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All timing which all ExcelFunctions in the sheet are called automatically.

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Dec 20, 2024, 4:12:55 AM12/20/24
to Excel-DNA
Thank you for your your support!
When we using UDF function (method which is marked as [ExcelFunction] annotation) , it seems for all UDF functions in the sheet to be called automatically in various case.
First time I thought that when some row or column deleted, when data filter of some item is applied or removed it's called.
But as my observation now, it's called when I just type any characters in any cell of sheet after registration of ExcelDnaXll64 (only first time after registration).

So I need to know in which cases, all ExcelFunction (method which is marked as [ExcelFunction] annotation) in the sheet are called for proper handling in each case.

Thank you!

Snake David

Dec 21, 2024, 11:28:54 PM12/21/24
to Excel-DNA
did you ever tried use this modifier?


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