008, 9:56:10 AM7/18/08
> It looks like you've found a serious bug in the current
> implementation. Actually you don't even need a coercion:
> # (((Nat.z : Nat.t :> int) - 1) : Nat.t);;
> - : Nat.t = -1
> This should certainly not be accepted, as you can see by writing
> # (((Nat.z : Nat.t :> int) - 1) : int :> Nat.t);; (* fails *)
> I think I know the reason, which is probably related to the way
> abbreviation expansions are cached, but this needs more investigating.

This is now fixed. I just hope this does not break anything...
It should be ok, but please report any new non-termination problem
immediately :-)


Dario Teixeira

Jul 18, 2008, 1:37:09 PM7/18/08

I would like to add one extra, odd, tidbit. On a simple example, 'private'
will only work if a dummy constructor is added to the type. Thus, this will
not work:

module rec Node:
(* ... *)

type (+'a, 'b) t = private 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t]

(* ... *)
end =
(* ... *)

type (+'a, 'b) t = 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t]

(* ... *)
end =

But this will:

module rec Node:
(* ... *)
type (+'a, 'b) t = private Dummy of 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t]
(* ... *)
end =
(* ... *)
type (+'a, 'b) t = Dummy of 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t]
(* ... *)
end =

Is this behaviour correct? (I'm running 3.11+dev12)


Jacques Garrigue

Jul 18, 2008, 10:16:18 PM7/18/08
From: Jacques Garrigue <>

> This is now fixed. I just hope this does not break anything...
> It should be ok, but please report any new non-termination problem
> immediately :-)

OK, my first solution was not correct, and caused infinite loops with

type t = <a:u; b:int> and u = private t
let f x = (x : t :> <a:'a; b:int> as 'a)

This is now fixed by distinguishing public and private expansions in
the expansion cache. This time I see no side-effect.

Jacques Garrigue

Jul 18, 2008, 10:23:49 PM7/18/08
From: Dario Teixeira <>

> I would like to add one extra, odd, tidbit. On a simple example, 'private'
> will only work if a dummy constructor is added to the type. Thus, this will
> not work:
> module rec Node:
> sig
> (* ... *)
> type (+'a, 'b) t = private 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t]
> (* ... *)
> end =
> struct
> (* ... *)
> type (+'a, 'b) t = 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t]
> (* ... *)
> end

I don't understand your counter-example. In typechecks without any
problem, even in older versions. May you did cut it down too much?

> But this will:
> module rec Node:
> sig
> (* ... *)
> type (+'a, 'b) t = private Dummy of 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t]
> (* ... *)
> end =
> struct
> (* ... *)
> type (+'a, 'b) t = Dummy of 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t]
> (* ... *)
> end =

You Dummy creates a datatype, so this is a completely different story.
Recursion is freely allowed in datatype definitions, while there are
restrictions for abbreviations.

> Is this behaviour correct? (I'm running 3.11+dev12)

I cannot tell you, since I couldn't reproduce your problem.

By the way, I somehow get the feeling that your solution is
over-engineered. You shouldn't need all that many constraints.
I you could find a way to use private rows rather than private
abbreviations, your code might be much simpler.
But I'm sorry I couldn't follow the whole discussion on your problem.
I you could summarize it shortly, with the basic code (without phantom
types) and the invariants you are trying to enforce, I might try to
look into it.

Jacques Garrigue

Dario Teixeira

Jul 19, 2008, 4:43:18 AM7/19/08
to Jacques Garrigue,

> I don't understand your counter-example. In typechecks without any
> problem, even in older versions. May you did cut it down too much?

Perhaps... ;-) Here is the full code, producing an error in version
"3.11+dev12 Private_abbrevs+natdynlink (2008-02-29)", compiled via GODI:

module rec Node:
type nonlink_node_t = [ `Text of string | `Bold of Node.super_node_t list ]
type link_node_t = [ `See of string | `Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list ]
type super_node_t = [ nonlink_node_t | link_node_t ]

type (+'a, 'b) t = private 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]

val text: string -> ([> nonlink_node_t], [> `Basic]) t

val bold: ([< super_node_t], 'a) t list -> ([> nonlink_node_t], 'a) t
val see: string -> ([> link_node_t], [> `Basic]) t
val mref: string -> (nonlink_node_t, 'a) t list -> ([> link_node_t], [> `Complex]) t

val make_basic: ('a, [< `Basic]) t list -> ('a, [`Basic]) t list
val make_complex: ('a, [< `Basic | `Complex]) t list -> ('a, [`Complex]) t list

end =
type nonlink_node_t = [ `Text of string | `Bold of Node.super_node_t list ]
type link_node_t = [ `See of string | `Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list ]
type super_node_t = [ nonlink_node_t | link_node_t ]

type (+'a, 'b) t = 'a constraint 'a = [< super_node_t ]

let text txt = `Text txt
let bold seq = `Bold (seq :> (super_node_t, 'a) t list)

let see ref = `See ref
let mref ref seq = `Mref (ref, seq)

let make_basic n = n
let make_complex n = n

> By the way, I somehow get the feeling that your solution is
> over-engineered. You shouldn't need all that many constraints.
> I you could find a way to use private rows rather than private
> abbreviations, your code might be much simpler.
> But I'm sorry I couldn't follow the whole discussion on your problem.
> I you could summarize it shortly, with the basic code (without phantom
> types) and the invariants you are trying to enforce, I might try to
> look into it.

Thanks Jacques, I would really appreciate it. I'm stuck at this point, so
any help is welcome. Moreover, this is in fact a neat problem, so any Ocaml
hacker should be able to enjoy it. Here follows a complete description of
the problem, unprejudiced by the current solution.

I have two types of documents, "basic" and "complex". Both are composed
of a list of nodes. The difference between them is that complex documents
may use a superset of the kinds of nodes available for basic documents.
Namely, while basic documents may only use "Text", "Bold", and "See" nodes,
complex documents may also use "Mref" nodes in addition to those three.

In total, there are therefore only four different kinds of nodes. Two of
those, "Text" and "See" are terminal nodes; the other two, "Bold" and "Mref"
are defined via recursion. There is one additional restriction: "See" and
"Mref" produce links, and links may not be the immediate ancestors of other
links (note that since "See" is a terminal node and cannot therefore be a
parent, in practice this rule is identical to saying that "Mref" may not
the parent of "See").

Disregarding the basic/complex distinction, nodes could be defined as follows:

type super_node_t =
| Nonlink_node of nonlink_node_t
| Link_node of link_node_t

and nonlink_node_t =
| Text of string

| Bold of super_node_t list
and link_node_t =

| Mref of string * nonlink_node_t list

| See of string

The table below summarises the properties of each node:

Node: Allowed for: Definition: Produces link?
Text basic/complex terminal no
Bold basic/complex rec no
See basic/complex terminal yes
Mref complex rec yes

There is one final, important, requirement. I want to be able to
pattern-match on nodes from the outside of the module. To build a
Node-to-Node function, for example.

To conclude, I'll leave you with some sample documents. Some are valid,
but others are not. The compiler should catch the latter.

(* valid *)
let doc1 = make_basic
text "foo";
bold [text "bar"];
see "ref"

(* valid *)
let doc2 = make_complex
text "foo";
bold [text "bar"];
see "ref"

(* valid *)
let doc3 = make_complex
text "foo";
mref "ref" [text "bar"]

(* Invalid because a link node is the parent of another *)
let doc4 = make_complex
mref "ref" [see "foo"]

(* Invalid because basic documents do not allow Mref nodes *)
let doc5 = make_basic
text "foo";
mref "ref" [text "bar"]

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

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