Importing Plain Old XML (POX) records into XC

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Michael Levy

May 3, 2010, 2:52:40 PM5/3/10
to The eXtensible Catalog
I'm just getting started with XC.

I have an exported file from a collections management cataloging
system. It's just POX, and follows no particular naming convention,
but contains lots of fields containing various kinds of data. Can MST
be helpful in transforming this POX file into a more useful format,
e.g. from POX into XC, DC or MARCXML? Or should I just run the file
through a filter that changes the field names so as to work with the
XC schema.xml and post it to Solr?

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Ranganathan, Sharmila

May 4, 2010, 10:41:18 AM5/4/10
MST services currently accepts only MARCXML or XC format. MST can
harvest data from OAI-PMH repository. XC has OAI
toolkit( which converts MARC data
into MARCXML(also accepts MARCXML directly) and stores and serves as OAI
PMH repository. So if you could export MARC data and load it into OAI
toolkit, then it should be harvestable by MST.

MST Developer
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