I'm looking for a GPL-compatible syntax highlighting library with support
for most common programming languages and markups. Obviously I would
prefer a native Ocaml library, though something in C would also be
acceptable due the relative ease of writing bindings.
One library that looks competent is GeSHi [1]. Unfortunately it is
written in PHP. However, for lack of alternatives, I am looking into
ways of integrating GeSHi with Ocaml.
I reckon that a shell invocation of PHP is straightforward, but I bet
that it would entail a huge performance penalty due to the startup time.
Therefore, I am looking into somehow integrating the PHP interpreter
within the main Ocaml programme. Something like Apache's mod_php.
Does anyone have any experience with this? (Note that I have *zero*
experience with PHP).
If all else fails, my backup solution is simply to run a small webserver
with GeSHi and transform the library call into a web service. Though I
would rather avoid this convoluted option.
Thanks in advance for your input!
Best regards,
Dario Teixeira
P.S. Another (possibly far-fetched) solution is to take advantage of the
syntax highlighting capabilities of Vim or Emacs. Something along
the lines of embedding or remotely invoking one of these editors,
with the sole purpose of asking them to highlight a text file.
Is this even possible?
[1] http://qbnz.com/highlighter/
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I have had decent results opening a pipe to GNU source-highlight. I'm
mainly using it on JSON, so I can't vouch for its support of other
languages but it seems pretty comprehensive.
let pipe program input =
let (in_channel, out_channel) = Unix.open_process program in
output_string out_channel input;
close_out out_channel;
let result = ref [] in
while true do
result := input_line in_channel :: !result
with End_of_file -> ()
ignore (Unix.close_process (in_channel, out_channel));
String.concat "\n" (List.rev !result)
let pre_body = Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`DOTALL] ".*<pre>(.*)</pre>.*"
let source_highlight lang code =
let result = pipe ("source-highlight -s " ^ lang) code in
Pcre.replace ~rex:pre_body ~templ:"$1" result
Caveat: The "pipe" function above will block on large inputs due to
buffering deadlock. It should probably be rewritten using Unix.select.
> P.S. Another (possibly far-fetched) solution is to take advantage of the
> syntax highlighting capabilities of Vim or Emacs. Something along
> the lines of embedding or remotely invoking one of these editors,
> with the sole purpose of asking them to highlight a text file.
> Is this even possible?
I've used vim a little bit for my static webpages, here's the result:
The script is:
#!/bin/sh -e
# Usage : any2html <file1> [<file2> ...]
# Requires : vim
[ $# -lt 1 ] && echo "Usage : $0 <fic1> <fic2> ..." && exit 1
while [ -n "$1" ]
file=`basename "$1"`
cp -f "$1" /tmp
vim -f +"syn on" +"so \\\$VIMRUNTIME/syntax/2html.vim" +"wq" +"q" /tmp/"$file"
cp -f /tmp/"$file".html "$1".html
You might try Highlight[1] and Caml2html[2]. I know I've tried
Highlight but I simply can't remember how the result looked like, most
probably because I needed to write to a tex file (I still don't know
if there's anything with color support). Caml2html generates nice
pages but only supports the ocaml language, it's written in ocaml
OK, tried hightlight again... Its output is less colorized than vim's
but still alright and this can be changed. It's GPLv2. The drawback is
that it's written in C++ so probably not the best solution if you want
to hack it. (* I've been going through (p)7zip to write bindings, why
does C++ have to be that horrible ? *) The code might be perfectly
understandable though, I've not looked at it.
[1] http://www.andre-simon.de/doku/highlight/highlight.html
[2] http://martin.jambon.free.fr/caml2html.html
Adrien Nader
> I'm looking for a GPL-compatible syntax highlighting library
> with support for most common programming languages and markups.
> Obviously I would prefer a native Ocaml library, though
> something in C would also be acceptable due the relative ease
> of writing bindings.
Thank you all for your replies. GNU source-highlight seems
like the best long term solution, though currently the set of
languages it supports it's still limited. For the time being,
however, I'll be using Martin's cool Vim hack...
When all is said and done, you can run the muse documentation
generation from the command line with something like:
% emacs -q -batch -l muse-init.el -f muse-project-batch-publish
This requires a bit more investment than the nice VIM idea, but it
will likely be more malleable in-the-end if you have grander designs.
This is my article on ocaml with the following source code in first
<src lang="ocaml">
let foo bar = 3 * bar
And I also have some C code:
<src lang="c">
int main(int argc, char *argv[]);