RE: I wan't put a button on a sheet in excel. Then I want to call some F# when the button is pressed. Any ideas?

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Stuart Davies

Apr 8, 2014, 6:14:03 PM4/8/14

I want to put a button on a sheet in excel. Then I want to call some F# library when the button is pressed. 
I have created a F# dna project and I am calling functions.

How can I get the button to call some FSharp code? Does anyone have some example F# code?


Govert van Drimmelen

Apr 23, 2014, 4:27:00 PM4/23/14
Hi Stuart,

You can try this:

* In Visual Studio, create a new F# Library project.

* In the project, open the Package Manager Console, and type do "Install-Package Excel-DNA"

* In the Library1.fs file, put the following code:

    module fsExcelSample

    open ExcelDna.Integration

    let sayhello () = "Hello from F#"

    [<ExcelCommand(MenuName="&FSharp Macros", MenuText="&Put some Values")>]
    let putStuff () = 
        let refs = ExcelReference(0,0)
        let v = System.DateTime.Now.ToString()
        refs.SetValue(v) |> ignore
        let refs2 = ExcelReference(1,1)
        let v2 = 42
        refs2.SetValue(v2) |> ignore

* In the project Properties page, set up the Debug information:
  - Start external program: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\Excel.EXE
  - Command-line arguments: ...insert the full path to the -AddIn.xll in the bin\Debug directory...

* Press F5 to compile and run Excel. You should see no error message.

* Check that the add-in works: 
  - Try the formula =sayHello()
  - Check that the macro got added under the Add-Ins tab.

* Now insert a button on your sheet. 
  - The Excel Developer tab must be visible - go to File->Options and make it visible if it isn't already.
  - Select "Developer, Insert -> Button (Form Control)" and drag out a rectangle to add a button to the sheet.
  - When you have to assign a macro, type in the macro name "putStuff" (the "New" button should change to "Edit" if you have it right, though pressing it will just give an error).
  - Check that pressing your button does work and pastes the data as expected.

Let us know whether you get it to work ...

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