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is the current preview version 1.9.0-alpha3 supporting AOT comple?

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Snake David

Dec 6, 2024, 12:07:44 AM12/6/24
to Excel-DNA
Hello,I hope you all does well.

I've updated my addins into 1.9.0-alpha3 which based on Net8.0,I want to know is it  supporting AOT comple?Because when I'm trying to complile my addin in AOT model,the Publish path will not generated xll package,instead there are lots of dll files.


Govert van Drimmelen

Dec 6, 2024, 8:52:56 AM12/6/24
to Excel-DNA
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No, the NativeAOT support is not planned to be part of the upcoming v1.9, and is still quite far away.
I'm hoping we'll have an early preview of partial NativeAOT support before the end of next year.


Snake David

Dec 8, 2024, 6:14:24 AM12/8/24
to Excel-DNA
Thanks for replying

and one more question,if I enabled ReadytoRun,will that mean at least part of the addin will be compile with static machine code?

or the compile method has been fixed by ExcelDNA framework that will not effected by this setting?

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