Dallas Area Workshops 2019

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Psychodrama and Expressive Art Therapies of Texas

Jan 16, 2019, 3:16:03 PM1/16/19
to Psychodrama and Expressive Art Therapies of Texas

Bridging Harts Psychotherapy and Psychodrama Training Institute

Offering quality therapy and creative training events / workshops for healing professionals.

Be Part of our Community...
let us encourage you, support you, and challenge you!


Greetings and Happy Holidays to everybody... The New Year of 2019 brings many new adventures for Bridging Harts and we hope that you will come to enjoy some experiences of growth and learning.

In this newsletter you will find all of the dates for the 2019 psychodrama intensive workshop as well as links to register for the training year for psychodrama. 

It is time to register for the next Psychodrama 3 day:
See below to register for the 
January 23-25, 2019 Intensive

Dreams: Unlocking the Gate to the Unconscious 

You can come to work on a dream state or a vision dream (a hope / plan for your future)... the Psychodrama stage is yours to explore and learn at a deeper level.


Please join us! 
This Psychodrama workshop will be an opportunity for members to come together and use the method for further healing and expression. We will meet Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday from 9am - 5pm.


It is time to get registered for the Bridging Harts 2019 Psychodrama Training Program!

There will be 4 tracks offered 

Track 1:
Psychodrama Training 101
to register and review dates

This will consist of 10 monthly meetings that meet on both Monday and Friday throughout the year. Participants will gain knowledge and experience about the basics of Psychodrama and Sociometry. The four corner stones of this group will be History, Theory, Sociometry, and Experiential Skills. This training will be taught by both Katrena Hart and a advanced Psychodrama student.
There will be 2 mega merge meetings that includes all 5 training groups in one setting. One will be in February which will feature our 2019 international trainer Rebecca Walters (see below for details) the second will be on July 12 from 9-5 in Richardson. 
(all new BHP trainees will be placed in this group for their first year unless there has been a discussion and a reason to bypass this experience) 

Track 2: 
Personal Growth 
This will consist of 10 monthly meetings either on a Friday or Monday. Participants will gain opportunities to direct warm ups and Psychodrama's with their peers. This program will include 2 supervision sessions one at the beginning and one at the end of the year. There will be 2 mega merge meetings that includes all 5 training groups in one setting. One will be in February which will feature our 2019 international trainer Rebecca Walters (see below for details) the second will be on July 12 from 9-5 in Richardson.  

Track 3: 
to register and review dates

This will consist of 10 monthly meetings that meet on both Monday and Friday throughout the year. Participants will gain opportunities to process the barriers and success that emerge from running a Psychodrama group. We will focus on marketing, networking, and supervision. This program will include 8 supervision meetings.
There will be 2 mega merge meetings that includes all 5 training groups in one setting. One will be in February which will feature our 2019 international trainer Rebecca Walters (see below for details) the second will be on July 12 from 9-5 in Richardson. 

Track 4: 
to register for the February portion 
of the alumni meetings 

This will consist of 2 mega merge meetings that includes all 5 training groups in one setting. One will be in February which will feature our 2019 international trainer Rebecca Walters (see below for details) the second will be on July 12 from 9-5 in Richardson, you will need to register for both separately. 

The first training meetings will be January and then Feb 8-10 we will have the honor and enjoyment of spending our 
Kick Off Weekend with

