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[Caml-list] ANNOUNCE: lablpcre-1.0 - a PCRE binding for Objective Caml

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Robert Roessler

Jan 29, 2007, 12:44:37 AM1/29/07
to Caml-list
The "1.0" release of the LablPCRE OCaml binding for PCRE is now
available, fully supporting Linux and Windows builds PCRE versions 6.1
- 7.0 (current).

LablPCRE provides simple and easy to use access to regular expression
matching, offering a rich module-based interface based on PCRE's POSIX
functions wrapper.

This release has been built and tested using OCaml 3.09.3 on Fedora
Core 6 and Windows XP, supports findlib and "hands-off" building and
installing (no "configure" script or manual file editing required),
and has pre-built binaries for [native] Windows XP. The full package
is licensed under the "new" BSD license, and may be downloaded here:

Robert Roessler

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Eric Cooper

Jan 31, 2007, 10:21:40 AM1/31/07
to Caml-list
On Sun, Jan 28, 2007 at 09:42:02PM -0800, Robert Roessler wrote:
> LablPCRE provides simple and easy to use access to regular expression
> matching, offering a rich module-based interface based on PCRE's POSIX
> functions wrapper.

Can you (or anyone familiar with both) summarize how this binding
compares to Markus Mottl's pcre-ocaml? Thanks.

Eric Cooper e c c @ c m u . e d u

Markus Mottl

Jan 31, 2007, 10:37:44 AM1/31/07
to Caml-list
On 1/31/07, Eric Cooper <> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 28, 2007 at 09:42:02PM -0800, Robert Roessler wrote:
> > LablPCRE provides simple and easy to use access to regular expression
> > matching, offering a rich module-based interface based on PCRE's POSIX
> > functions wrapper.
> Can you (or anyone familiar with both) summarize how this binding
> compares to Markus Mottl's pcre-ocaml? Thanks.

I don't know much about it, but it seems to implement the API for
POSIX-style regular expressions whereas pcre-ocaml implements Perl
compatibility regular expressions. There are obviously no functions for
string substitution, etc., in LablPCRE (yet).


Markus Mottl

Robert Roessler

Jan 31, 2007, 7:15:49 PM1/31/07
to Caml-list
Eric Cooper wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 28, 2007 at 09:42:02PM -0800, Robert Roessler wrote:
>> LablPCRE provides simple and easy to use access to regular expression
>> matching, offering a rich module-based interface based on PCRE's POSIX
>> functions wrapper.
> Can you (or anyone familiar with both) summarize how this binding
> compares to Markus Mottl's pcre-ocaml? Thanks.

As Markus says, it does implement the POSIX API for regular expression
matching and extraction of sub-patterns... but note that that just
[here] controls the "level" of the interface: there is a regcomp
function for compiling the patterns and a regexec call for matching a
compiled pattern against a specific string.

The full "language" of PCRE for matching and pattern specification is
accepted. Further, LablPCRE adds an even lighter-weight regmatch
function when all that is desired is a boolean answer on a match, as
well as a set of substring extraction and [error] status info accessor

LablPCRE makes an effort to be a good GC-citizen by not holding
references to anything it doesn't need to. :)

Finally, LablPCRE supports PCRE 7.0 (or any of the releases back to 6.1).


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