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Fredrik Meyer

Aug 24, 2018, 7:04:12 AM8/24/18
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Hello everyone!

I have now released version 0.2 of ArgTrack, the track editor for F1GP. It is available to download at

Sadly, it still doesn't have a view of the track you are editing, but it contains a number of new features:

GP2 track conversion, which allows you to convert the track and pit lane sections from a GP2 track into an F1GP track. All trackside objects are removed, and since the computer car line is not converted, it is difficult or even impossible to drive properly around the tracks, unless you engage Spin Gear. But it's a start...

There is also the possibility to validate the track, checking for missing/incorrect data that may make the track fail to load.

It's now also possible to rearrange existing track sections, pit lane sections and best line segments up and down in the order. They can now also be added at any point in the list, instead of new items always being added at the bottom.

The track command and argument descriptions have also been enhanced.

And finally, the documentation at is now much improved with a lot more details and somewhat helpful info. There is still room for improvement, though.

Happy editing!

/ Fredrik

F1GP Archive

Aug 25, 2018, 1:38:01 PM8/25/18
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit

Thanks for the updates, those are exciting news. Great work as usual. 
The ArgTrack editor has been uploaded to the file archive.

Have you tried any other method of steering the car on tracks without a proper CC line, that would allow you to disable the steering help? 
For example using the mouse, or using some type of joystick emulator?


Fredrik Meyer

Aug 25, 2018, 3:33:01 PM8/25/18
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Thank you for your kind words!

Well, I think I tried playing with the mouse some time, but I found it pretty much impossible to steer the car. Perhaps this is because of the mouse emulation in DOSBox, I don't know. I haven't tried any kind of joystick emulator. I remember getting an analog joystick for my Amiga 1200 back in 1994, and playing F1GP without steering help. It was a very strange experience after being used to steering help and a normal on/off joystick... And then I sold the Amiga a few weeks later, so I never had the chance to acclimatize. :)

In F1GP, when you select keyboard controls, steering help is forced to on. I'm now considering whether it would be possible to hack the preferences file (F1PREFS.DAT) to force steering help off even if keyboard control is selected. I suspect that keyboard control without steering help may be an uncomfortable experience, but it's worth a shot :) I will try to investigate this during the coming week.

/ Fredrik

F1GP Archive

Aug 26, 2018, 12:41:23 PM8/26/18
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit

I had the same idea of hacking the preference file to disable the steering help. I did a lot of research, but I wasn't successful in the end. 
I mailed you all the research material I have on this topic. I hope you have more luck :)

Btw, thanks for including the links to this forum and the F1GP website in the new version of ArgTrack.


Fredrik Meyer

Aug 26, 2018, 3:15:57 PM8/26/18
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Yeah, thanks for the research data. I just had a quick look, and it seems like you covered a lot of the ground I was going to investigate already. I'll take a more detailed look next week!

And about the links: No problem, I hope it can attract a couple of new members. I will add them to ArgEditor for the next version as well. I also intend to restructure the start page at and include them there as well in some way.

/ Fredrik

Fredrik Meyer

Aug 29, 2018, 5:54:30 PM8/29/18
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Here's a little sneak preview of what I've been working on this evening...


Track drawing! In this case, Jerez converted from GP2 and then rendered in ArgTrack.

Still lots of work to make it functional and pretty and usable, but progress is being made... :)


Sep 3, 2018, 5:56:29 PM9/3/18

Hi all,

Fredrik, it's good to see the progress you are making :) The
improvements you are implementing to both ArgEditor and ArgTrack are
great. I can see both editors moving more and more into uncharted
territory as you move forward. That is fantastic for the F1GP community
and the game itself.

As a note about your latest track editor efforts; I believe if you
remove the CC line completely from a track file, it defaults to the
center of the road. That could be good for testing and should make it
drivable, although very strange.

I'd additionally like to thank you for including the links to the main
site and forum as Hrvoje did. If people come across your program, it'll
be great too if they can find the community :)

In terms of the randomness discussion between you and Srdjan, Hrvoje and
I once discovered that although you can't set a randomness difference
for each driver, there is a setting for it for the entire field I
believe. We tested it and had very indifferent results, but it may be
worth investigating further. I don't remember all the details now, but I
can look up old email discussions to find out. Hrvoje may remember more
than me too.

