Moving forward to the next stage

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Exopolítica España

2009年12月2日 下午4:29:432009/12/2
收件者:Exopolítica España

Dear travelling friends,


I sincerely apologize for being absent all this time. Maybe this is the best way to explain it, I’ve been going through an inner death phase or purifying phase, in order to get rid of those issues, projects, ideas, expectatives, etc., that do not fit with the new energy that is emerging from within. It takes a while to clearly discern and choose correctly. It is a cyclical experience, and I’ve gone through it in the past. It is for me just a sign of inner evolution. I needed the right time and inner state to write down what I’m writing now.


With the European Exopolitics Summit I’ve achieved a goal I set in my mind one year and half before. I felt from deeply within that I had to put all my resources in time and energy to be successful with it. It was important for the world; the message was clear, we are not alone and we have never been. I feel I helped to create and successfully achieve that goal.


My inner journey started around 10 years ago, when I first began to ask questions about myself and about the reality in which I’m living. Such journey has lead me to different projects, knowledge, studies, ‘adventures’! Exopolitics, and what I’ve done for it, is one of those adventures and it represents a projection of my inner journey and personal discovering. Now my inner feeling is leading me to a different stage with a different adventure. Due to the success of the Summit we quickly decided we were going to organize the next one, even bigger!. Throughout these past months I realized that it is not going to work again… it was a unique event! I don’t feel now the motivation as with the Summit, we don’t have the team I’d like to, and I feel I have to work with a different project. I’m already designing it. So I’m not going to organize next’s year Summit.


I’m not withdrawing myself from Exopolitics, I feel it is important as a new paradigm, but I need to feel I’m working to create the New World with specific projects that really improve society. I feel I need to move forward bringing to reality improvements in people’s lives, creating a different way of living. We need to be the change we want to see in the world, and I must apply that change to myself and help others to do the same. The world we are living now is coming to an end and it urges me to create the new one. I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but I know I will contribute to that change in some way. I know the extraterrestrial reality is crucial to understand present world situation, however, I feel we need something more to lead people to a new world.


I’m going to maintain the Spanish Exopolitics site to inform about the ET reality, and mainly about any issue related with the official disclosure, something that I see with caution and warning given the New World Order… I see it as a contradiction, we are already slaves of a system, why would they want to free us from it?  I’ve achieved also 50.000 visits aprox. per month from more than 40 countries, which is also a success, but I won’t put more time and energy in the website and associated projects, at least by now. I will look for collaboration with the Exopolitical community from the new Platform I’m creating because the ET realty will be at the roots of this new world.


Now I need to focus on a new project more in tune with my inner feeling and with the flow of my personal circumstances, that have also changed. I need more time and space, putting aside Exopolitics, for this new project.


That’s all I wanted to share with you, and I apologize again for being absent for some weeks without explanation.


Thank you all for your support, friendship and courage!


Warm regards!


Pepón Jover



Barcelona, España

Un Nuevo Inicio, Una Nueva Humanidad

I Am aware of the shadow or dark side of our civilization and governments.

I Am aware that the planet is undergoing a profound transformation, and this will affect us as a civilization, in the near future.

I Am aware that we are not alone in our Galaxy and the Universe.

I Am aware that there is 'free energy' to build a new civilization, and their use is being denied us.

I Am aware that we are spiritual beings Evolving in Consciousness.

I Am aware that as such we have the power to Transform and Create a New Humanity to live in Harmony and Peace, reintegrating into the Galactic community to which we Belong and to the civilizations living inside our planet.

I want to contribute to this Global Awakening of Consciousness that is taking place in the World, Joining the Vision of a New Beginning for a New Humanity with my creative energy. 


"Nunca dudes de que un grupo de

ciudadanos conscientes y comprometidos,

pueden cambiar el mundo,

de hecho siempre ha sido así".


Margaret Mead.




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