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[Caml-list] Ocaml, MacOSX and GUIs

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Erik de Castro Lopo

Jul 13, 2006, 9:50:37 PM7/13/06
Hi all,

I'm about to do some coding which needs to be cross platform
(windows Linux and MaxOSX), requires a simple GYI and needs to
be reasonably easy to install the resulting executable. For my
favourite platform, Linux, this is a done deal. Thanks!

On windows I will probably choose the MinGW based environment.
For Mac, I notice that there is a pre-compiled Mac binaries for
the compiler:

I presume that these are PowerPC binaries. Is that correct? Is
there likely to be a version soon targetting the Intel CPU soon?

So, on to GUIs. My GUI requirements are rather simple. In fact
the lablTk libraries should do the trick. Has anyone actually
done any Ocaml development with a lablTk GUI targeting all three
platforms? If so, how did it work out?

Erik de Castro Lopo
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Xavier Leroy

Jul 14, 2006, 5:36:06 AM7/14/06
to Erik de Castro Lopo,
> For Mac, I notice that there is a pre-compiled Mac binaries for
> the compiler:
> I presume that these are PowerPC binaries. Is that correct?


> Is there likely to be a version soon targetting the Intel CPU soon?

The source distribution for 3.09.2 contains full support for MacOSX/Intel,
including native-code generation. There are still a few small
ocamlopt bugs in this port, which I'm currently ironing out.

> So, on to GUIs. My GUI requirements are rather simple. In fact
> the lablTk libraries should do the trick. Has anyone actually
> done any Ocaml development with a lablTk GUI targeting all three
> platforms? If so, how did it work out?

In the standard distribution, there's ocamlbrowser, which has a
labltk-based GUI and works on all three platforms.

- Xavier Leroy

Jacques Garrigue

Jul 14, 2006, 6:19:23 AM7/14/06
> > So, on to GUIs. My GUI requirements are rather simple. In fact
> > the lablTk libraries should do the trick. Has anyone actually
> > done any Ocaml development with a lablTk GUI targeting all three
> > platforms? If so, how did it work out?
> In the standard distribution, there's ocamlbrowser, which has a
> labltk-based GUI and works on all three platforms.

Unfortunately, on MacOSX ocamlbrowser only works properly with the X11
version of Tk (which is very easy to install.)
I tried several times to make it work with the Aqua version, but was
never completely successful.

Most other LablTk programs seem to work properly with the Aqua version
of Tk, so YMMV.


Janne Hellsten

Jul 14, 2006, 6:25:22 AM7/14/06
> Unfortunately, on MacOSX ocamlbrowser only works properly with the X11
> version of Tk (which is very easy to install.)
> I tried several times to make it work with the Aqua version, but was
> never completely successful.

I tried compiling ocamlbrowser directly from GODI and it worked out of
the box on my MacBook Pro. AFAIK this was using the Aqua version --
at least it didn't launch X11 like all the other X11 apps do.


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