Hrvoje, I had a look at your LapCalc tool, nice work. It's good to see
you putting all that research material you've collected to good use :)



On 29/08/2018 22:54, Fredrik Meyer wrote:
> Hello!
> Here's a little sneak preview of what I've been working on this evening...
> trackview.png <about:invalid#zClosurez>
> Track drawing! In this case, Jerez converted from GP2 and then rendered
> in ArgTrack.
> Still /lots/ of work to make it functional and pretty and usable, but
> progress is being made... :)
> Cheers!
> / Fredrik
> On Sunday, August 26, 2018 at 9:15:57 PM UTC+2, Fredrik Meyer wrote:
> Yeah, thanks for the research data. I just had a quick look, and it
> seems like you covered a lot of the ground I was going to
> investigate already. I'll take a more detailed look next week!
> And about the links: No problem, I hope it can attract a couple of
> new members. I will add them to ArgEditor for the next version as
> well. I also intend to restructure the start page at
> <> and include them there as well in some way.
> <> is now /much/
> improved with a lot more details and somewhat
> helpful info. There is still room for improvement,
> though.
> Happy editing!
> / Fredrik
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
> an email to
> <>.
> To post to this group, send email to
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> Visit this group at
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> <>.
> For more options, visit

Fredrik Meyer

Sep 5, 2018, 10:29:16 AM9/5/18
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Hello again!
Thank you for your kind words, Barrie! I'm having fun coding all this stuff as well, so it's a win-win! :)

I read about removing the CC line to make it go in the middle of the track with regards to GP2, but I haven't yet got it working in F1GP. But I will give it another go! And any data about the randomness from you or Hrvoje would be most appreciated! :)

When it comes to ArgTrack, I've already done a lot more track view stuff since I posted the preview here. I'm currently drawing the track more properly, with inner and outer edges, changing track widths, borders and corners that are curved, not just straight lines across like in the screenshot. I'm also drawing the pit lane, though I'm not aligning the start point correctly just yet. When that's fixed I'm going to draw the CC line and the track verges as well. I also hope to draw track-side objects as well, though they will probably just be small icons or squares to begin with.

It's already looking pretty cool, I will post a screenshot of the current status in the next few days.

I'm going to change the user interface completely as well, moving to a tree-view style view instead of the tabs-and-lists style that it has now. It will be quite similar to how the GP2 Track Editor looked, I think.

The documentation will also be restructured and improved.

All of the above is a lot of work, as I'm sure you appreciate, so it will probably be a while before the next release of ArgTrack. But the nice thing is that it will finally be quite useful when it gets a track view, with a CC line displayed. Converting GP2 tracks will finally be within reach. Sort of... :)

Finally, I can't take all credit for the track drawing I'm currently implementing, as I'm making very good use of the track drawing code from Chequered Flag! Looking at the geometry maths is proving very helpful! :)

I will post another screenshot or two as I make more progress!

/ Fredrik

F1GP Archive

Sep 10, 2018, 7:28:51 PM9/10/18
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Hello everyone,

Here is one way to disable the steering help when driving with the keyboard, without hacking the game itself.
Map the joystick controls in DOSBox using the keyboard. Be sure to remove the duplicate key mappings.
Enable the joystick controls in F1GP, which will allow you to disable the steering help. 
I'd recommend using the joystick in Switched mode. This will provide the most similar experience as normal driving with the keyboard. 

The steering is quite jerky, but you can keep the car on track relatively easily. With other modes, it's much easier to steer too much and run off the track, especially with Linear.
Maybe the experience could be improved further with some sensitivity tweaking, but I'm not sure.

Btw, thanks guys.
Fredrik, the track editing progress is looking good. Jerez is also a nice choice for the first track conversion. 
I like the combination of a lot of fast corners, some of which are flat-out, and the others are not.


Fredrik Meyer

Sep 12, 2018, 4:04:26 PM9/12/18
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Thank you, Hrvoje, for the tip! No more driving around converted tracks in spin gear! :)

As promised, here's a screenshot of the current state of ArgTrack, showing Barcelona in (almost) all of its glory! :)


Looking a bit better than version 0.2, I think...

Still working on drawing the CC line, and then there's all the other stuff I mentioned earlier to work on as well. But as you can see, I'm making progress! :)

/ Fredrik

F1GP Archive

Sep 12, 2018, 6:35:49 PM9/12/18
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit

The progress is looking great. I really like the interface.

Keep up the good work!


