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[Caml-list] [ANN] SDFlow: combinatorial dataflow programming library

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Zheng Li

Oct 15, 2007, 7:53:38 PM10/15/07


The recent discussion [1] reminds me of some previous exploration on related
topics. By making some clean up to the old code, I'd like to announce the
availability of SDFlow, a small library for high-level combinatorial dataflow
programming in OCaml.

The library is licensed under LGPL+linking exception. You can get everything
related at

Note that the code is still experimental, and poorly documented for the


The following part is extracted from README:


== Description ==

SDFlow stands for Structured Data Flow. It's a high-level combinatorial
dataflow programming library based upon destructive(*) lazy streams. Its base
type is compatible with stream of standard OCaml.

== Introduction ==

Besides the only kind of practical applications we have in mind --- to help
constructing alternative dataflow interfaces for other libraries, the main
functionality of the library is just "for fun". You can experience the
following programming paradigms with SDFlow in plain OCaml:

* combinatorial dataflow programming
* programming with lazy sequence
* deterministic non-strict evaluation
* pointfree programming (or one-liner programming)

Primitives provided:

* conversion:
of_fun, of_list, of_string, of_channel
to_fun, to_list, to_string, to_channel
* flow creation:
seq, enum, repeat, cycle, (--)
* flow consuming:
peek, next, iter, foldl/foldr/fold
* flow arithmetic:
cons, apnd, is_empty, filter, concat,
take/drop, take_/drop_while, span/break, group
* flows pair arithmetic:
dup, comb/split, merge/switch
* flows array arithmetic:
dupn, combn/splitn, mergen/switchn
* computation over flow
map, map2, scanl, scan, map_fold
* circular flow
feedl/feelr, circ
* high-level flow combinator
while_do/do_while, farm, pipe(///), pardo(//)
* shorthand operator and helper
|>, @., |-, -|, //, curry/uncurry, id

The library is currently short of documentation, you'd better refer to the
manual page.

== Example ==

* sum(n) sequence

# let sums = enum 1 |> scan (+);;
val sums : int flow = <abstr>
# sums |> take_while ((>) 100) |> to_list;;
- : int list = [1; 3; 6; 10; 15; 21; 28; 36; 45; 55; 66; 78; 91]

* Fibonacci number sequence

# let fibs = map2 (+) |- circ [<'1>] |> circ [<'0;'0>];;
val fibs : int flow = <abstr>
# fibs |> take 10 |> to_list;;
- : int list = [1; 1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 13; 21; 34; 55]

* stupid computation

3+33 6+33 9+33 12+33 15+33 18+33
c = [ ----, ----, ----, -----, -----, -----, ... )
2 4 8 10 14 16

# let modv v x = x mod v = 0;;
# let cl = uncurry (map2(/)) -| map((+)33) // filter(modv 2) -| switch(modv 3);;
val cl : int flow -> int flow = <fun>
# enum 1 |> cl |> take_while ((<) 1) |> iter print_int;;
1895433222222- : unit = ()

* remove every 3th

# let mv3 = cycle [<'true;'true;'false>] |> curry comb |- filter fst |- map snd;;
val mv3 : '_a flow -> '_a flow = <fun>
# enum 1 |> mv3 |> take 15 |> to_list;;
- : int list = [1; 2; 4; 5; 7; 8; 10; 11; 13; 14; 16; 17; 19; 20; 22]

* group sum

group and sum when (sum mod 6) = 0
e.g. [ 1+2+3, 4+5+6+7+8, 9+10+11, 12+13+14+15, 16+17+18+19+20, 21+22+23, ... ]

# let f a x = let r = a+x in r, if modv 6 r then Some true else None;;
# enum 1 |> map_fold f |> take 10 |> to_list;;
- : int list = [6; 30; 30; 54; 90; 66; 102; 150; 102; 150]

* non-strict evaluation

Strict computation over 5 loops forever, all the rest computation is blocked.

# 1--9 |> (while_do ((=)5) (map id) |- iter (print_int |- flush_all));;
1234 C-c C-cInterrupted.

We can still evaluate the rest if we increase the capacity of do_while's sub
dataflow network. Note that the evaluation is non-strict but deterministic.

# 1--9 |> (while_do ~size:2 ((=)5) (map id) |- iter (print_int |- flush_all));;
C-c C-cInterrupted.

(*) It won't be particularly difficult to implement another persistent version,
like lazy list. But for now I haven't seen enough reason to do so.


Zheng Li

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