Ecosim relative biomass format

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Thomas Seyer

Mar 22, 2022, 11:36:29 AM3/22/22
to EwE users
Hello everyones,

I'm facing a problem with the time series in ecosim: I have imported my time series file with relative biomass (data type "0"). The values are centered on 1 (value of year i / value of year 0) and they appear like so in the "time serie" visualisation but when on the "run ecosim" page, they are shifted to much greater values.

They seems to follow the original pattern but with an offset (which not constent). Anyone has ever seen this? I don't know if it could come from my data formating, a bug or anything else.

Best regards

EwE user support

Mar 22, 2022, 11:56:22 AM3/22/22
to Thomas Seyer, EwE users

Hello Thomas,

Perhaps the issue is French vs US number formatting. Make sure to use the correct decimal and thousands separator


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Thomas Seyer

Mar 23, 2022, 5:14:35 AM3/23/22
to EwE users
Hello Jeroen,

I checked but it doesn't seem to be that. In the "time series" visualisation (and also in the "time series grid" one), they appear properly centered on 1. But when plotted on the ecosim output graph there is an offset.

Best regards

Thomas Seyer

Mar 23, 2022, 6:15:09 AM3/23/22
to EwE users
After futher testing: using only one relative biomass (data type 0) and one forcing capture (data type -6), both in annual and timestep mode (with 12 entry per year) I could see that the plotted values of the biomass are changing when I change the captures (even if the capture are for another group). So I wonder if this could be a bug related to the autoscaling feature?
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