I have updated OCamlSpotter, a compiler enhancement for source code browsing,
to version 1.1, which is aimed for OCaml 3.11.2 and some enhancements
since its first release.
OCamlSpotter is a tool which finds definition places of various names
(identifiers, type names, modules, etc) in OCaml programs automatically for you.
The original OCaml's -annot option provides the same sort of functionality but
OCamlSpotter provides much more powerful browsing: it can find
definitions hidden in the deep nested module aliases and functor applications.
- The -annot option of ocamlc and ocamlopt is extended and creates
<module>.spot files (<module>.spit for .mli), which record the location
information of the names defined and used in the module.
- A small application ocamlspot provides automatic where-about spotting
of the definition of the name you are interested in, using <module>.spot files
created by the patched compilers.
- ocamlspot.el provides interactive ocaml-spotting of definition
locations in emacs.
- Interfaces for other editors such as vi could be built easily, if you want.
This release of OCamlSpotter is 1.1. Some bugs found in 1.1rc1 were fixed.
Further information and download is available at:
Happy hacking.
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