Library not packed

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Sep 14, 2023, 12:31:55 PM9/14/23
to Excel-DNA

I would like to ask for help since I am struggling to deploy the addin. It has been 9 month since I deployed last version and something changed in the meantime. 

Everything works fine when debugging addin in the same folder as other libraries. When the packed addin is moved away it launches but nothing from library that should be included/packed is working.

Dna file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DnaLibrary Name="FsadAddin" RuntimeVersion="v4.0"  xmlns="">
  <ExternalLibrary Path="LuboApps.Fsad.Addin.dll" ExplicitExports="true" LoadFromBytes="true" Pack="true" IncludePdb="false" />
  <Reference Path="LuboApps.Fsad.Forms.dll" Pack="true"/>
  <Reference Path="FSharp.Core.dll" Pack="true"/>
  <Reference Path="FSharp.Data.SqlClient.dll" Pack="true"/>  
  <Reference Path="Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll" Pack="true"/>  
  <Reference Path="Nlog.dll" Pack="true"/>
  <Reference Path="Easy.MessageHub.dll" Pack="true"/>

Build passes and all files are fresh in the debug directory, there is only some missing method warning:

Rebuild started...
1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: LuboApps.Fsad.Forms, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
Restored C:\TeamServices\LuboApps\LuboApps.Fsad6.Addin\LuboApps.Fsad6.Addin.fsproj (in 5 ms).
1>  LuboApps.Fsad.Forms -> C:\TeamServices\LuboApps\LuboApps.Fsad.Forms\bin\Debug\LuboApps.Fsad.Forms.dll
2>------ Rebuild All started: Project: LuboApps.Fsad.Addin, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
2> ---
2> ---
2> ExcelDnaSetDebuggerOptions: EXCEL.EXE path for debugging: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\EXCEL.EXE
2> ExcelDnaSetDebuggerOptions: Add-In for debugging: bin\Debug\FsadAddin64.xll
2> warning DNA-778148984: Method not found: 'System.String EnvDTE._DTE.get_Name()'.
2> LuboApps.Fsad.Addin -> C:\TeamServices\LuboApps\LuboApps.Fsad.Addin\bin\Debug\LuboApps.Fsad.Addin.dll
2> ---
2> ExcelDnaBuild: FsadAddin.dna -> bin\Debug\FsadAddin.dna
2> ExcelDnaBuild: ..\packages\ExcelDna.AddIn.1.6.0\build\..\tools\\net452\ExcelDna.xll -> bin\Debug\FsadAddin.xll
2> ExcelDnaBuild: App.config -> bin\Debug\FsadAddin.xll.config
2> ExcelDnaBuild: ---
2> ExcelDnaBuild: FsadAddin.dna -> bin\Debug\FsadAddin64.dna
2> ExcelDnaBuild: ..\packages\ExcelDna.AddIn.1.6.0\build\..\tools\\net452\ExcelDna64.xll -> bin\Debug\FsadAddin64.xll
2> ExcelDnaBuild: App.config -> bin\Debug\FsadAddin64.xll.config
2> ---
2> ExcelDnaPack: bin\Debug\FsadAddin.dna -> bin\Debug\FsadAddin-packed.xll
2> ExcelDnaPack: bin\Debug\FsadAddin.xll.config -> bin\Debug\FsadAddin-packed.xll.config
2> ExcelDnaPack: bin\Debug\FsadAddin64.dna -> bin\Debug\FsadAddin64-packed.xll
2> ExcelDnaPack: bin\Debug\FsadAddin64.xll.config -> bin\Debug\FsadAddin64-packed.xll.config
2> if "Debug"=="Release" (
2>if not exist C:\TeamServices\LuboApps\LuboApps.Fsad.Addin\bin\Debug\v1.1.0.56 (mkdir C:\TeamServices\LuboApps\LuboApps.Fsad.Addin\bin\Debug\v1.1.0.56)
2>echo F| xcopy "C:\TeamServices\LuboApps\LuboApps.Fsad.Addin\bin\Debug\FsadAddin-packed.xll" "C:\TeamServices\LuboApps\LuboApps.Fsad.Addin\bin\Debug\v1.1.0.56\FsadAddin32_v1.1.0.56.xll" /C /Y
2>echo F| xcopy "C:\TeamServices\LuboApps\LuboApps.Fsad.Addin\bin\Debug\FsadAddin64-packed.xll" "C:\TeamServices\LuboApps\LuboApps.Fsad.Addin\bin\Debug\v1.1.0.56\FsadAddin64_v1.1.0.56.xll" /C /Y
========== Rebuild All: 2 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
========== Rebuild started at 18:22 and took 24,481 seconds ==========

Maybe Visual studio version is different now - 2022. Is there anything I should check? Any pointers are appreciated.



Sep 15, 2023, 1:47:26 AM9/15/23
to Excel-DNA
I went through the output directory and there are some new dlls that I did not install myself but some of the nuget packages (updated from old versions) use them as their dependencies. So everything is working after adding them as ReferencePaths to Dna file.


Dne čtvrtek 14. září 2023 v 18:31:55 UTC+2 uživatel Lubos napsal:
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