Event Description changes

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James White

Jun 1, 2020, 4:50:46 PM6/1/20
to Eventbrite Developers
Summarize Problem:

The changes to the event description make it so much more complex to get the raw description content now, it is a backwards step in my opinion for certain use cases. I use the https://www.eventbriteapi.com/v3/organizations/id/events/ endpoint to pull in events from our organiser profile. Now it seems impossible to get the full description content (even raw) without another separate API call. This seems pretty over engineered just for this specific bit of data on an event.

I understand that the newer API with structured content is designed to abstract out the content rather than it being in one big chunk, but surely the raw description field could be still pulled in on the organisation API for compatibility, I'd imagine a lot of developers were doing it. Also I don't understand why summary wasn't created as it's own field for the newer event format.

It seems you are now forced to make another new call for the specific event description: https://www.eventbriteapi.com/v3/events/event_id/description/. This however defeats the purpose of using the organisations event list API in the first place.

Even if the full description was supported with an additional expand value required to be passed, that would be fine.

What have you already tried?

Nothing. It seems impossible to get the full description with a single API call now.

Describe the expected results:

The organisation API should provide the raw description without an additional API call. I don't expect to have the structured data side as that's more tied to the newer API behaviour.

Houston Krohman

Jun 3, 2020, 2:42:26 PM6/3/20
to Eventbrite Developers
Thanks for the feedback! We will be looking at this on our API roadmap going forward
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