Allow other people to use your library without sharing the code

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Apr 2, 2016, 1:33:05 AM4/2/16
to Excel Liberation

Congratulations for the GAS library article. I was wondering, how can I create a library, as you did, which I can share just the library key, and people can use it, without sharing the code properly. Do u have any idea? I would appreciate a lot if you could help me in this. I am trying hard to find a solution, but I failed.

Thanks in advance! 

Bruce Mcpherson

Apr 2, 2016, 4:48:33 AM4/2/16
Just like in a regular web app, where you can inspect JavaScript via the browser developer tools, the nature of the language is that is it uncompiled code that is interpreted at run time. Even if there were a way of having a kind of execute only permission on a library file, you could still get at the code through the library namespace using simple JavaScript techniques, since the library code becomes part of your project.

There are tools that make code difficult to ready.. Such as uglify, and minify so you could run that on your code.

My view though is that If you are sharing code with others, you should get comfortable with letting them see it too.

Btw, this forum has been migrated to the desktop liberation community on g+ a couple of years ago, so I don't often notice posts here..

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