An interesting paper which comports with my idea that "the problem of consciousness" will be "solved" by engineering. Or John Clark's point that consciousness is easy, intelligence is hard.
Consciousness in
Cognitive Architectures
A Principled Analysis of RCS, Soar and ACT-R
Here's an excerpt:
"The justifiable quest for methods for managing reasoning about selves in this
context is driven by the desire of moving responsibility for system robustness
from the human engineering and operation team to the system itself. This is
also the rationale behind the autonomic computing movement but in our case
the problem is much harder as the bodies of our machines are deeply embedded
in the physics of the world.
But the rationale for having self models is even deeper than that: if modelbased
control overpasses in capabilities to those of error-based control, the
strategy to follow in the global governing of a concrete embedded system is
not just recognising departure from setpoints but anticipating the behavior
emerging from the interaction of the system with it surrounding reality.
Hence the step from control systems that just exploit models of the object,
to control systems that exploit models of the pair system + object is a necessary
one in the ladder of increased performance and robustness. This step
is also observable in biological systems and while there are still loads of unsolved
issues around, the core role that “self” plays in the generation of sophisticated
behaviour is undeniable. Indeed, part of the importance of selfconsciousness
is related to distinguishing oneself from the emvironment in
this class of models (e.g. for action/agency attribution in critical, bootstrapping
learning processes)."
On Wednesday, September 26, 2012 2:35:27 PM UTC-4, Brent wrote:
An interesting paper which comports with my idea that "the problem of consciousness" will be "solved" by engineering.� Or John Clark's point that consciousness is easy, intelligence is hard.
Consciousness is easy if you already have consciousness. It is impossible if you don't. Intelligence is hard if you already have consciousness, but it is impossible if you don't.
Everything assumes that consciousness exists as a possibility in the universe prior to the existence of the universe itself.
On 9/26/2012 12:19 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:On Wednesday, September 26, 2012 2:35:27 PM UTC-4, Brent wrote:An interesting paper which comports with my idea that "the problem of consciousness" will be "solved" by engineering.� Or John Clark's point that consciousness is easy, intelligence is hard.
Consciousness is easy if you already have consciousness. It is impossible if you don't. Intelligence is hard if you already have consciousness, but it is impossible if you don't.
So are you now contending that intelligent machines *must be* conscious� and that therefore there are no intelligent machines?
Everything assumes that consciousness exists as a possibility in the universe prior to the existence of the universe itself.
I don't even know how to parse "everything assumes"?
> Consciousness is easy if you already have consciousness. It is impossible if you don't.
> Everything assumes that consciousness exists as a possibility in the universe
> prior to the existence of the universe
On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 Craig Weinberg <> wrote:> Consciousness is easy if you already have consciousness. It is impossible if you don't.
But you believe in "panexperientialism", you believe that everything is conscious, so if you are correct then consciousness is not only possible it's easy. QED.
> Everything assumes that consciousness exists as a possibility in the universe
It's not a assumption it's a fact that for consciousness to exist there must have been a time when the possibility of the existence of consciousness existed. In a similar way some religious types have criticized Krauss's book "A Universe From Nothing" because it's not really nothing, its just from very very little because Krauss had to start from a place where there was at least the potential for something, and they insist that very potential is something. Apparently those same religious types don't consider God to be something, and for once I agree with them.
> prior to the existence of the universe
It's not clear what that means. Without the universe you can't have time because time involves change and if nothing exists then nothing changes; and without time the word "prior" has no meaning.
John K Clark
life, consciousness, free will, intelligence
I try to give a phsical definition of each one:
Life: whathever that maintain its internal entropy in a non trivial way (A diamant is not alive). That is, to make use of hardwired and adquired information to maintain the internal entropy by making use of low entropic matter in the environment.
Consciousness: To avoid dangers he has to identify chemical agents, for example, but also (predators that may consider him as a prey. While non teleológical dangers, like chemicals, can be avoided with simple reactions, teleológical dangers, like the predators are different. He has to go a step further than automatic responses, because he has to deliberate between fight of flight, depending on its perceived internal state: healt, size, wether he has breeding descendence to protect etc. He needs to know the state of himself, as well as the boundary of his body. He has to calibrate the menace by looking at the reactions of the predator when he see its own reactions. there is a processing of "I do this- he is responding with that", at some level.So a primitive consciouness probably started with predation. that is not self consciousness in the human sense. Self consciousness manages an history of the self that consciousness do not.
Free will: There are many dylemmas that living beings must confront, like fight of flight: For example, to abandon an wounded cub or not, to pass the river infested of crocodriles in orde to reach the green pastures in the other side etc. many of these reactions are automatic, like fight and fligh. because speed of response is very important (Even most humans report this automatism of behaviour when had a traumatic experience). But other dilemmas are not. A primitive perception of an internal conflict (that is free will) may appear in animals who had the luxury of having time for considerating either one course of action or the other, in order to get enough data. This is not very common in the animal kingdom, where life is short and decission have to be fast. Probably only animals with a long life span with a social protection can evolve such internal conflict. When there is no time to spend, even humans act automatically. If you want to know how an animal feel, go to a conflict zone.
Intelligence: The impulse of curiosity and the hability to elaborate activities with the exclusive goal of learning and adquiring experience, rather than direct survivival. of course that curiositiy is not arbitrary but focused in promising activities that learn something valuable for survival. A cat would inspect a new furniture. Because its impulse for curiosity is towards the search of locations for hiding, watch and shelter and for the knowledge of the surroundings. That is intelligence, but a focused intelligence. It is not general intelligence.
We have also a focused curiosity but it is not so narrow.
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