Safe and Sound Protocol / Broccoli seed sprouts

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Oct 16, 2020, 10:33:21 AM10/16/20
to Alexithymia Exchange

Checking in with my latest therapy plans for anyone it may help.  I have very strong Alexithymia with diagnoses of C-PTSD and Asperger’s.  I’m looking for a cure.


For C-PTSD I’m trying the Safe and Sound Protocol, or SSP, a non-invasive application of Polyvagal Theory, based on decades of research and developed by Dr. Stephen Porges.

For SSP I use the proprietary audio to exercise the muscle in the inner ear which accesses the vagus nerve.  Vagus nerve innervation allows access to the state of feeling of calm and safe.  The tough part is titrating the muscle without overstimulating.  It takes time and patience.


For Asperger’s I’m using broccoli seed sprouts which show promise for autistics that show behavioral improvements after bouts of fever.  I am one of those who experiences improvements after bouts of fever.


In addition to these new (to me) therapies I practice other therapies that have proven beneficial.  My brain SPECT scan shows marked underactivity in the frontal lobes and hyperactivity in the basal ganglia. 


To manage the frontal lobe imbalance I use nIR hemoncepholagraphy as indicated in the hemoencephalography thread


and for basal ganglia Heartmath HRV


Both of these tools work like a charm.  They are the real deal.


My therapist and I feel EMDR therapy is too much because my stimulation threshold is so low I’m not getting the benefit without reinforcing my Alexithymic/dissociative defense mechanism.  Perhaps EMDR will be productive after I gain some nervous system resilience with the other therapies.


I’ve not been doing so well personally.  I was fired from my last job in 2013 (5th firing) and I just haven’t been able to bring myself to try again ever since then.  I had a bad sports injury in 2014.  I got a bad hernia mesh implant.  I had it removed and permanently lost nerve function in some areas.  I have chronic pain now from it.  I also had a failed attempt at a romantic encounter at that same time.

My father got dementia around this time and me an my brother took care of him.  He lasted 5 years and died from alzheimers just last year.  We couldn't get him into any care facility.  He wouldn't tolerate it.  It is incredibly difficult to take care of someone with alzheimers.  

All of this just seemed to sap my willpower, drive, energy, desire and I don’t know what else to engage in life. I’ve been doing isolation for 6 years now.  With virtually no other outlet I’ve been struggling with controlling eating and weight.  I haven’t made any social connections and I’ve lost a few.

I’m ok with living situation and money so that’s the good news.  I live in quiet place except for some rodent that scratches on the wood behind the ceiling which drives me insane.  I go through a lot of earplugs.  I watch a lot of tv, play videogames, and surf the internet.  I would rather have friends and a job and a family.  I experience glimmers of intense despair in the middle of the night from a lonely life wasted on the couch but of course the numby ache swallows up the feeling.  The thought remains.  I hope these therapies work.

 After I put some time with SSP and Broccoli seed sprouts I’ll report my progress.


Nov 1, 2020, 3:44:15 PM11/1/20
to Alexithymia Exchange
The SSP therapy is the most interesting update so far.  I feel the effects physically almost immediately when i start the session.  It feels like a Norco-type of feeling of well-being but not "druggy".  More like a really really good mood in my body but not as strong or sickening as NorCo.  By Norco I mean that pain reliever they give you in the hospital that has opiates in it.

The sensation emanates from my belly and spreads all over my arms and legs and up my neck to my tongue, but it stops there.  I can actually feel my taste buds engaging somehow from the sensation but there's no particular flavor.  Above that my head is a big numbness, a blank.  I feel an ache in the head area above my tongue.  I especially feel an achey numbness on the right side of my forehead.

This must be the line where alexithymia happens.  Very strange.  My body wants to party but my brain is not having it.  My therapist says it's a deep-rooted block to protect myself somehow from early age.  We wondered if mercury toxicity in the area from my metal fillings might be responsible.  I do a mercury detox that is an entirely different topic.  It's the Andy Cutler protocol FYI.

I'm doing 3 to 4 SSP sessions per day for the length of about 7 minutes each.  This is somewhat less than the recommended rate but since I have a low threshold for overstimulation so we decided to go slow and low.

As far as outside changes my therapist said I described the sensations in my body in a way I never expressed before.  I was engaged and using colorful words and being specific.  I didn't see it myself.  I don't think I feel much different as far as I can tell, certainly not anything in terms of Alexithymia.

I'll continue and perhaps try to bring the sensation up higher than my tongue.
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