Fredrik Meyer

Sep 28, 2018, 2:26:35 AM9/28/18
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
I was going to post some progress info and a screenshot during my coding session last night, but I forgot. Now I'm at my work computer, without any screenshots, but I'll write some stuff down anyway :)

The treeview interface has now completely replaced the old interface. Apart from having the data in the tree view, it is also possible to access the old "lists" of data via menu items.

I'm also reworking some of the screens as, for example I am adding approximate distances in meters for all kinds of width and length measurements (section length, track width, verge width). I'm also adding some small things to make it a little more helpful, like a preview of how a kerb will look when you edit kerb colors.

When it comes to track drawing, the track and pitlane are fully functional, though there are some minor issues to work out. The CC line drawing has been on hold for a while while I've been cleaning up the code and moving stuff around. I've also begun looking at drawing the verges around the track.

There is also the issue of documentation that needs some serious work.

I don't know how far away a release is, but I'll keep you posted!

/ Fredrik

Fredrik Meyer

Mar 4, 2019, 8:05:33 AM3/4/19
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Hello everyone!

Time for a quick update about ArgTrack: I have done some more restructuring of the UI since I last posted here. However, I haven't done anything more when it comes to track drawing, verge drawing, or AI line drawing.

I need to refactor/improve the code a bit to get the verge drawing working as it should. AI line drawing is on hold for now.

But the main thing remaining before the next version is to implement all the functionality in the new tree-based UI, e.g. being able to right-click in the tree and add items from there instead of having buttons, etc.

There will also be some new stuff added, thanks to data found by René Smit. This includes being able to edit the location of the track-side cameras, as well as some things regarding the AI car behavior such as how late they brake, how they handle driving off the start line before they try to blend with the normal AI line, and the amount of fuel that is carried.

I'm not sure when all of this will be done, especially since I've wanted to improve the documentation for ALL the Arg* tools. I also wanted to improve the sites that host the documentation, and this has sent me into something of a website development rabbit hole. However, I think I'm getting on top of this situation, so it should sort itself out soon.

But I can't really give any sensible release date for the next version. Hopefully no later than April. We'll see! :)

/ Fredrik


Mar 15, 2019, 10:43:26 AM3/15/19
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
I am having problems using the Argeditor
I downloaded the 2019 mod and fired up the Argeditor - loaded the mod into it but then the editor will now allow me to import or export anything into the game - these buttons are not highlighted on the editor
any help please
Kind regards

F1GP Archive

Mar 21, 2020, 11:34:33 PM3/21/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Hello everyone,

I hope that you are doing well.

I have some good news regarding track editing.

Paul Hoad has made his GP2 and GP3 tools open source.
This includes the GP2 Track Editor.

Hopefully this information can help with the F1GP track editing efforts as well.

Message has been deleted

René Smit

Mar 22, 2020, 8:03:26 PM3/22/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Great news :)

Op zondag 22 maart 2020 04:34:33 UTC+1 schreef F1GP Archive:

Fredrik Meyer

Apr 8, 2020, 7:57:06 AM4/8/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Good afternoon!

I am happy to announce the release of ArgEditor 0.3 ! Finally...

Some of the new features include:
- Track layout drawn on screen so that you know what you are doing!
- Tree view menu on the left
- Ability to manipulate more track settings
- Ability to edit general car settings
- Ability to edit computer car behavior
- Ability to edit track cameras

The documentation has also been restructured, extended and improved. By pressing F1 anywhere in the application you will open a browser and load the documentation for the relevant section from There is still a lot more stuff that needs to be documented, and some of the stuff that is in there is somewhat basic, but it is a good baseline to work from.

I have lots of stuff in the pipeline to improve ArgTrack, but this is a good first step, I think.

The latest version can be downloaded from for now. Feedback is always welcome. :)

It's also good to see that Paul Hoad made his editors open source. Hrvoje, to answer your question from another thread, I have not yet had the time to look into the source code, but I'm positive that it will contain lots of useful stuff for ArgTrack.

Happy track editing! :)

/ Fredrik

Fredrik Meyer

Apr 8, 2020, 7:58:33 AM4/8/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Good afternoon again. I meant ArgTrack 0.3, obviously, not ArgEditor... :D

/ Fredrik

F1GP Archive

Apr 8, 2020, 1:09:19 PM4/8/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Hello Fredrik,

Thanks for sharing the new version of ArgTrack.
You've made amazing improvements to the program and the interface is very nice.

