Replacing Description HTML with Structured Content

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Pari Dhanakoti

Jan 6, 2021, 12:48:40 PM1/6/21
to Eventbrite Developers
Is there any work around to retain description.html for events without recreating the description using structured content?
Here is my problem: There are 100s of templates in Production that use the description.html.  The code to create event reads the description.html of a template (that contains place holders), then creates the new event by setting the description.html as that of the source template's, then  replaces the placeholders with corresponding images / text. Right now none of the events have strucutred_content populated. That is,  if I do a Retrieval of Structured_content using GET /structured_content the modules are empty. 

If there is a work around please do let me know. 

Another question, even after the event.description is deprecated, will events/event_id/description GET endpoint provide the HTML description of the element? 

Pari Dhanakoti

Jan 6, 2021, 1:09:31 PM1/6/21
to Eventbrite Developers
Meant to ask, even after the event.description is deprecated, will events/event_id/description GET endpoint provide the HTML description of the  Event.

Eventbrite Developers

Jan 7, 2021, 3:36:20 PM1/7/21
to Eventbrite Developers

Hi and thanks for reaching out. At this time event.description.html is already not returning the full html response. The full html response (summary+description) is retrievable in html format from the /description/endpoint

Structured content is used for a number of uses on Eventbrite including videos, images, html, and digital event content. If you are trying to retrieve the html description module, you would need to use the query parameter 'purpose=listing'. If you haven't created the event description via structured content, you will need to implement this functionality as described in our documentation
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