Embeddable Checkout Issue on Leadpages Site

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Shane Machon

Jun 1, 2021, 12:57:36 AM6/1/21
to Eventbrite Developers
Hi All,

I have built a site for our upcoming event using Leadpages: https://12dtechforum.com/#register

Eventbrite embeddable checkout is installed on the page as a HTML widget. Click either register or purchase buttons to open the embedded checkout.

The embeddable checkout opens and works successfully. However if you close the checkout pop-up (either with or without making a purchase), the site becomes unresponsive; you cannot scroll, click, etc. If the page is refreshed the site is responsive once again.

I've tested on incognito, clearing cache, different browsers and different machines and issue persists.

I'm hoping you can provide some assistance.

Thank you in advance,



Jun 25, 2021, 2:35:08 PM6/25/21
to Eventbrite Developers
Hi Shane!

Sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue. I took a look and see you are pasting the same code two times: once for the "Purchase" button and again for the "Register" button, which is what is causing your site to become unresponsive after either embedded checkout is opened. 

For your website page to work with two buttons, you will need to change the embed code. For more information about how to do so, have a look at 4. You can’t scroll in embedded checkout in our Help Center article: Using Embedded Checkout to sell tickets on your website

Please note this forum is for API Developers. For support questions in the future, it'd be best that you reach out to our Customer Support team: www.eventbrite.com/support/contact-us 

I hope this helps!



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