it's best to use the example in the latest cDataSet.xlsm - the inputdata tab. You can just play with the data there
for interest, the code nowadays looks like this, and can be found in the doRoadmapper tab.
Public Sub actRoadMapper(Optional wp As String = "Parameters")
Dim dSets As cDataSets, respectFilter As Boolean, useData As String
Dim rData As Range, rParam As Range, rplot As Range
' where the parameters are
Set rParam = rangeExists(wp).Worksheet.UsedRange
' automatically find where the data is
Set rData = getLikelyColumnRange
' get the data and the parameters
Set dSets = New cDataSets
With dSets
With .init(rParam, , , True, "options")
respectFilter = .isCellTrue("respect filter", "value")
End With
.init rData, , "data", , , , , respectFilter
.init rParam, , , True, "roadmap colors"
.init rParam, , , True, "containers"
.init rParam, , , True, "custom bars"
End With
With dSets.dataSet("data")