The program is also available for download on the F1GP website.

When opening the original tracks, I've noticed in the graphics sometimes the neighboring track segments don't align perfectly. E.g. one is narrower than the other, or they are not aligned completely. A good example of this is the last corner and the start-finish line at Phoenix. 
Is this an issue with the graphics in ArgTrack (and ChequeredFlag) or is this an issue with the track itself?

Btw, I don't know how difficult it would be to implement it, but probably the most practical interface would be to have a mouse wheel zoom and a pan/hand tool to scroll around the track.


Fredrik Meyer

Apr 9, 2020, 2:56:47 AM4/9/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Hello again, and thank you kindly.

Regarding the alignments, there are two things going on:
First of all, there is an issue with how left-hand corners with width changes are drawn, e.g. the last corner in Phoenix. Since a lot of the track drawing code in ArgTrack is based on the one in Chequered Flag, and that issue exists there as well, it has been carried over. Basically the calculation for where the points in the arc should be apply the track width in reverse along the section, which gives those corners the strange "jagged" appearance. So it's not an issue with the tracks, but it will be fixed in a future version of ArgTrack.

There's a note about this known issue - and some others - on the download page of ArgTrack.

The start points and end points of the track not lining up perfectly exists to some extent on most tracks, and it also happens when you load a GP2 track in Paul Hoad's editor. I think that as long as the start and end points aren't too far away from each other, F1GP handles this transition across the start and end points without problems. I seem to recall creating weird GP2 tracks with Paul Hoad's editor a long time ago where it was possible to drive many laps despite the start and end points being a long way from eachother.

I think that mouse wheel and zoom and a pan/hand tool to scroll around the track sound like great ideas. I have added them to my todo list for further investigation! :)

By the way I have to give a shout-out to Barrie, Klaus and René for Chequered Flag again, which has formed the basis for much of the track drawing in ArgTrack. And to René for decoding lots of the stuff that can be edited in the Car Settings, Computer Car Behavior and Track Camera sections.

/ Fredrik


Apr 9, 2020, 9:32:53 AM4/9/20
Hey all, 

It's great to hear about your continued work on the game and track editors Fredrik. I'm eager to see and hear the new developments and what can be done to improve the game :) The track editor project particularly interests me. 

Replies to Fredrik below, 

On Thu, 9 Apr 2020, 07:56 Fredrik Meyer, <> wrote:
Hello again, and thank you kindly.

Regarding the alignments, there are two things going on:
First of all, there is an issue with how left-hand corners with width changes are drawn, e.g. the last corner in Phoenix. Since a lot of the track drawing code in ArgTrack is based on the one in Chequered Flag, and that issue exists there as well, it has been carried over. Basically the calculation for where the points in the arc should be apply the track width in reverse along the section, which gives those corners the strange "jagged" appearance. So it's not an issue with the tracks, but it will be fixed in a future version of ArgTrack.

There's a note about this known issue - and some others - on the download page of ArgTrack.

The start points and end points of the track not lining up perfectly exists to some extent on most tracks, and it also happens when you load a GP2 track in Paul Hoad's editor. I think that as long as the start and end points aren't too far away from each other, F1GP handles this transition across the start and end points without problems. I seem to recall creating weird GP2 tracks with Paul Hoad's editor a long time ago where it was possible to drive many laps despite the start and end points being a long way from eachother.

Yes, I believe the angle of the start and end of the track and not the position is key. There is of course a custom completely straight track which does not connect at all which works perfectly. I did plan once to create a tool that automated the creation of a track and a cc line with two mirror corners and one straight where the user could customise the degree of the corner in the command line arguments. But I had terrible trouble creating a viable track even manually, the pitlane section seemed the issue. 

I think that mouse wheel and zoom and a pan/hand tool to scroll around the track sound like great ideas. I have added them to my todo list for further investigation! :)

By the way I have to give a shout-out to Barrie, Klaus and René for Chequered Flag again, which has formed the basis for much of the track drawing in ArgTrack. And to René for decoding lots of the stuff that can be edited in the Car Settings, Computer Car Behavior and Track Camera sections.

Thanks Fredrik, I'm grateful for the efforts of Klaus and René myself. 



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Paul Hoad

Apr 9, 2020, 2:39:43 PM4/9/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Keep up the great work Fredrik!

