FW: Merry Christmas 2021

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Philip Benjamin

Dec 19, 2021, 2:11:21 PM12/19/21

December 5, 2021 1:57 PM  Everything List everyth...@googlegroups.com  general...@googlegroups.com     Subject: Merry Christmas 2021 


     Poem Christmas 2021   Philip Benjamin

YHWH, yeah YHWH! Yield ye yokefellows yearning        

Understand uber unction unbeknownst unto unawakened   

Lion looks like Lamb laid low lifeless, lingering, lo living  

Eden episode effectively ends, ergo emancipating enslaved   

Thundering tetelestai thankfully terminated the thanato-term  

Immanuel incarnate, insulted, impaled, interred is immortal 

Divine decree defeats death, definitively destined deliverance     

Elohim erased energetically, exuberantly, Edentropy entirely    

                       Note: Edentropy = Edenic entropy.

    [Philip Benjamin]

     There is no Left/Right or Conservative/Liberal divide in the West anymore. It is Conformist/Nonconformist to globalism which in effect is PAGANISM. Pagans with un-awkened consciousness are ubiquitous. They are in the pulpits and pews, all branches of government, politicians and bureaucrats of all stripes and the military.  All the media kneejerk reactions and comments on “America under one religion” and the American culture in general are fearmongering propagandist, polemical, extremist Marxist-Socialist-Fascist paganism with un-awakened consciousness. Marxist pagans cannot have their imaginary Utopia without totally destroying what Marxist pagan Joseph Stalin first coined as “American Exceptionalism”. It is much worse than Greco-Roman-polytheism from which the West emerged thanks to the Mars Hill Discourse, Augustinian brilliance and scholarship applied to the Scriptures of the Patriarchs, Prophets and Apostles.   

        Aseity of dead matter (producing life) or aseity of LIFE (creating matter and life) is in question here. There is no other choice for WAMP-the-Ingrate.

Philip Benjamin


           WAMP = Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism), including Hollywood, the stealing beneficiary of the Augustinian Trust. https://www.midwestaugustinians.org/conversion-of-st-augustine 

everyth...@googlegroups.com   general...@googlegroups.com  Philip Benjamin , November 16, 2021 12:10 PM Subject: [Consciousness-Online] Happy Thanksgiving Day 2021


     Thanksgiving    2021   Philip Benjamin

Thankfully Truth transcendent that transforms

Humanity- helpless, hopeless; heftily happifies

Ascended Adonai awakens atman and atones           

Nicknamed newborns: none, nothing nullifies

Kindly knights know kindling Kingdom kinships 

Safe, secure, sane, sound, sanguinity satisfies

Philip Benjamin                        November 2021


Timeline for Thanksgiving in Puritan America which WAMP-the-Ingrate will never acknowledge

  1. Athenian Mars Hill discourse (~ 50 AD) by Rabbi Saul of Tarsus (Acts 17:16-34) where the Unknown god of Greco-Roman paganism was identified as the Adonai (singular) YHWH (plural) Elohim (uni-plural) of the Patriarchs, Prophets and Apostles.

Some intellectuals accepted the Risen Messiah (Dionysius the Areopagite, a woman named Damaris, and others with them) while many scoffed the message of resurrection.

  1. Instant transformation of Greco-Roman- pagan Augustine of un-awakened consciousness (UC),   resulting in an awakened consciousness (AC).. Gradual growth of Augustine through Neo-Platonism, identifying Adonai as Plato’s Form of the Good (Demiurge) into the greatest philosopher and theologian of at least the first Millennium. https://www.midwestaugustinians.org/conversion-of-st-augustine 
  2. Reformation led by Augustinian monk Martin Luther (1517) in Germany.
  3. Puritan Awakening in England (1530).
  4. Wesleyan Revivals in England (1700’s), warding off the anarchy of the type of French Revolution
  5. Two Great Awakenings in America, historical and historic (1700-1800’s)
  6. Puritan America and Thanksgiving Day
  7. Sabbath and Sabbatical have no planetary or lunar or solar or any astronomical basis. They are purely and solely Scriptural terms. Long weekends would never have occurred if the first Church in Jerusalem was not 100% Jewish. Only an earth-rending event as Resurrection could have added First Day of the week to Sabbath Day (Acts 20:17). Thank Offering and Thanksgiving feasts are all Scriptural principles.
  8. Non-Sovereign Federation of the Sovereign States in Puritan America is not an outcome of TM, Tao, Talmud, Kabbala, Koran, occultism, Jungian type sorceries, witchcraft etc. , but of the Two Great Awakenings of individual consciousness on a massive scale.
  9. Thus Puritan America produced “the land of the free and home of the brave”  where critical thinking, Sciences & Humanities and the “Aristocracy of Labor” flourished, not vice versa.  That is “American Exceptionalism” , a phrase first coined by Marxist Joseph Stalin who knew only Rasputin’s occultism, not ‘Awakening”  which SALON narrow mindedness can identify only as “extremist Christian theology” (See notes below). 

 Dictates of WAMP journalism or politics or sociology or any other discipline to rewrite this record is contrary to the dictums of history and common sense. Slavery was universal from the very outset of human civilization, but the first eradication of it by law in human history was in the British Empire thanks to the singlehanded lifetime effort of a Puritan MP, William Wilberforce. This was followed about six decades later by Emancipation in Puritan America.

     WAMP = Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism), including Hollywood, the stealing beneficiary of the Augustinian Trust. 


