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Reading data from range in .NET function via VBA call

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Stu McKenzie

Nov 8, 2024, 7:24:10 AM11/8/24
to Excel-DNA

I'm trying to pass a table of data to .NET from VBA via a macro...

From what I've read, it seems like I can't pass a named range from VBA to .NET - is that correct?

What's the alternative? Must I pass the sheetName, the starting row and col numbers, and the count of rows and columns, and then read the data that way?

Is it not possible to simply get the data in VBA and pass it as an object[,] or something?

Thanks in advance

Govert van Drimmelen

Nov 8, 2024, 7:43:48 AM11/8/24

You can define this UDF in your Excel-DNA add-in


        public static object UseThisData(object data)


            // Inspect the data type of data and proceed from there

            return data.GetType().Name;



And run it with


Sub Test()

    Dim arr(1 To 3, 1 To 2) As Variant


    ' Example of assigning values

    arr(1, 1) = "Item 1,1"

    arr(1, 2) = "Item 1,2"

    arr(2, 1) = "Item 2,1"

    arr(2, 2) = "Item 2,2"

    arr(3, 1) = "Item 3,1"

    arr(3, 2) = "Item 3,2"


    Debug.Print Application.Run("UseThisData", arr)

End Sub



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