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"RTD Server cannot be registered" error

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Ben Linnecar

Jan 8, 2025, 6:27:52 AMJan 8
to Excel-DNA
My users are intermittently getting LogDisplay messages informing them that my addin's RTD server could not be registered.  I've never had the error myself, but some users seem more likely than others to get more messages.  

I can see in the source code where the error is created.  What's weird to me is that the addin (including use of the RTD server) continues to work somewhat despite the report that it can't be registered.  I'm thinking then the error must be thrown after it is already registered (i.e. from line 180).

I write to ask if there are any known 'gotchas' that may result in the 'TryCallRTD' function throwing?  For example, one that I recently became aware of is a limit on the length of a topic argument that can be sent across - this didn't cause an exception but resulted in a failiure for the topic to reach the RTD server.  Any known others please?
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