Univerity of ABERDEEN (Scotland)
A major new initiative results in the following posts:
1 Senior Lecturer/Reader
3 or 4 Lecturers
4 or 5 Research Fellowships/Research Assistants/Programmers
Majority of appointments to be made in the area of AI/Knowledge
Engineering/Cognitive Science. Candidates from other areas are invited
to apply.
Further the department is anxious to receive applications for
Visitors (at all levels) and postgraduate students - primarily in these
areas. We expect to be able to provide financial support for both
visitors and postgraduate students.
The initial closing date is in October - but interested persons are
encouraged to apply at any stage as it is not anticipated that all
the advertized posts will be filled immediately. Interested persons
are encouraged to get in touch with Derek Sleeman (SLEEMAN@SUMEX,
+1 415 497 3257) who can also provided a set of further particulars.
(Sleeman will be head of Computing Science at Aberdeen from summer '86.)
Completed applications should be returned to the Personnel Officer,
University Office, The University, Old Aberdeen, Scotland AB9 1FX.