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Application of Environmental Responses (mortality)

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Maria Alexandra

Jan 18, 2023, 10:46:36 AM1/18/23
to EwE users

Hi everyone,

I am working on creating an EwE model and I need to simulate the effect of biomass reduction of the different functional groups (by 50%) using Ecosim.
I'm testing the functionality: "Application of Environmental Responses (mortality)" , but I am not getting the desired effect (50% reduction in biomass)

Since this is a recent feature (mortality as FF), I am having trouble finding information to help me understand what is happening when I force simulations with this option
I wonder if you have any tips to get this assessment.

many thanks for your help!!!
best regards

EwE user support

Jan 19, 2023, 6:26:32 AM1/19/23
to Maria Alexandra, EwE users
Hi Maria,

You are brave. I have asked the developing team to provide the needed write-up how to use and assess the mortality responses, and have directed them to your question. Hopefully useful info soon.

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Maria Alexandra

Jan 24, 2023, 10:55:17 AM1/24/23
to EwE user support, EwE users
Thanks a lot! 

...and by the way!

Two more questions came up, that maybe you can help me to clarify:

1- Any idea why the "other mortality" effect as a forcing function has a limit? i.e., up to a certain value, no matter how much I increase the forcing value, the impact on the biomass of the functional group does not change.

2- the ecosim time step is by default monthly and cannot be changed? but if my input values were transformed into daily rates, I would be transforming months into days, during ecosim simulations?

thank you very much
best regards
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