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Re: Ecopath with Ecosim incident report

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EwE development team

Oct 1, 2024, 6:47:24 AM10/1/24
to Guro Bang Synnes, EwE users
Hi Guro,

I know that Ecobase has been offline for a while. I just checked and Ecobase is up and running again, and the Ecobase import screen is loading the access agreement. It all looks good again. Can you please try again?

Best wishes,
EwE dev team

On 01/10/2024 9:35 am, Guro Bang Synnes wrote:

I experienced the following issue:

I'm unable to import models from Ecobase in my EwE (version - 64 bit). The program won't connect to Ecobase even though I'm connected to internet. I only get red crosses like this:

Is there a way to fix this?

Guro Bang Synnes

Configuration (do not modify):
Microsoft Windows 11 Home 10.0.22631.0 (64 bit)
.NET version 4.0.30319.42000 (64 bit)
* EwE6=,4ea0a63e8269aae8
* EwECore=,1d875393b3ebcad0
* EwEPlugin=,dd06458997731881
* EwEUtils=,dc57e07780e0d694
* ScientificInterfaceShared=,f4272e218706910f
- EwECore=,1d875393b3ebcad0
- EwEAquamapsEnvDataImporterPlugin=,cbe6237d7a462024
- EwEBiomassEmitterPlugin=,
- EwEDietMatrixToNetworkD3RPlugin=,
- EwEEcoEngineersPlugin=,
- EwEEcologicalIndicatorsPlugin=,04cd55d5998388f6
- EwEEcoSamplerPlugin=,
- EwEEcospaceSpinupPlugin=,f41f6af4ab48e4aa
- EwEEcotracerEnvDriverPlugin=,
- EwEEcoTrophPlugin=,ca591d3a2f4b01d0
- EwEenaRPlugin=,f66d42f238b94acb
- EwEIBMAgeStructureResultsWriterPlugin=,
- EwEImportDietsPlugin=,
- EwEImportExportLayerDefinitionsPlugin=,231fe1cb3be342cc
- EwEMergeSplitGroupsPlugin=,739774b43da74060
- EwEModelFromEcosimPlugin=,39cec52bd095db6e
- EwEMPADynamicsPlugin=,
- EwEMSEPlugin=,
- EwEMSPLink=,21b199497f694d3b
- EwEMSPPlugin=,
- EwEMultiSimPlugin=,b571e72eb74a0f47
- EwENetworkAnalysis=,43ed0cfa9d8c0f9a
- EwEPrebalPlugin=,d5385248eb110d7b
- EwERemarksPlugin=,ab8b58464d679514
- EwEResultsExtractorPlugin=,204e4928b89a87c4
- EwEShapeGridPlugin=,ebb30a96550414d2
- EwESpatialAssetsPlugin=,2c16dd22f720cf04
- EwEStepwiseFittingPlugin=,834460e7616bd410
- EwETransectExtractionPlugin=,e1d2c1216f07452c
- EwEValueChainPlugin=,9a697d52338429f8
- EwEWindowsIntegrationPlugin=,
- EwEWoRMSPlugin=,ac7a9bd6b534a7ac

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