I know that Ecobase has been offline for a while. I just checked and
Ecobase is up and running again, and the Ecobase import screen is
loading the access agreement. It all looks good again. Can you
please try again?
I experienced the following issue:
I'm unable to import models from Ecobase in my EwE (version - 64 bit). The program won't connect to Ecobase even
though I'm connected to internet. I only get red crosses like
Is there a way to fix this?
Guro Bang Synnes
Configuration (do not modify):
Microsoft Windows 11 Home 10.0.22631.0 (64 bit)
.NET version 4.0.30319.42000 (64 bit)
* EwE6=,4ea0a63e8269aae8
* EwECore=,1d875393b3ebcad0
* EwEPlugin=,dd06458997731881
* EwEUtils=,dc57e07780e0d694
* ScientificInterfaceShared=,f4272e218706910f
- EwECore=,1d875393b3ebcad0
- EwEAquamapsEnvDataImporterPlugin=,cbe6237d7a462024
- EwEBiomassEmitterPlugin=,
- EwEDietMatrixToNetworkD3RPlugin=,
- EwEEcoEngineersPlugin=,
- EwEEcologicalIndicatorsPlugin=,04cd55d5998388f6
- EwEEcoSamplerPlugin=,
- EwEEcospaceSpinupPlugin=,f41f6af4ab48e4aa
- EwEEcotracerEnvDriverPlugin=,
- EwEEcoTrophPlugin=,ca591d3a2f4b01d0
- EwEenaRPlugin=,f66d42f238b94acb
- EwEIBMAgeStructureResultsWriterPlugin=,
- EwEImportDietsPlugin=,
- EwEMergeSplitGroupsPlugin=,739774b43da74060
- EwEModelFromEcosimPlugin=,39cec52bd095db6e
- EwEMPADynamicsPlugin=,
- EwEMSEPlugin=,
- EwEMSPLink=,21b199497f694d3b
- EwEMSPPlugin=,
- EwEMultiSimPlugin=,b571e72eb74a0f47
- EwENetworkAnalysis=,43ed0cfa9d8c0f9a
- EwEPrebalPlugin=,d5385248eb110d7b
- EwERemarksPlugin=,ab8b58464d679514
- EwEResultsExtractorPlugin=,204e4928b89a87c4
- EwEShapeGridPlugin=,ebb30a96550414d2
- EwESpatialAssetsPlugin=,2c16dd22f720cf04
- EwEStepwiseFittingPlugin=,834460e7616bd410
- EwETransectExtractionPlugin=,e1d2c1216f07452c
- EwEValueChainPlugin=,9a697d52338429f8
- EwEWindowsIntegrationPlugin=,
- EwEWoRMSPlugin=,ac7a9bd6b534a7ac