Hey everyone,
I wanted to share a fun little project I put together over the weekend called XLGPT. It’s a .NET 6 class library that plugs Microsoft Excel into OpenAI.
With XLGPT, you can ask Excel-related questions right in Excel itself. Whether you need to fix a formula, generate a VBA script, or write DAX and Power Query M code, it uses OpenAI to suggest solutions on the spot. It’s still in its early stages (so expect a few rough edges), but I’m excited about where it could go.
If this sounds interesting, feel free to check out the GitHub repo linked below. I’d love any feedback, ideas, or contributions. This was a quick weekend experiment, and there’s definitely room for improvement.
One quick note: XLGPT wasn’t built to compete with Microsoft’s labs-generative-ai tool. That’s an official offering with its own goals and capabilities. XLGPT is just a personal side project I put together to explore what’s possible when integrating OpenAI with Excel. I wanted to see how far we could push the idea—like generating Power Query, VBA, and DAX scripts, along with explanations and steps to implement them. It’s more of a proof of concept, so think of it as an experiment rather than a polished solution.
Link to Github repo: XLGPT Github
Thank you