Re: proposal for crary interface change: separately pass url path to handler

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Filippo Pacini

Jun 16, 2008, 6:08:46 PM6/16/08
Hi Scott,
thanks for your comments.
I've cc-ed the reply to the ewgi group so we can continue the discussion
there or in private without being off topic.

Scott R Parish wrote:
> Nice idea! I'm very interested in seeing what the streaming part looks
> like (both ways: server streaming response back to http client and http
> client streaming a PUT or POST). Here's some notes and questions i had on
> my first pass through the document:
For the streaming part Hunter Morris has done all the job and you'll
find something in his slides here:

> + are there standardized semantics regarding the behavior if the
> application side throws an exception?
the mochiweb implementation catches exceptions thrown by applications
and return a 500 Internal Server Error.
IMHO this should be the standardized behaviour. What do you think?

> + could the HTTP headers in the Environ (eg "HTTP_*") be either
> upper-cased or lower-cased (standardize on one). rational: headers are
> case insensitive, so an application wishing to conform to the case
> insensitivity will have to manually loop over the proplist, even if the
> proplist in the future supported dict style backing.
All http headers are normalized to upper case. While ewgi specific field
are something like "ewgi.fieldname"

> + at the moment proplist is hard coded to using a linked list and O(n) avg
> lookup. there's no reason why a map "interface" couldn't be build that
> proplist could use, however such a proposal was largely ignored by the
> wider erlang community. would it be possible to allow the passed in type
> to be something such as a "map" interface rather then "proplist" so that
> more efficient data structures could be used if/when desired?
Here I'm open to suggestions. I chose proplists because I come from
python and they are the thing that most resembles python dicts (in the
api, not the implementation).
IMHO the right thing to do is to define a data type in the specs and
strongly suggest access to the data structure only through the api. So
we can change in future versions of the specs without much problems.

> + why require the redundant status (eg {200, "Ok"})? crary has code that
> will accept just the integer 200 or the atom 'ok' and automatically do the
> right thing. it seems to me this reduces the potential for typos and
> creates cleaner code (who really needs to see the integer 200?)
In mochiweb e.g. you start the response with the complete status line
"200 OK", while in yaws you have to set it with e.g. {status, 404} and
non need to set the status in case it is 200.
I choose a representation and added macros to simplify coding :-) so
e.g. ?OK corresponds to {200, "OK"}
They are defined in include/ewgi.hrl

> + the current spec requires that the server send correct headers,
> including for HTTP extensions. this seems to imply that all ewgi will have
> to understand enough about the semantics of WebDAV and any other HTTP
> extensions to automatically supplement their headers. i disagree that this
> is what a server should be responsible for. automatically adding the
> "date" and "server" is a really good thing, but i'd argue that it should
> be limited to these, or limited to a finite, well documented list of such
> headers.
That's correct. ewgi IMHO should know HTTP.
ewgi must guarantee that the HTTP headers are correctly set, or
otherwise you would send the client an incorrect response.
However this in practice means most of the times the ewgi server hasn't
to do any checks since the underlying server mochiweb, yaws, or crary
already do this.
I hadn't thought of WebDav and other extensions over ewgi. Maybe we
could think of future extensions, but for now I'd be happy to have a
well defined spec for http and some working and tested implementations,
so if you want e.g. to take care of the crary one you are welcome ;-)

> + The spec seems to imply--but not directly state--that StartResponse can
> be called multiple times (eg it is buffered in case an "ok" turns into an
> "internal server error"). What are the semantics of duplicate calls? Is
> the first call effectively ignored? Are the calls merged? What is the
> semantic of no StartResponse call being made?
This part that has to be clarified better in the specs (as a lot of
other things :-) ).
The StartResponse must not send the send the headers until the first
chunk of the body is returned. It must buffer headers until the last
possible moment. The case of no StartResponse I think should result in
an internal server error. It's like answering without sending the
headers. The alternative could be to threat no headers as a 200 response
like yaws does, but I don't like it very much.

> + Is it acceptable for StartResponse to be called from another process
> then Application that it was originally passed to? Likewise, from a
> different erlang vm?
My idea was exactly this. Applications and middleware may reside on
different nodes from the server. The current mochiweb implementation
does not support this, but it should not be difficult to fix.
IMHO this is a must have feature working in erlang :-)

> + From what i understand, erlang makes no guarantees that lambdas are
> compatible across releases. As i understand it, by using lambdas for the
> Application and StartResponse (as well as the one in the header if set),
> this will make it unsafe for users to upgrade erlang releases in a hot
> environment if the lambdas are passed across VMs. this may not be a
> problem, but should be considered. the spec however did suggest that there
> may be applications that pass the request to a separate VM; if lambda are
> still used by ewgi, it might be prudent to add a warning not to pass the
> lambdas across VMs, as it would be very tempting to do this.
You are right. This should be stated clearly in the specs.

> + Will there be any ewgi standardized support for the server timing out
> and killing the Application. This could be highly useful to prevent, or
> limit the impact of certain forms of DOSs. If there is, would the server
> kill the Application in such a way that (either explicitly or implicitly)
> any worker processes (links) that the Application starts will be killed?
IMHO the ewgi specs should remain as simple as possible and this feature
could be implemented as a ewgi middleware module if not already present
in the underlying server.

Thanks again. Any comment or suggestion is welcome.


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