Upload Key?

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Oct 7, 2010, 2:31:24 AM10/7/10
to Eye-Fi Config Discussion
I was hoping I could combine this tool with the python EyeFiServer[1]
to have a linux eye-fi setup, but I ran into a snag that I eventually
discovered was that the output of eyefi-config -k (the "unique key")
is not the same as the card's "upload key" that a picture receiver
server like EyeFiServer needs.

Is the upload key some transformation of the unique key? What is the
unique key for?


Dave Hansen

Oct 7, 2010, 10:49:31 AM10/7/10
to eyefi-conf...@googlegroups.com

I really don't know. Jeff is the expert on this stuff. I've honestly
not been that involved in the crypto and server software side.

-- Dave

Jason Hughes

Jul 11, 2012, 5:26:57 PM7/11/12
to eyefi-conf...@googlegroups.com
I'm doing a conversion of Dave's C version to .NET and I am stuck with the upload key.  If I look at the settings.xml and compare this to the key that is extracted from the RSPM file I get the following:

'Actual upload key from settings.xml

cf f3 d2 4b 07 f7 b9 f2 d8 b3 bb 82 7b 51 21 82

'Upload key from RSPM file

48 94 cc 22 82 99 8d 44 ae cb 4d 72 5f a4 5d 8c

Anyone have an idea why the keys are so different?

If I extract the MAC address however, it's as expected.




Feb 12, 2013, 3:28:46 PM2/12/13
to eyefi-conf...@googlegroups.com
Did you ever complete the conversion to .NET? I have been unable to get my device to write anything to the RSPC and RSPM files.
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