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Goal Seek functionality

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Guido De Bouver

Jun 22, 2018, 7:24:46 AM6/22/18
to Excel-DNA
Hello all,

for a project, I need to program a multidimensionel version of the standard Goal Seek function.

The standard Excel "Goal Seek" functionality changes one cell to make another cell zero.
I would need to change multiple cells to make multiple cells zero.

I was wondering if I could do that using an UDF ??
Something along the lines of MyUDF(A1:A5, B1:B5).
In the above example, I would change cells A1:A5 to drive B1:B5 to zero.

This fomula would then be set to C1 and would find the values of cells A1:A5 where.B1:B5 was returned zero.
I see as a problem that my UDF located in C1 would need to change the source range A1:A5 to initiate the Excel calculations yp modify the cells B1:B5.

I can get around the math to resolve this problem, but I realize that Excel wont like to write to range A1:A5 when the formula is set in cell C1.

Any ideas if this could potentially be done in an UDF ?

kind regards


Mark Houldsworth

Jun 22, 2018, 7:40:13 AM6/22/18
Perhaps read in array, do all of the math in c#, and then return array answer?

Mark Houldsworth, PhD 

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Guido De Bouver

Jun 22, 2018, 7:49:32 AM6/22/18
to Excel-DNA
 The problem is that all formula's are inside the calling Excel spreadhseet, and all these formula's are variable and can be adjusted on the fly.
So I would need to change the source range in order to evaluate the formula's


Vladimir Krilov

Jun 22, 2018, 8:29:07 AM6/22/18
to Excel-DNA
Maybe this topic can help?

public static class Functions
        public static string dnaFunction()
ExcelAsyncUtil.QueueAsMacro(() =>
Application app = (Application)ExcelDnaUtil.Application;
Worksheet ws = app.ActiveSheet;
ws.Range["D3"].Value = "Test";

return "Function result";

Guido De Bouver

Jun 25, 2018, 5:43:36 AM6/25/18
to Excel-DNA
Thanks all for your much appreciated help,
I think I found a solution to do this, however I would require my UDF to save the content of the current workbook.

The solution would be to :
--> solve the content of the calling workbook
--> load the saved workbook in a structure like Aspose.Cells. This allows me to efficiently evaluate all Excel's formula's
--> use the mathematics from a .NET mathematical library, such as Extreme.numerics to solve the functions
--> return back the solution to the calling workbook under the calling UDF, whilst keeping all other cells as they were.

So, this would require that I can save the calling workbook using ExcelDna.
Is this possible ? Could I save to memory instead of disk for performance reasons ?

kind regards,


Guido De Bouver

Jun 25, 2018, 5:46:55 AM6/25/18
to Excel-DNA

The solution would be to 
--> SAVE the content of the calling workbook
--> load the saved workbook in a structure like Aspose.Cells. This allows me to efficiently evaluate all Excel's formula'
--> use the mathematics from a .NET mathematical library, such as Extreme.numerics to solve the function
--> return back the solution to the calling workbook under the calling UDF, whilst keeping all other cells as they were.

So, this would require that I can save the calling workbook using ExcelDna

Govert van Drimmelen

Jun 25, 2018, 5:50:47 AM6/25/18

Hi Guido,


Are you trying to do something that the built-in Solver tool cannot do?

Of course it doesn’t work as a UDF, but it can optimise using multiple input values, and has a very robust algorithm.




Guido De Bouver

Jun 25, 2018, 6:21:35 AM6/25/18
to Excel-DNA
Yes, I am trying to do something the Excel Solver cant do.
I realize the embedded can do terrible things, but it wont do what is needed here.
basically, I need to leave the whole content of the spreadshete untouched and return some optimal values from a UDF.

I think the above described mechanism from my previous post will work - but I would need to find out how to save the content of the calling worksheet - hopefully to a stream, if not possible to file


Govert van Drimmelen

Jun 25, 2018, 6:26:38 AM6/25/18

What if you saved a copy of the book into a temp file, opened it in another Excel process, ran solver, and copied the resulting values back?




Guido De Bouver

Jun 25, 2018, 6:58:41 AM6/25/18
to Excel-DNA
thanks Govert, 
Basically that is what I want to automate icompletely in an UDF.

So the first step is to save the content of the calling worksheet.
I realize I can get to the name of the file, however that does not inlcude all modifs that have been applied since the last save.

Is there a way to save the content of the current worksheet to a stream inside ExcelDna ? 
If a stream wont work - I will settle for a file :-)
I realize this will be slow, however, correct update mechanism will ensure it wont get called only when absolutely needed.

kind regards from Belgium



Govert van Drimmelen

Jun 25, 2018, 7:38:55 AM6/25/18

The only options I know of for dealing with the file and other contents of the Workbook are those in COM object model, exactly the same as you’d have in VBA.

I don’t think there’s anything relevant in the C API that you can’t do with the COM object model.


So you either have to prompt the user and force a Save (or Save As) to read directly from the file, or read and process everything in the Workbook by reading all the formulas from the cells.





From: <> On Behalf Of Guido De Bouver
Sent: 25 June 2018 12:59
To: Excel-DNA <>
Subject: Re: [ExcelDna] Re: Goal Seek functionality


thanks Govert, 


Guido De Bouver

Jun 25, 2018, 7:48:43 AM6/25/18
to Excel-DNA
Ok, thanks for your help.
I will assume the file was saved and will solve the functions as per the method ( reading in Aspose.Cells and resolving using Extreme.Mathematics ).
I will update this forum on the resulting source code.

Terry Aney

May 13, 2024, 7:57:35 PM5/13/24
to Excel-DNA
@Govert If I save to a temp file what would be the flow?  Something like this?  (psuedo code so could have names a bit off)

var isSaved = activeWorkbook.IsSaved;
var currentName = activeWorkbook.FullPath; (or whatever full name property is available)
var tempFile = GetTempFileName();
activeWorkbook.SaveAs( tempFile );

// .. process tempFile ...

activeWorkbook.FullPath = currentName;
activeWorkbook.IsSaved = isSaved;

Going to test out in a bit, but thought I'd ask for documentation.

Naju Mancheril

May 13, 2024, 9:51:53 PM5/13/24
to, Naju Mancheril
I think there are a few difficulties here:

  1. One difficulty is detecting that B1:B5 have been recalculated with the latest A1:A5.
    1. Even if you know that there is no async/RTD function in B1:B5, is there some way to synchronously trigger a recalc and be sure that the "fresh" B1:B5 values have been updated?
  2. A second difficulty is navigating the search space of A1:A5 values.
    1. With one dimension, there are only two possible directions to move (left or right)
    2. With five dimensions, which direction are you going to go? I would think that you need some convexity assumption about the function structure to know whether you are headed in the correct direction.

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