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October 2023 Newsletter

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Sonya Rokosh

Sep 29, 2023, 5:48:35 PM9/29/23

Good afternoon folks, 

Happy last working day of September! It has been a busy month, and I am keen to get back to connecting with teachers and students. Please reach out if you need anything or just want to connect. Wishing you all a restorative and reflective weekend. <3

We are changing the format of our monthly communication a bit, and trying out this style of newsletter. It will be disseminated the first week of the month...I wanted to showcase an event happening this weekend, and thus I am a few days ahead of schedule. Let me know what you think! I am attaching a .pdf as well for other viewing options. Happy harvests! 

Sonya Rokosh, (She/Her)

Kamloops Regional Animator, Farm to School BC 

a program of the Public Health Association of BC

 I acknowledge that I work, live, and play on the unceded territory of the Secwépemc peoples and offer gratitude for the knowledge and wisdom of this sacred place. 

_Kamloops F2SBC Oct Newsletter .pdf
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