F1GP Archive

Apr 9, 2020, 3:33:27 PM4/9/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Hey Paul,

Welcome to the community!
Thanks again for sharing the source code of your GP2 Track Editor and other tools.


I've played around a bit more with the new version of ArgTrack.

Here are a few more suggestions for features that would be useful:
- Move/reorder track and pit lane sections, and racing line segments.
- Copy track and pit lane sections, and racing line segments.
- Select track segments by clicking on the track map (this is probably much more difficult to implement).

In terms of potential bugs, here's what I've noticed so far:
- Changing the Track Layout > Misc Settings > Surrounding Area doesn't update the color on the track graphics automatically. It requires some other changes to the track to be made, or the track to be reopened. This is probably a known issue.
- When converting GP2 tracks I always get the following error. But the track itself is created and the layout seems correct, so it might be a false alarm.
"An error occurred when loading the track. Make sure that the specified file is an F1GP track file and try again." 


Fredrik Meyer

Apr 10, 2020, 8:37:34 AM4/10/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Hello again everyone, and thank you for the comments and feedback. And a special hello to you, Paul! :)

Hrovje, thank you for the feedback, I'll try to address everything below:

You can move/reorder track, pit lane and racing line sections if you open their respective Data views (using the Data menu at the top of the screen). The up and down arrows on those screens will move the selected segment.

However, the track will not be redrawn after rearranging sections this way. Fixing this is on my todo list.

Right now the quickest (but quite annoying) way of forcing a redrawing of the track is to enter a section, change it's length or curvature (but remembering the original value), clicking OK, and then entering the section again and changing it back to the original value, clicking OK again. I'm fixing all the places where the track should be redrawn but isn't for the next version of ArgTrack, but I think I'll also add a button next to the +/- buttons that will force redrawing as well.

And redrawing after changing the surrounding area is among the items that will be fixed shortly.

Copying sections is a good idea, I have added it to my feature list.

Selecting segments by clicking on them would also be nice. It's already on my list, but a bit further down. I have not yet investigated it, so I don't know how difficult it will be. We'll see.

And I just investigated the GP2 track conversion issue. It seems that it's the kerb colors that are problematic, the GP2 tracks contain values that don't exist (or I haven't added support for yet?) in F1GP. This means that there isn't a problem with the track per se, but it's ArgTrack that crashes when it tries to map the unsupported kerb color values. I have added a task for fixing this on my todo list for the next version.

Apart from the fixes to issues above, I'm currently cleaning up the track drawing code. I had let it turn into a bit of a mess... Cleaning it up will make it easier to move forward with drawing of verges and other objects, including fixing the issue you mentioned previously regarding the "jagged" left-hand corners, etc.

I hope I can get a new version out at the end of next week. Time will tell.

/ Fredrik

Fredrik Meyer

Apr 17, 2020, 5:53:18 AM4/17/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Hello, here is something for the weekend: A new release of ArgTrack!

We are now at version 0.4, and it can be downloaded at

The new version contains the following:
- Track is redrawn after layout-affecting changes
- View stays somewhat more the same after redrawing
- Toolbar that allows toggling what is drawn (track, pit lane, verges)
- Initial drawing of track verges (disabled by default, see below)
- Keyboard shortcuts for zooming in and out, Ctrl+ and Ctrl-
- Fix GP2 track conversion bug (now uses kerb colors from template F1GP track instead)

And there are some known issues (including some remaining from previuos version)
- For some tracks, verges are drawn across the entire inner area
- Track view occasionally ends up outside scrollable area
- Left-hand corner with width change is drawn incorrectly
- Some input validation missing meaning that it's possible to save broken track files

The verge drawing still has some limitations and strange behavior (straight edges instead of curves, sometimes filling the entire track inner area), so it's disabled by default until you click the checkbox in the toolbar.

Under the hood I've also done some far-reaching changes to improve all code in general, but in particular the track drawing code (though it still looks the same...). These changes will make it easier to draw other stuff and fix drawing bugs moving forward.

I've also done some preliminary work on drawing indicators along the track for where there are track side objects, but the introduction of this will have to wait for a later version.

And of course, for future versions, there are lots and lots of other things to implement, improve, etc. :D

Have a nice weekend!

/ Fredrik

F1GP Archive

Apr 18, 2020, 11:30:49 AM4/18/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Hey Fredrik,

Thanks for sharing the updates. You're making excellent progress with the program.

