Mirror display

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Arnaud Boré

Jun 23, 2016, 9:41:18 AM6/23/16
to expyriment-users
Dear expyriment experts,

I'm working on a new project using expyriment and so far everything is working really great.
Our participants are going to do the task lay down on a bed watching the monitor through a mirror. 

Is there a way to flip everything so they can see the task correctly ?

Thank you in advance for your help


Florian Krause

Jun 23, 2016, 10:28:00 AM6/23/16
to expyrime...@googlegroups.com
Dear Arnaud,

great to hear that Expyriment is working so well for you!

Concerning your question, there is no global switch in Expyriment to mirror the entire display, however, there are two alternative options:

1) (and this is probably the easiest one) As this is something the graphic card usually handles directly, your display settings in your operating system should provide the option to mirror the entire screen.

2) If your combination of video card and operating system do not provide this option, then you will still be able to mirror each of your experimental stimuli individually using the flip method of visual stimuli. For the picture stimulus, for instance, see http://docs.expyriment.org/expyriment.stimuli.Picture.html#expyriment.stimuli.Picture.flip. This method is defined on all visual stimuli.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions.


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Florian Krause (Developer)

Oliver Lindemann

Jun 23, 2016, 10:35:15 AM6/23/16
to expyrime...@googlegroups.com
PS:  The flip() method is only defined for stimuli and not for visual io classes. That is, if you have a TextInput alternative (2) doesn't work and you have to flip the display via your graphic card settings.

Dr. Oliver Lindemann
Division of Cognitive Science - University of Potsdam
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