Here's the Call for Papers for a new Workshop on Intermediate Representations.
I expect it to get a lot of papers about the JVM and program dependence graphs, but the Chair explicitly wants papers about intermediate representations for functional programs, both typed and untyped. So, do me a favour :-) and submit your paper, lest I get landed with a mountain of SSA papers to review. (Yes, SSA is just CPS in disguise. But the disguise is heavy.)
The deadline is rather short: Jan 21. Happy Christmas!
Call for Papers
International Workshop on Intermediate Representations (WIR 2011)
Co-located with CGO 2011, April 2/3 2011 in Chamonix, France
The intermediate representation is the core of any program transformation tool. Its design has a significant impact on the simplicity, efficiency, and effectiveness of program transformations. The developments in concurrent programming, integrated development environments, and domain-specific languages pose new requirements on intermediate representations. This workshop provides a forum to discuss current trends and experiences in the design, implementation, and application of intermediate representations.
Topics of Interest
The list of topics includes, but is not limited to:
* intermediate representations for
o parallelism and concurrency
o instrumentation
o JIT compilation
o compiler verification
o domain-specific languages
o refactoring
o integrated development environments
* functional intermediate representations for imperative programs
* translation to, and code generation from an IR
* modeling low-level machine details in IRs
* impact of IR on the precision of static analyzers
* representing static analysis results in an IR
* origin tracking
We solicit submission of original papers on topics relevant to intermediate
representations. Papers should be formatted in SIGPLAN Proceedings
Format, 9 point
font, and be at most 8 pages in length.
Selected papers will be published in the ACM digital library (to be confirmed).
Papers should be submitted electronically with easychair:
Important Dates
* Submission: January 21, 2011
* Notification: February 25, 2011
* Camera-ready: March 18, 2011
* Workshop: April 2/3, 2011
* Florent Bouchez
* Sebastian Hack
* Eelco Visser
Program Committee
* Florent Bouchez (chair)
* Martin Bravenboer
* Albert Cohen
* François de Ferrière
* Robert Fuhrer
* Sebastian Hack (chair)
* Andrew Kennedy
* Sorin Lerner
* Nathaniel Nystrom
* Simon Peyton Jones
* Tijs van der Storm
* Eelco Visser (chair)