Express 3.4.0 and Connect 2.9.0 have made some small changes to bodyParser(), and more specifically the multipart() middleware used within it. There
have been concerns regarding temporary-file usage, however to maintain backwards compatibility for now I've added some documentation on
We've also switched to the "multiparty" library, instead of using formidable, which allows you to stream the parts directly to arbitrary
destinations without hitting disk. Keep in mind that the destination streams must properly implement node's backpressure mechanisms
otherwise you're likely to cause large memory bloat causing the process to fail. The "defer" option let's subsequent middleware listen
on "part" events to stream accordingly instead of writing to disk, providing the convenient req.files object that you might be used to.
Another alternative if you're concerned is to simply use express.json(), and express.urlencoded(), and leave out multipart() all together. Use
`if ('multipart/form-data')` and formidable/multiparty/parted directly.
The tmpfile used is os.tmpDir()'s value, so if you plan on continuing to use disk it's highly recommended to set up a strategy for dealing
with unnecessary temporary files, this is good practice for any production environment, much like log rotation it is critical to any large
as application processes may fail at any point in time, and may never have the chance to unlink() the file.
The default limits for bodyParser(), urlencoded(), multipart(), and json() have also been adjusted. The default limit for multipart is now 100mb,
and 1mb for the other two. If you anticipate requests larger than this you may pass { limit: '200mb' } to either bodyParser() or the others. It's
recommended to use each one individually, bodyParser() is a legacy convenience aggregate of the others, but applying a global .limit option
between the three of them is not a great choice, as sending 200mb of JSON could halt the application.
If node sits behind a reverse proxy such as nginx you may easily tweak this behaviour there as well.
If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions let me know.