Salon https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/how-extremist-christian-theology-is-driving-the-right-wing-assault-on-democracy/  How extremist Christian theology is driving the right-wing assault on democracy. Paul Rosenberg 


Subject: FW: The American Taliban, Pagan West and Un-awakened (Un-Augustinian) Consciousness

September 27, 2021 general...@googlegroups.com   everything-   li...@googlegroups.com

[Philip Benjamin]    

        WAMP-the-Ingrate = Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism), the stealing beneficiaries of the Augustinian Trust]. Columbus day? When all land routes to the East were closed by Jihadists, what else should entrepreneurs do, other than explore sea routes? No exploration, no WAMP either!!

     The WAMP stole Sabbath & Sabbatical for which there is no planetary, solar or lunar basis; only Srptures of the Patriarchs, Prophets and the Apostles.  No extended week-end either, if it were not for the skyrending event of Resurrection—changing worship on Seventh day to First day was impossible for that  100% first century Jewish churches (Acts 20: 7-10).  They willfully omit the legacy of Puritans like the British MP William Wilberforce who for the FIRST TIME in himan history abolished the Slave Trade in over 30% of the Globe followed by the American Emancipation about six decades later. They attribute aseity to dead matter and deliberately ignore how Augustine pulled the West from Greco-Roman irrational polytheism and recognized the more rational aseity of Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural) as the Platonic Prime Mover. WAMP-the-Ingrate either deny or are ignorant of the continuation of the beginning of modern Western Civilization with the identification of the Athenian Unknown god as the risen Messiah by Rabbi Saul of Tarsus (Acts 17).     

     LA Times (see below) is unaware of paganism sweeping across the once Puritan America. Pagans overwhelmingly favor pagans. Conformist pagans have un-awakened consciousness (UC). Non-conformist free citizens have awakened consciousness (AC). In today’s politics there are no Left & Right or Liberals & Conservatives; only Conformists or Non-Conformist to pagan Globalism (with UC). American Constitutional Republic was a Non-Sovereign Federation of Sovereign States. That is the product of the historical and historic “Two Great Awakenings”—Patriarchal, Prophetic, Apostolic (consequent to the Athenian Mars Hill discourse by Rabbi Saul of Tarsus, Acts 17) and Augustinian (https://www.midwestaugustinians.org/conversion-of-st-augustine). It is not the product of occultism, mysticism, Yoga, Mantra, Kabbala, Koran, TM, Talmud, Puranas, Jungian sorceries, Freudian follies, Fraudulent and perverted Kinsey Reports, pagan Lawyer Lenin’s or pagan ex-seminarian Stalin’s tyrannies (Bolshevism) etc. [In fact it was pagan Marxist Stalin who coined the phrase “American Exceptionalism”, without him having an “Awakening”]. LA Times is content when pagan businesses and pagan tycoons (with UC) favor pagan pliticians. https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2021/03/unholy-alliance-big-business-billionaires-and-william-sullivan/;  https://howmuch.net/articles/the-30-biggest-political-donors-on-the-fortune-500;

Philip Benjamin


                                   CC.    Erwin Chemerinsky. LA TIMES.




 Garland son-in-law’s company recommends article calling Trump fans white supremacists


LA TIMES. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2021-09-19/supreme-court-justices-amy-coney-barrett-politics.

     “Business interests, which overwhelmingly favor Republican candidates in their campaign expenditures, outspend unions by more than 15 to 1. There is no plausible argument that the original meaning of the 1st Amendment included a right of corporations to spend unlimited amounts in election campaigns. Neither political expenditures nor corporations, as we know them today, even existed at the founding of this country.

   https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/relationships/why-dont-liberals-know-what-conservatives-believe/ . WASHINGTON EXAMINER. 10-11-2021.       Journalists Julia Ioffe and Hannah-Jones are far from outlier cases. A 2018 study asked 2,100 adults to identify what they believed about a wide range of political issues and then asked them to estimate what people in the other political party believed about those same issues.     The study found that centrists and those not interested in politics did much better at estimating what the other party believed than politically involved partisans. But while a person’s level of education made no difference when Republicans estimated what Democrats believe, the more time Democrats spent in school, the worse they did at identifying what Republicans believed. Democrats with a high school degree did worse than those without. Democrats with a college degree did worse than high school graduates. And Democrats with a graduate degree did worst of all.

From: Philip Benjamin
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2021 2:47 PM
Subject: FW: The American Taliban, Pagan West and Un-awakened (Un-Augustinian) Consciousness


Philip Benjamin  Monday, September 13, 2021 9:35 AM Subject: FW: The American Taliban, Pagan West and Un-awakened (Un-Augustinian)  general...@googlegroups.com   everything-   li...@googlegroups.com      

[Philip Benjamin]  


Philip Benjamin PhD MSc MA https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282154962_Bio_dark-Matter_Chemistry_Implications https://www.researchgate.net/post/Is_spirit_our_energy_Is_spirit_dark_energy



Extraordinary Materialism


Bio DARK-MATTER  Chemistry.  Spiritual Body Or Physical Spirit

[There is “The Additional Mass of Life” for a living organism in a hermitically sealed system, which disappears at death as reported by Amrit S. Sorli, Scientific Research Centre BISTRA, Ptuj, Slovenia, http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary; doi=;  https://core.ac.uk/display/21767122. 2012, Journal of Theoretics Vol.4-2).].


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