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Hi Jon,
You can expose classes from your .NET code as COM classes to VBA.
The details get a bit tricky depending on what features you want (e.g. early-binding in VBA, which .NET runtime are you using etc.).
But once you have it working, that;s a good way to use your add-in code from VBA.
There are various sample project and scattered documentation, but I’m also happy to help if you get stuck.
I think the samples haven’t been checked to work recently, and project files were ported to a new format.
So the samples might not quite work as is.
Here is a small VB.NET project you can look at:
Samples/ComServerVB at master · Excel-DNA/Samples
I think the project file needs:
Then the Readme here is a bit more instructive, though I’ve not gone through it recently to see if everything is still valid:
Samples/DnaComServer at master · Excel-DNA/Samples
(Things are a bit more complicated if you’re targeting .NET core (.NET 6+) compared to .NET Framework 4.x.)
The main steps I can think of off-hand are:
* The classes you want to expose should be public, marked with ComVisible(true), a ProgId and maybe a Guid.
* The topic of ClassInterface is a bit complicated – maybe mark as AutoDispatch if targeting .NET Framework, but need to be very careful when changing the class methods.
* The project needs a property <ExcelAddInComServer>true</ExcelAddInComServer>
* Your project must definitely not be marked as “Register for COM Interop”
* You need to call ComServer.DllRegisterServer() or register the .xll (with regsvr32) from command line. This is the C#
Public Class AddInEvents
Implements IExcelAddIn
Public Sub AutoOpen() Implements IExcelAddIn.AutoOpen
End Sub
Public Sub AutoClose() Implements IExcelAddIn.AutoClose
End Sub
End Class
OK, so you might need some patience to get it working, but that’s the plan for exposing a rich interface from the add-in to VBA.
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