Is there anyone who want to meet in L.A?

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Ran Li

Nov 2, 2017, 12:32:14 AM11/2/17
to Alexithymia Exchange
Hi all,

I'm a graduate student majored in filmmaking in USC. I am making a thesis film on a person who cannot feel emotions. 

I would really like to meet someone who has Alexithymia that are willing to share their stories. I would be very happy to be inspired.

I don't have Alexithymia myself but I would like to tell a story about it. Because I think it's important to rethink what emotion means to human and how do we deal it if we can't feel emotion.

I believe more people will get to know Alexithymia after they watch my film.

Please let me know. If someone wants to meet. We should meet as soon as possible.

Thanks. Hope to hear from you.

Ran Li
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