The latest version of ArgTrack is not available for download on the F1GP website, as well.


Fredrik Meyer

Apr 24, 2020, 6:33:58 AM4/24/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Another Friday, another release of ArgTrack! Though I don't expect to keep this pace up...

But here is version 0.5, with the following new/changed functionality for consumption:

- Verge drawing is improved and corrected and activated by default
- Track-side objects are marked on the track with small "diamond" shapes
- Data windows for track sections and pit lane are not modal and can be open while editing other data
- Main window is larger by default, and the track is zoomed in more after loading
- Documentation expanded with new Topics section
- Fix: Left-hand corners with width changes are now drawn correctly
- Fix: Some tracks no longer have verges drawn over the entire inner area
- Fix: Keyboard shortcuts for zooming now also work properly after toggling what to draw on screen

The known issues regarding the track sometimes ending up outside the viewable/scrollable area, and the occasionally lacking input validation remain.

I've also done some initial work on being able to click on a section on the track drawing side and having it be selected in the list on the left, as well as being able to zoom in and out using the mousewheel. But those release of those functions will have to wait for a later version.

For now, the latest version of ArgTrack is available for download at the usual place,

Have a nice weekend, whether it's full of track editing or not! :)

/ Fredrik

F1GP Archive

Apr 24, 2020, 7:18:11 PM4/24/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Hey Fredrik,

You're doing amazing work. 
I really like the trackside object display. The full picture of the track is coming together.

As usual, the latest version of ArgTrack is also available on the F1GP website.


F1GP Archive

Apr 27, 2020, 12:27:43 PM4/27/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit

I've noticed that some of the tracks that are fully driveable (have a functional CC line) like Phoenix Square, Hockenheim Runway, Monza Violent, etc. cannot be opened using ArgTrack.
"An error occurred when loading the track. Make sure that the specified file is an F1GP track file an try again."

These tracks can be opened using ChequeredFlag.
Do you know what is the issue?

Phoenix Square is especially interesting because it's the closest track we have to an oval.

Btw, what is the best way to change the width of the track given that there is no explicit setting, like for the segment length?


Fredrik Meyer

Apr 28, 2020, 3:46:34 AM4/28/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Good morning,
Thank you, Hrvoje, for bringing this to my attention. I hadn't tested ArgTrack with those tracks yet. I have now gone through all the track files in the file archive, and found that there were two issues going on:

Most tracks (gpedhock, gpedmonz, gpedusa and madmonza) had object placements that referred to track-side objects that do not exist. Whether this is because of a mistake when editing the track, or an error in how ArgTrack (and its underlying API) reads the track is something I will need to look into. The missing reference meant that the code responsible for figuring out where to draw the track-side objects crashed. For now, this is solved by simply ignoring any objects that cannot be found.

The last failing track (square) had multiple track-width change commands in the same section. The result of this was that the code in ArgTrack that calculates the basic track layout crashed. This is now solved by only taking the track-width change parameters from the first command, at least for now. I will see if F1GP properly handles multiple width changes in the same section, and if so, how they are applied.

So I have just released a hotfix - version 0.5.1 - that takes care of these two issues:

- Fix: Can load tracks with multiple track-width changes in single section
- Fix: Can load tracks with references to non-existing track-side objects

It can be downloaded in the usual place at

The above descriptions have also touched upon the topic for your question regarding track-width changes.

The initial width of the track is currently defined under Misc Data > World Location, but I intend to also allow you to edit the starting width in the first track section sometime in the future, since it makes more sense to edit it there.

Anyway, to change the width somewhere along the track, edit the track section where you want the width change to occur.

At the bottom of the track section details window, there's the "Add Command of Type" dropdown. Select "0x85 Track width change" and click Add.

A dialog box will appear that lets you enter the following values:

- Distance from start of sector

This is how far into the track section (in track-length units) that the width change will occur. One track length unit is 16 feet, i.e. 4.88 meters.

- Transition length

This value describe the length of the transition. A low value will create a very sudden change, whereas a higher value means a smoother transition. I believe that this is set in track-length units as well.

- New width

This is the new width, in track width units. 1 track width unit is 0.0047625m, but it must be noted that the track width refers to HALF of the track. So to create a section that is e.g. 10m wide in total, the formula for calculating this would be:

10 / 2 / 0.0047625 = approx. 1050

I will describe these conversions somewhere in the documentation in the future, and also display converted values to meters immediately when editing various data, in the same way that the calculated distance in meters is shown when editing the track section length.

