Excel Macros - Choose country from drop-down list and display its flag using Index & Match formula

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Aug 23, 2012, 1:28:24 PM8/23/12
to excelvb...@googlegroups.com
If you want to display or show country flag on your dashboard when you select any country from the drop-down list. Snapshot below-

Step 1 : Download the flags and add them all to a worksheet with country names and flag in two separate columns.  For example "Flags" in attached file .
            Note All flags should fit within the cell 

Step 2

Goto excel option in ribbon(Excel 2007) then click on customize -> all commands -> the choose camera and click on add

you will see camera at top of menu

Step 3 Click on camera then again select any cell and re-size the camera box size .You will see a box like below 

Step 4  Create a name range "display_flag"  using this formula =INDIRECT("Flags!B"&MATCH(Sheet2!$A$6,Flags!$A:$A,0)) . Snapshot below-

Step 5 Click on camera box goto fx button and type =display_flag see below 

Step 6  Select cell A6 and add data validation. choose  list and give the reference of all country names listed in "Flag worksheet"

Download the Working File with 226 Country flags   https://www.box.com/s/2c3daddbcbe5719f729c

Note: All flags are downloaded from 


Aug 23, 2012, 1:42:52 PM8/23/12
to excelvb...@googlegroups.com
Many thanks to owner of " http://www.free-country-flags.com"  for sharing free flags 
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