Rebecca Walters, MS, LMHC (Licensed Mental Health Counselor), LCAT (Licensed Creative Arts Therapist), and TEP, is the founder and co-director of the Hudson Valley Psychodrama Initiative (1989). Rebecca received her Masters degree in Expressive Therapies from Lesley College in 1978 and has worked with individuals and groups of children, adolescents and adults since then. With thirty years of inpatient experience, she was the Director of Child and Adolescent Psychodrama Services at Four Winds Psychiatric Hospital, Katonah, NY where she ran six psychodrama groups a week with children and with adolescents. She also supervised the psychodrama internship program at Four Winds. While at Four Winds she developed ways to effectively use psychodrama and other action methods in Dialectical Behavorial Therapy skill groups which she ran on the adolescent units several times a week. Rebecca is a sought-after international trainer and is known for her expertise in the use of action methods with children and adolescents as well as in the use of psychodrama in DBT skills groups. She has brought her well received training seminars in these areas to conferences and training institutes throughout the US and abroad. She developed, along with Bill Coleman, TEP, a psychodrama training curriculum for substance abuse counselors for Daytop, NY. She has served on the faculty of Gerry Spences Trial Lawyer College and is currently on the faculty of MD Anderson Cancer Centers I*CARE, a program for Interpersonal Communication and Relationship Enhancement that is a project of the Department of Faculty Development dedicated to improving the communication among cancer patients, their families and their providers. She is the co author of several articles on the use of psychodrama and sociodrama in medical education. Rebecca was an elected member of the Executive Council of the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, an organization in which she is a Fellow. She is the 2010 recipient of their Hannah Weiner Award, which honors her years of service to the ASGPP. She is the 2018 recipient of the Moreno award. She is the current president of the Hudson Valley Chapter of the ASGPP. Rebecca is certified as a Trainer, Educator and Practitioner by the American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy. She is known for her warmth, sensitivity and humor

If you are interested in joining for the 2019 year please contact Katrena Hart to discuss details and your readiness to be a participant. 

Please share with others: Healing Professionals, Interns, and Students are all welcome to join!


Intensive 3 Day Psychodrama Training and Personal Growth Workshop
These groups are open groups. They meet every other month and tend to have 8 - 12 members per group. Most of the groups meet Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9:00 - 5:00. The workshop can be quite intense and having the weekend to wind down and integrate all that has been learned is often useful and necessary. Each group has a theme to help the create cohesion and universality. All members are expected to commit to attendance of the entire workshop.
During the workshop, we use the method of psychodrama to explore issues of personal concern. We also explore the sociometric connections and choices made during the workshop. Participants are expected to come prepared to share personal struggles and assist one another as each member uses Psychodrama to better understand their personal struggles. This tends to be an incredibly powerful experience for the group. There always seems to be a generative theme that emerges based on the members in attendance.
The learning about Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy is taught primarily through experiential learning. At times, members with extensive training background may have chances to lead a scene setting or a short psychodrama within the group.
Participants who attend these workshops are a mix of clients and professionals. All members are to be screened personally by Katrena Hart prior to attendance or have come from an appropriate referral.
Each participant will gain CEU's and Psychodrama Training hours for each hour in attendance.
January, May and November are standard workshop style while March and August are Director Challenges and designed for the students to direct the workshops. Please register early as workshops do fill up.
January 23, 24, & 25, 2019
3-day Psychodrama Intensive 
Unlocking the Gate to the Unconscious
March 20, 21, & 22, 2019
     3-day Psychodrama Intensive (Director's Challenge)
The God Head and the Autonomous Healing Center:
Spirituality in Action
May 20, 21, 22, & 23, 2019
4-day Psychodrama Intensive
Self-Care and Self-Reflection
with Katrena Hart & S. Rafe Foreman
Location TBA
August 21, 22, & 23 2019
3-day Psychodrama Intensive (Director's Challenge)
Spontaneity & Creativity: Get Your Sparkle On
November 6, 7, & 8, 2019
3-day Psychodrama Intensive
Money, Sex, and Control

Bridging Harts 
Psychodrama Training Institute and Psychotherapy
203 S. Alma Suite 300
Allen Texas 75013



Bridging Hart's Therapy Team
We are here to serve you and assist the Collin County area for therapeutic services.
Enjoy our blog to gain new skills an tips to help keep you strong and emotionally secure!
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Bridging Harts Psychodrama Training Institute & Psychotherapy katren...@hotmail.com http://www.bridgingharts.com  972-562-5002
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Bridging Harts Psychodrama Training Institute & Psychotherapy,203 S. Alma Suite 300, Allen,, TX 75013
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