Hope the hotfix works fine, and thanks again for the feedback! :)

/ Fredrik

F1GP Archive

Apr 28, 2020, 3:36:55 PM4/28/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Fredrik, thanks for the quick and very elaborate response.
I feel like I have a better understanding of how the track structure works now.

The latest version of ArgTrack has been uploaded to the F1GP website.


Klaus Six

May 3, 2020, 5:15:45 AM5/3/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
It's great to see your progress in regard of a F1GP track editor. I hope I can assist in a better understanding of game internals and finally bring the real ccline calculations to the community.

I made some further investigations already a few years back, and implemented the results into a version of ChequeredFlag. See the screenshot of the last few corners of Phoenix to see how nicely it works :D

Unfortunately, there are a few details in the F1GP code I do not really understand. Anyway, it is all implemented in Java now. The editor does exactly the same calculations as the game itself and stores them in really similar structures. Forgive me that the code is quite ugly. It will be uploaded anyway.
CCLine Phoenix.PNG


May 3, 2020, 7:52:16 AM5/3/20
Hey Klaus, 

Great to see you here :) 

It would be fantastic to have a working (or close to working F1GP track editor). Any help you can offer from your past work would be terrific :) 

I know you had difficulties sending some of the stuff via email. We should be able to set up another method to transfer the files. 



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Fredrik Meyer

May 4, 2020, 5:35:13 AM5/4/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Hello Klaus,
Thank you very much for your work so far on Chequered Flag. And how the CC line appears in your example really does look really nice!

I have done some initial work in turning the CC line drawing code from the latest Chequered Flag version at Sourceforge into something that maps into ArgTrack's C#/WPF/MVVM structure. But it's been put it on hold for quite a while when I focused on other stuff. If there is newer code that is even more accurate, it would be amazing if it was made available in some way!

Thanks again,

/ Fredrik

Klaus Six

May 4, 2020, 6:40:27 AM5/4/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
Hello Fredrik,
Barrie has the java code. I'm sure it will be for download very soon.

Fredrik Meyer

Jul 4, 2020, 4:42:49 PM7/4/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
I have released a new version of ArgTrack. We are now at version 0.6.

The major news is the ability to edit various parts of the track-side 3D objects. The full release notes are:

- Ability to edit scale values, points and vectors for 3D objects
- Show the description for (some) 3D objects (e.g. "Building", "Crane") in various locations
- Zoom and scroll position are better remembered
- Display total track length in Track Sections list window (removed in a previous version, now restored)
- "Refresh" button restores sideways scroll if track ends up outside scrollable area
- Fix: Overwriting an existing track file with a smaller file (e.g. after removing something) caused the saved file to be corrupted
- Fix: Some GP2 tracks could not be converted due to zero-length track sections
- Fix: Can no longer zoom out beyond zoom level 0
- Fix: HeaderIndex textbox in Object shape window incorrectly displayed the DataIndex value

Quite possibly, the object shape editing may be buggy. But it's a start! :)

The latest version of ArgTrack is available for download via

The documentation in that location has also been updated somewhat with the latest improvements/features.

Happy track editing!

/ Fredrik

F1GP Archive

Jul 6, 2020, 5:18:55 PM7/6/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit

Thank you for sharing your progress.
The latest version of ArgTrack has been uploaded to the F1GP website.


Fredrik Meyer

Aug 26, 2020, 1:40:16 PM8/26/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit
It is time for another ArgTrack release. Version 0.7 contains the following:

- Can add or remove object shape scale values, points and vectors
- Track-side objects declared in the pit lane are now drawn as well
- Updated various track section command descriptions
- Added some additional object descriptions
- Split object shape header values/data 5 and 6
- Track layout is redrawn after changing layout-affecting object settings
- Fix: Pit lane is now drawn above the track again
- Fix: Track section commands descriptions are updated properly after editing
- Fix: Track section command argument descriptions are updated properly after editing
- Known issue: Positioning of pit lane track-side objects possibly not 100% correct

The latest version of ArgTrack is available for download via

Happy track editing!

/ Fredrik

F1GP Archive

Aug 28, 2020, 5:59:48 PM8/28/20
to Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit

Excellent work as always.
It's nice to see the track editing features progressing.

As usual, the latest version of ArgTrack has been uploaded to the F1GP website.

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