On 14 March 2015 at 02:26, Carlos Araya wrote:
Hi Carlos,
Let me take your questions in reverse order.
> Are there instructions for running the modules outside the packager
> environment??
As Christian and Mike already said, an EXPath Module is a
specification. It is a document describing a set of functions. There
are several implementations, for several processors. From your
previous email, and as stated in the response:
I assume you use Saxon. There is a native implementation, available
in Saxon versions you have to buy. There is also an open source
implementation, to use with the free version of Saxon:
The all idea of the packaging system is so a library author does not
have to describe the install procedure for all possible processors
existing on Earth, and for all possible usage, configuration and
If you want to avoid the packaging, you have to use the JAR inside
the package, and see how to configure Saxon to use it.
> I'm trying to keep my dependencies to a minimum and the packager is too
> much work in downloading and installing the packager is beyond what I want
> my users to do.
An alternative might be to embed it. If you have a Java or .Net
application using Saxon, the packaging system implementation for Saxon
has been designed so you can embed it in your own application.
If it is not a Java or .Net application, but you provide Saxon
bundled with your app, you can pre-install the packaging as well.
Finally, the package manager coming with Saxon, with a shell script
to run it, it might be an solution as well for your users to install
Saxon itself first, then your application and the file extension,
without having to figure out how to run Saxon to invoke your tool
Just some ideas. Regards,
Florent Georges