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[Caml-list] Memory management job

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Simon Peyton-Jones

Dec 6, 2010, 10:02:33 AM12/6/10
Dear Haskellers and Camlers

I'm posting this job ad on behalf of Richard Brooksby at Ravenbrook. They do cool stuff, and I thought some of you might be interested.


Ravenbrook is seeking a developer to work with us on the Memory Pool System (MPS), a mature, open source, high reliability, high performance memory management system with a unique and innovative architecture. You can read an overview here <>. The MPS is a highly engineered "Swiss watch" of a system with an extremely low bug rate.

We're looking for someone who can support our commercial clients with customisations, but also develop the MPS for new opportunities. It could be a half-time position (or subcontract), paying about £35k pro rata. This could grow if you are successful in developing new commercial opportunities for the MPS. We have several other options for work structure and payment that we can discuss with you. There can be a great deal of flexibility and a higher rate of pay depending on what kind of risk/reward tradeoff you need. Ask!

This is an excellent opportunity for someone interested in memory management and garbage collection research. We are keen to promote research, and the flexible nature of this work would allow time for it. It's also an excellent opportunity for someone interested in developing commercial applications for memory management and garbage collection.

There would also be an opportunity to get involved with our other consulting work, or even video game development.

Essential requirements:

* you will mostly need to work at our office in Cambridge, UK

* you will need to start early in 2011

* highly professional attitude to quality, reliability, and commercial relationships

* able to self-start, plan, and manage yourself

* excellent verbal and written technical communication skills

* excellent knowledge of ISO/IEC 9899:1990 and ISO/IEC 9899:1999. (Oh OK then, I mean C.)

* good understanding of operating systems and memory management

* understanding of processor architectures and assembly language

Also very useful:

* some compiler and language run-time development experience

* good understanding of threads, concurrency, and race/hazard issues

* some low level systems and embedded systems experience

* low-level Unix (including Mac) and Windows programming

* some experience in soft real-time systems

* keen interest in programming languages, compilers, provability

Address in sig. Do get in touch.

PLEASE NOTE: Generic CVs and resumes as Word document attachments will be trashed. Explain why you might be good for us, in plain text or on the phone. Thanks!


Richard Brooksby <<>>


Ravenbrook Limited <> PO Box 205, Cambridge CB2 1AN, United Kingdom

Voice: +44 777 9996245 Fax: +44 1223 750036

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